Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Confrontation Part I

Indie had only been home once the prior week, and that was to collect some clothes and tell her dad andmom Vivian that she would be staying at Zacky and Hayley’s for a while. Her dad had happily agreed letting her go without a hitch, Vivian however had other plans. She stood in the doorway of Indie’s bedroom as her and Hayley packed some clothes for her. Hayley had only just realised how wide Vivian’s eyes were when she stood there trying to convince her daughter to stay for reasons unknown to the both of them.

When leaving, her dad took notice of how she only hugged him and left her mom alone; his look became questioning and slightly curious. As much as Vivian may have spoke, Indie spared no word in return. Her face stayed calm and blank as she collected the items she would need for the week she would be staying with Jimmy.

His parents loved her. Still curious as to how he had bagged such a gorgeous girl they let her stay at their home in hopes she might stay with him and make him become the perfect son they had always wanted and once had.

Today Indie was going to back home to pick up more clothes after deciding she much preferred living with Jimmy then in her in her own home. What she didn’t expect was arguments when she arrived. Walking in the front door with Hayley and Zack in tow, the three heard screaming from upstairs along with a resounding crash.

“Vivian get back here right now and answer me, what happened while I was away?!” Vivian stomped her way down the stairs walking straight past the three teens and into the kitchen, Jonathon not far behind. “Vivian! I asked you a question.” Indie moved closer to the kitchen door that had been left slightly ajar giving her a clear view of her parents.

“Nothing happened, what are you on about?” Vivian asked stupidly. As if she had no idea what he was on about, Indie thought spitefully, she God damned knew what he was on about; the memory was still clear as the sunniest day in her mind.

“Do not act stupid with me. I know something happened, I just don’t know what, so you better tell me.” He slammed his hands on the counter either side of Vivian. She turned round and looked up at him; he was a head taller then her even in the heels she wore.

“Absolutely nothing happened, what makes you think something did?” she asked in a bashful tone. Jonathon looked into his wife’s wide eyes, after 24 years he could tell when she was lying and this was one of those times. Vivian lent up as if to give him a kiss when he abruptly pulled away to stare out the window,

“Explain something to me,” he began in an eerily calm voice, “explain the reason why, when India came to collect her clothes to stay at Hayley’s, she did not look at you. Not once did she utter a word to you, did not give or show any sign of affection towards you when she left, not even goodbye. Now tell me, why is that?!” he was fuming now, a vein in his neck was noticeably pulsating as he stared down at his wife on the other side of the kitchen.

“Oh you really believe that bullshit your daughter tells you. You really believe she stayed at Hayley’s all week, you really believe all those lies,” Jonathon stared at his wife in disbelief, his daughter, his daughter, she was as much his as he was hers. What lies was she on about, nothing she said made any sense to him,

“What are you on about Viv?” he asked referring back to the nickname he had gave her when they first met, all his defences came crashing down.

“She lied to you! Point blank lied to your face!” she said in an almost joking like tone, “You daughter is a little slut! I have been out this week, seen her with him seen her leave his house, seen her all over him! She is a slut, damned to hell for her whorish ways.” She smirked at the look on his face,

“I’m the slut?” a quiet, timid voice came from the doorway. Jonathon and Vivian turned to see their daughter staring at them both, “I’m the slut?” Indie screamed, she walked up to her mom pointing her finger straight at her face.

“I walk in on you on Saturday all over this guy, no scrap that more of a monkey, practically having sex on the counter right there and I am deemed the slut? I, for your information, am still a virgin, and the only reason I have stayed away from her is you. You expect me to stay here when I have to see your face everyday!” Jonathon looked between his wife and daughter not quite knowing what was going on or what he was meant to do. Tears streamed down Indie’s face as she stared into the eyes of her mom, both daring the other to say something else,

“What are you on about? I have done nothing. On Saturday I went out with a few of my friends and came back at ten to find the home empty. While I was out I saw you with Hayley and two other boys on the beach, and being the little whore that you are, you were all over him. Practically having sex on the beach and when you came home, goodness I didn’t know what to believe.” Her mom was a brilliant actress, going from angry wife to distressed mother in a matter of seconds,

“Oh of course that is what happened, I-” Indie began,

“Both of you just shut up, shut up!” her dad yelled almost in tears himself, “You will sit in the living room on that couch and both tell me what is going on!” his wife and daughter looked at him as if to say “You are kidding, right?” the look in his eyes told them he wasn’t.

Zacky and Hayley legged it out of the house trying to close the door as quietly as possible when they heard this. Indie caught sight of a few strands of Hayley’s hair as they ran, she was filled with disappointment that they had left her alone at this point. All she wanted now was Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if you got an email earlier on saying I updated, I was showing someone something and I pressed submit instead of preview, so sorry again.

Now last chapter I said that I was running out of ideas, but my head is kind of filled with them at the moment so I should be able to drag it out a bit more, I know how I want it to end and everything it is just the parts inbetween. I am trying to write loads now so when I am doing my exams I will still be able to try and post some chapters.

Thanks for the comments

Angel Devastation
OX Suicide Season XO
love of vengeance

Speak No Evil