Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Dinner Time

I searched though my whole closet looking for something to wear tonight, my prompt was smart but casual, what is that meant to mean Zacky? You’re a deal of great help. Okay that top no, no, no, no that is too dressy, how about a dress, no, I have no real casual ones. Damn why didn’t I get a nice top today at the mall, what an idiot.

Well you had no idea he was going to ask you to dinner tonight did you now?

Still I saw that really nice top in Forever 21 and I didn’t buy it,

Bonus was it was on sale but you had to not want to spend all your money did you, “I know I will keep $20 back just in case, nothing drastic is going to happen anytime soon is it?”

Oh so you call him asking me to dinner drastic?

In these circumstances yes, yes I do.

Well I don’t! Now go away I need to get ready for tonight. Ah this one is perfect; add these jeans and we are done. Brilliant, now time for a shower.

“Hayley, Hayley! Are you done yet I need to get a shower myself you know, the guys have just left. Come on hurry up!” I turned off the shower hearing Zacky’s pleas for me to hurry up. Wrapping the fluffy towel round my body I grabbed my make up.

“Sorry Mr Baker, but I did think you would prefer it if I was clean instead of filthy for the date tonight.” I said, trying (notice the word trying) to pull off my best posh British accent, “also why can’t you use the normal bathroom?” I asked dropping my hideous impression,

“Well, I would like to be able to use my own soaps and such,” he replied trying and succeeding where I failed with his accent, “Also, is it alright if we make this a double date?”

“Depending on who we are double dating with,” I said making my way past his human barricade,

“With Jimmy and Indie, I thought it would be nice for all of us, it will be fun.” He smiled from his place of leaning on the door frame, “What do you say?”

“I wouldn’t say no, but I guess you have already said to them and I have no choice either way?” raising an eyebrow I looked at him, he smiled sheepishly and went into the en suite quietly closing the door behind him.

In other words, yes he had been caught out.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Pulling up at Olive Garden Indie and I got out the back of the car as Jimmy climbed out the passenger side as we waited for Zacky to get out and lock the car. Zacky gently put my hand in his and pulled me towards him while we walked towards the restaurant.

“You haven’t got your necklace on tonight, whys that?” Zacky asked inquisitively, his eyes trained just above my breasts; damn it I forgot to put it on, think of an excuse, quick!

“Didn’t go with the outfit that I picked out” I said hoping that he believed me,

“I was under the impression you never took it off unless sleeping or going in water” he raised both eyebrows at me

“You were under the wrong impression then weren’t you, come on its cold,” wrapping his arm around my shoulders he opened the door for me and held it open for Jimmy who let in Indie before making his own way in.

“How may I help you sir?” the host asked as Zacky approached him, he was over towered by the man by about 4 inches but Jimmy over towered all three,

“Reservation for four under Baker,” the waiter sneered and looked at the book, “Ah yes you’re the ones who phoned up to change it aren’t you, well your lucky, this way please!” He grabbed four menu’s for us, not before however eyeing up the children’s menu. He showed us our table and waited for us to sit down before telling us our waiter would be here soon.

“Damn he doesn’t half walk like there is a massive dildo shoved up his ass does he.” Jimmy muttered opening his menu, I looked at him and tried my hardest not to burst out laughing but Indie had other plans and almost peed herself laughing. People started to stare and I had to hit her leg hard just to get her to shut up, not once though, try ten maybe twenty times. Jimmy beamed at her as she settled down and Zacky only rolled his eyes.

“Hello welcome to Olive Garden, I am Jessie and I shall be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with drinks?” asked a tall girl, over 5’8, with short blonde hair and model looks, she took no interest in me and Indie and stared straight at the guys, Zacky took no notice and Jimmy continued to play footsies with Indie under the table, how I know you wonder. This is the sixth time I have been hit.

“Can I have a coke please?” I asked politely, rolling her eyes she turned to me saying a sure while glaring, “Baby what would you like?”

“Some sleep would be nice,” I rolled my eyes and smiled in what looked like an apologetic way but really was full of sarcasm,

“Sorry when he’s hungry he doesn’t really comprehend most things, I meant to eat Zacky,” he looked surprised when he saw Jessie standing next to him and shook his head slightly,

“I’ll just have a lemonade please, sorry wasn’t thinking straight,” he said rubbing his eyes,

“That’s okay hun and for you two?”

“Do you do red bull?” Jimmy asked eyes sparkling,

“No, and even if they did you wouldn’t be having any,” Zacky answered before Jessie even had a chance, “They will both have a coke please,” He said ordering for them as if they were five,

“Okay and I will be back with your drinks ready to take your orders for food.” She walked off and I placed my menu down and folded my hands neatly in front of me my left on top of my right. Jessie came back and placed our drinks down and tucking the tray under her arm got her pad out ready for our orders,

“So what can I gets ya?”

“My usual which is Chicken Alfredo pizza please, do you want to share Jimmy?” Indie ordered then looked at Jimmy,

“Of course, my second favourite pizza.” He beamed at her from across the table,
“And for you?” She asked looking at Zacky,

“Hun do you want to share a pizza and choose our toppings?”

“Okay then what do you want you choose two and I will yeah?” We gave Jessie our orders and I collected the menu’s and handed them to her, that is when she saw my ring.

“That is a lovely ring, where did you get that?” She asked with fake enthusiasm,

“Zacky gave it to me when he proposed so you would have to ask him,” I smiled as she huffed and walked off,

“She got owned!” Jimmy told us before carrying on his thumb war, God help their children.
♠ ♠ ♠
Might not update for a while got a few more exams coming up but I will try my hardest.

On a sad note though I would just like to say RIP The Rev. When I read that you had passed I burst into tears hoping it was some cruel sick joke, out of all the celeb deaths this year, this is the only one that has made me cry fully,
RIP James Owen Sullivan, and only a few days before the end of the decade, a light in the world has died along with you. My best wishes go out to all the guys and all their families and especially to Leana, lost one half of what seems to be a great whole.
Never will Jimmy be forgotten,
P.S I know you are partying it up with Satan and you must be Jesus’s homie! If not I am surprised, bring the joy you bought down here to everyone up there, you will be missed :(

Thanks for the comments

love of vengeance
Miss Vicious