Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

"Oh Nothing Darling, Just Have A Headache Is All."

“Guys see you later, I’m going to spend a few nights at home, before I have to move out.” Everyone but Zack and Indie looked confused,

“Moving out? Why are you moving out?” Johnny asked,

“I have to move into Zacky’s so we can get to know each other before we are actually married.” I explained, the guy’s and Chloe's mouths formed perfect o shapes. “Yeah so, bye!” I waved before walking off and walking home.

“Hayley, darling, that you?” I heard my mom’s voice when I walked in the door.

“Yeah mom it’s me.”

“Can you come into the living room and is Zacky with you?”

“No he isn’t mom why?” I said walking into the living room, she and Mrs. Baker were sat on the couch with papers spread everywhere in front of them,

“We wanted to speak to you both about your wedding.” Mrs. Baker replied,

“Can’t you tell me now then tell Zack when you get home?”

“Might as well seeing as he isn’t here, well we have set a date for the wedding.”

“Wait a minute, don’t me and Zacky get a say in this, I mean your forcing this on us can’t we at least decide on the details, like date, themes, dresses, tuxes, the cake that kind of thing.”

“Relax darling, you get to choose all of that, except the date, but it is set for the 30th of June, a summer wedding. It will be lovely.”

“Hold on, what? That is like three months away! I thought we had until the end of next year! What ever, call me when dinners ready. Bye Mrs. Baker.”

“Good bye.” She called back.

“Okay I’ll call you, but I think you should start packing you are moving to the Bakers house in two days.” My mom said gathering up all the papers. I nodded and walked upstairs, and changed into something comfier which meant grey track suit bottoms, black short-sleeved top with bats on and a grey hoodie. Deciding my mom was right I started to pack all my clothes into a suitcase leaving out a couple of outfits for the next few days.

“Hayley dinner!” My mom shouted up the stairs, I finished putting one of my hoodies into my suitcase and walked into the kitchen. When I walked in I saw my mom put a couple of pills into her mouth, “Mom what are those?” She froze and looked at me before replacing the lid back on the orange bottle.

“Oh nothing darling, just have a head ache is all. Go into the dining room your dad is waiting for you and his food.” I looked at her suspiciously before nodding and walking out, I swear I heard her sigh in relief.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, sorry for not updating in like nearly two weeks but I have had to write an essay for English (which I still haven’t finished), learn lines and practice my drama piece, tidy my room and tons and tons of home work to do so sorry about that.

I also decided to change the ages, all the guys are 18 except Jimmy who is 19 and Johnny who is 17.

Comfy Outfit
Comments will get me out of my shitty mood :)