Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

"What the hell is the answer?"

It had been a week since the incident at the mall and the bruise on my stomach had started going down leaving a disgusting yellow colour. Tonight Zacky and I decided that we would stay at my parent’s house, I don’t know how we will fit in my old single bed, but hopefully we would be able to find a way. Grabbing my pyjamas out of the bottom draw, I stuffed them into a random back pack I had found that I hoped would fit both mine and Zacky’s things in.

I checked through my things once more checking I had everything, seeing as I did I went in search of Zacky to find out where he had put his things. I knew he was in one of three places: the kitchen (stuffing his face), the office (playing about on the computer) or the living room (watching whatever rubbish is on TV). Opting for the office first seeing as it was on the same floor as our bedroom I found Zacky playing on the impossible quiz, a look of pure frustration and concentration on his face.

“What are you doing?” I asked walking into the office more and leaning on the back of his chair. Shaking his head he patted his right knee motioning for me to take a seat. Sitting down carefully his expression never changed as he stared intently at the screen, taking a look I saw he was stuck on question four,

“What the hell is the answer?” he said aloud catching me of guard, shaking my head slightly I reached for the mouse and held it over ‘the answer’, “That is not the answer,” he stated, rolling my eyes I clicked where the mouse was positioned moving it swiftly on to the next question. Zacky’s mouth opened so wide that it nearly hit the floor, closing it before he caught any flies I said,

“Come on you need to get your stuff ready we need to leave in half an hour,” I got of his lap and waited for him to move, he still sat there, eyes glued to the screen. “Zacky, you who! Any body in there?” I waved my hand in front of his face clicking my fingers randomly also.

“So obvious, why didn’t I think of that?” he quickly shook his head coming out of his trance. Standing up he pecked me on the cheek and walked off, hopefully to collect his things.

An hour later Zack and I stood facing my parents door; my mum answered wearing a blue head scarf to cover up where her hairis used to be. When she saw me she smiled the widest smile I have seen ever, she looked so excited that I was here, and really, I was just as excited to see her and my dad.
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Oh my god, I am so sorry that it has been nearly two months since I have updated and that it is so short, I have been very busy lately with home work and course work, but I have been ill the past few day and have tried to write but I can't find any inspiration at all so in other words, I have a minor case of writers block at the moment and it sucks so bad.

Thank you for the comments though

Miss Vicious

I will honestly try to update as soon as possible