Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Drama, Drama, Drama

After dinner, which may I add was full of jealous glares and me and Zacky only having to scold Indie and Jimmy lets say about 20 times in an hour and a bit, we had decided to take a walk down the beach, well in mine and Zacky’s case it was walking anyway.

My bare feet sunk into the sand making it stick to the bottom of my dark skinny jeans I so stupidly wore. My right hand was placed comfortably in Zacky’s left our fingers intertwined, the thumb on my left hand fiddling with the engagement ring, which in a month exactly would be joined by a golden wedding band.

His thumb subconsciously rubbed the back of my hand as we walked in a comfortable silence, no words were needed as I stared at the clear night sky; the moon shining brightly making his green eyes illuminate to the nicest green I had seen them yet.

Zacky started to raise his left arm to wrap round my shoulders bringing my right hand to lean across my chest, my head rested on the dent between his should and chest his chin on top of my head. I felt his lips move in my hair along with a slight noise escaping his mouth. I stopped all movements, Zacky didn’t though resulting in him tripping making me fall a top of him on the warm sand. His face became one of confusion as he looked up at me, “Why did you stop?” he asked me worry in his eyes,

I looked at him, trying to decipher if what I heard was correct, it took me a good few moments to realise he had even spoke, shaking my head I replied,

“Did you say what I think you said?” he looked shocked for a moment, it only made me confirm my suspicions a bit more, it was his turn to shake his head, “You heard that then, well I said…”

A high pitch scream followed by “Hayley, Hayley, Hayley, Hayley! Save me, he is trying to eat me!” interrupted him as we both turned left to see Indie running down the shoreline in mine and Zacky’s general direction. A groan came from Zack’s lips as his head came to rest on my shoulder. Thanks Indie, now I was going to have a debate in my head for the rest of the night, trying to figure out whether or not he said what I think he said.

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Indie’s POV

My shoes were left behind in Zacky’s car along with Jimmy’s as we raced along the beach as fast as possible, trying to win yet another bet we had placed between ourselves. Same prizes as last time, I win he is my personal slave, he wins he gets a kiss with a little something extra this time.

He was trying to prove that I had unfairly won all that time ago, even though I know that I won fair and square, not my fault my foot slipped in front of his when we were only a meter from the gang, he is the one who got in the way really.

I touched the large rock before his long legs could reach me, thank god for track team. His face fell as he looked at me upset as he lost yet again, poor guy this time he was my personal slave for a week, oh what I could do with that week, ideas formed in my head as his frown turned into a beaming smile, the moonlight bouncing off of his pearly white teeth. That smile quickly turned into a smirk as he lifted his eyebrows, I was confused momentarily as he made a motion like he was about to run, letting out a high pitched scream I turned round and legged it from him trying desperately to seek out Hayley and Zacky on the empty beach it couldn’t be that hard you say well it was.

I could barely make out a lump on the sand covered floor where the moonlight shone off of what must be Hayley’s engagement ring, taking off that way I began screaming “Hayley, Hayley, Hayley, Hayley! Save me, he is trying to eat me!” referring to Jimmy, who had a manic look on his face. I caught Hayley’s glare when I realised that I had ruined something, my chin hit my chest as guilt ran through me.

“Cannon Ball!” Jimmy screamed running into me from behind pushing me over and on top of Zacky and Hayley. The wind was knocked out of me and I could hear the curses streaming form the mouths of those below me, wanting us to get up and off them.

- - - - - - - - - - -

I opened the front door of my house as quietly as I could, trying to be as silent as possible whilst Jimmy kissed up and down my neck. Dad, or Jonathon to his friends (in my head also) was away on a business trip for the weekend along with Monday. Vivian, or mom whichever, was out for the evening, with the women from one of her many groups at the church hall. I hit Jimmy on the arm covering his mouth just in case Vivian decided to be back before the usual time of half ten or eleven.

Murmurs and giggles could be heard from the kitchen, I whispered for Jimmy to be quiet and stop so I could listen. His expression turned from sadness to confusion in a matter of moments meaning he must hear the noise too. Nobody’s car was out front though.

A shrill laugh suddenly made its way throughout the whole house echoing through the empty halls and rooms.

Quickly removing my heels so they wouldn’t make a noise on the hardwood floor I motioned for Jimmy to do the same with his shoes. Tiptoeing through the hall I peeked through the crack of the kitchen door, covering my mouth to silence the gasp about to leave its confides.

In front of my eyes sat Vivian, my mother, my strictly religious mother! Making out with, with a thing that looked like it had not shaven in months, no screw that years, having been dragged through a hedge backwards and rolled in the muddiest field you could find. He stood between her legs as they sloppily made out, something strangely resembling a joint in her left hand, it was then I realised her wedding ring was no where to be seen. Jimmy however was not as quiet letting out a loud fuck as his eyes widened, tightening his grip around my waist incredibly.

Vivian pulled away at such speed I was surprised she didn’t fall off the counter, the dress she was wearing was raised to the extent you could see a pink thong I never knew she owned in clear view, the sleeves falling away from her body. “Who are you? What are you doing here? Get out of my house!” the thing screamed as well as it could through its slurs. I swear my mouth was almost on the floor as my eyes widened.

His house?!

His house?!

He has got a problem if he honestly thinks that this is his house. I decided to out my views to him when…

“Who are you? Do what he says, get out of our house now!” Vivian screamed, now that one hurt how does she not know me, her own daughter? Yes we have a, you could say strained relationship, but that does not give her an excuse to forget her own daughter.

“Mom? What is going on? Who is this? What do you mean your house? I live here you can’t kick me out? What would dad say?” the monkey type thing next to her laughed a really breathy laugh from next to her, beckoning me into the kitchen. I didn’t move, not just because I didn’t want to, but also Jimmy kept his grip tight, maybe even tighter then before.

“Come on love, either take something or leave my house and let me and Fi-Fi continue our fun,” the same shrill laughter I heard before left my mums mouth as she bought the joint to her lips and inhaled deeply, a dopey look on her face. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I looked at the woman in front of me. Inspecting the kitchen I saw pills and powder spread everywhere, doors of cupboards were hanging on there hinges, the refrigerator door wide open for everyone to see, shelves broken, some of the contents spread across the floor mixing with the powders also lying there.

“Now if you don’t mind would you leave before we call the police, thank you,” monkey man said returning his lips to my moms. Jimmy closed the door and pulled me in to his waiting chest, I didn’t know what I could do; my own mother was in there locking lips with some one I had never seen before in my life. The women who had constantly, throughout my teenage years, reminded me that sex before marriage was wrong, adultery was a sin, alcohol was to be consumed at a minimum if not at all, was in there about to… I couldn’t even finish my sentence as the tears began to soak Jimmy’s crisp white striped dress shirt,

“Come on baby, lets go get you some clothes and you could come back to mine for the night, sort out your thoughts a bit sound good?” He whispered so IT couldn’t hear us. I nodded and he picked me up taking me to my room, the same room he had snuck past both parents countless times to get to.

Oh shit, dad…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay soo excuses I have had a lot of these lately and I am sorry for that but I am in the last year of high school (well English high school) so exams and coursework are building up and getting even harder to be able to keep my priorities in order. Hopefully you can all understand that my school work HAS to come before writing this story.
I will try to get back to updating as much as possible you can’t even imagine how much coursework I have had add that to three science exams, friendship dramas and also a bit of writers block and you have one stressful month. And now the fact my laptop is being sent off for repairs as no one knows what is wrong with it, will try and steal my sisters or dads laptop if I can!

This has been one of the longest chapters yet, so hopefully it makes up for the delay

Thanks for the comments

love of vengeance