Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

He was a ritard

The four of us sat in Ruby’s Diner eating our latish lunch. It was now two an hour before we made the final arrangements for the wedding. In two weeks exactly I would be Mrs Zachary James Baker. It still sounded weird to me, so surreal. I would be married before my 19th birthday, something that rarely happened nowadays.

“How many times Zachary, mouth closed when you eat.” My attention was diverted to a scowling Maria. “Now Hayley do you agree with what I just said?” I looked at her sheepishly, in all honestly I hadn’t been paying attention I was in my own little world.

“Sorry Maria, I didn’t actually hear what you said,” she smiled at me,

“I just said that when you come back from your honey moon, your mum, you and myself have a girly day, just us three. I think it would be lovely and Zachary can spend some time with his dad and yours.” I nodded and smiled at her,

“I think it would be lovely.”

“Good, now Zacky finish off your meal so we can get a move on, we need to be there soon.”

- - - - - - - - - - -

Sitting in the wedding planner’s office for the last time was surreal, everything was being double checked, her assistant shoving different books and notes at us, making us sign here there and everywhere.

“Now the final thing, there has been a problem.” Alexandra mumbled almost apologetically, “This problem will not be fixed in time for the wedding, so we need to come up with an alternative.”

“What is this problem?” I asked worried now that it would ruin the whole day,

“The cake. The place that was going to make it as closed down and won’t fill out any orders and has told people to go elsewhere, no where else however have the time or vacancy to make a cake with such short notice, especially a wedding cake as they have other orders to fill.” The wheels in my head were turning. How could you have a wedding without a cake, it was impossible.

“I’ll do it,” I turned my head at my mums voice, “I’ll make the wedding cake, I mean it probably won’t be as amazing but what is a wedding without a cake. It’ll be fun and I honestly don’t mind. It will also be a lot cheaper.” She smiled wide and I saw the happiness in her eyes. I forgot for now that she was terminally ill, she looked nothing like it. She was glowing with happiness and pride and I couldn’t wait to see that face on my wedding day.

“I’ll help, it can be something we do together and a surprise for the two of you on the day, what do you say?” Maria smiled although not as wide as my mom. I looked at Zacky and returned the smile he gave me, we nodded at them liking the idea of a surprise.

“That is that settled then. I’ll phone you before hand to see how it is going. Now don’t forget about your dress fittings on the 23rd and the tuxes on the 24th is that alright with the both of you. Your bridesmaids and groomsmen can make those two dates?”

“Yes they can, we made sure they were doing nothing else before booking them.” Zacky told her. We had made sure they were doing nothing else on those days and the days before and after,

“Fabulous, I shall see you in two weeks then for the big day, it will be absolutely marvellous I can feel it in me bones. Toodle do, don’t have to much fun between now and then.” She winked as she led us out of her office. I blushed remembering the events of last night and what our mothers had walked in on this morning.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Later that night after farewells to our mothers and a small dinner in front of the TV, Zacky and I laid in bed watching The Hangover, one of my favourite films,

“He was a ritard!”

“A what?”

“He was a ritard!”

“Retard,” Zacky and I quoted the film simultaneously putting me into a fit of giggle and making him let out a huge belly laugh. “Is it possible to get bored of this movie?” he whispered in my ear,

“No,” I shook my head “it isn’t.” His lips met the side of my head and lingered there for a while before speaking again,

“In two weeks we will be doing this with another film, but do you want to know something?” I nodded, “We will be husband and wife. I am going to be honest with you. That thought, scares me shitless, no joke, but at the same time however, I am excited. At the moment though I don’t which feelings conquers which, but by June 30th I will know and I bet that feeling will be the latter. I am excited to be spending the rest of my life with you and you know what I want no one, except for who ever knows at the moment, to know why we ever got married so young, that we were in an arranged marriage because it doesn’t feel that way to me anymore. I love you,” he paused when he saw me crying “Hey don’t cry baby, come here.”

He turned my body so I could hide my face in his neck. My tears were ones of happiness though, it was one of the first times that he had let out his true feelings to me and it was weird because the feelings he had shared were mutual between us, even if he did not know that now.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I literally just wrote this what? 3 hours before leaving to go to the airport to fly to Italy for a three week holiday, but when I get back I will try and get into the swing of updating again, life is just a bit to hectic at the moment but I am getting the writing bug back don’t you worry :) I have most of this story figured out now and quite a bit written out, it should end soon :( but it has had a good run I think.

So Nightmare = fucking amazing, I cried seriously, I loved every second and you can feel the emotion that they put into that record 10 out of 10 seriously and it’s nice to see them go back to their roots also.

I watched their U-Stream today as I missed the original air date and when Matt said that Sonisphere was the last gig Jimmy played I became really upset ‘cause I was actually planning on going and knowing that put a downer on my mood.

But number 5 in the UK album charts not bad, not bad, hopefully we can get them to number one next week though :)

Thanks for the comments
