Sequel: Save Tonight
Status: Finished with sequel (:

Not Exactly What it Seems

Not Exactly What it Seems 11

I was never really good with confrontations, but when it came to some random drunk girl practically falling on top of me? Yeah, I really was not good at those. No matter what I tried, she would not leave me alone. I tried telling her that I had a girlfriend, that didn't work at all. She just kept going on about how we could keep it a secret and that my girlfriend won't find out. It freaked me out a little bit, not going to lie.

Around midnight, I found Hayden talking to some random girl dressed as a slutty librarian, such an original costume I might add. He looked extremely happy to see me so I assumed that the girl was drunk and throwing herself at him which happened a whole lot at the parties at my house. With a smirk I made my way to her and got in her face, telling her off for “messing with my boyfriend” and that if I ever saw her doing it again I’d make sure she regretted it with everything she owned.

“Wow, I never would have thought that you could come to my rescue,” Hayden commented adding to the irritation I felt from the evening. “So I thank you for that.” He was dressed as a pirate and looking somewhat awkward for some reason. I wasn’t sure what it was, but he seemed really out of place in my house though there were other pirates.

“Well, don’t flatter yourself; I just hate it when girls make fools out of themselves when they are drunk. It’s so embarrassing to the entire female race. Just once, I wish we could get through a party without someone making a scene. Besides, the night is still young, I’m sure she will be doing something else even more stupid later,” I informed dryly.

“The night’s still young? How long do these parties usually go on for?”

“Dude, this is nothing. We’ve had people here partying until like seven in the morning. Now we’ve had people passed out until the next afternoon many times, but the partying goes on until the early morning. I just don’t understand it.”

“So who was the guy I saw you coming up from downstairs with?” He seemed a little indignant about Nathanial, as if he were jealous.

“He was my boyfriend.” Apparently, Hayden was very perceptive and picked up on the word was. He raised his eyebrow in question. “Yeah was. I just broke up with him because I didn’t love him and I wasn’t the right kind of girl for him.”

“He really didn’t seem like your type at all. Too preppy and…well too preppy. Why were you even going out with the guy?”

“Hey, don’t even try to tell me who is and is not my type. And don’t try to stereotype Nathanial. That’s what got you in trouble with me in the first place, remember? So I suggest you just go find someone else to bug.”

Before he had a chance to get anything out of his mouth, Nathanial came up to us and slugged him. He just flat out punched him in the face. I could tell that he had already gotten drunk, which really made me mad. Could he not just accept things the way they were and get on with his life? He thought that I was already moving on and flirting with Hayden and so decided that he would be all macho and fight for me. Like that had ever really worked before. They were rolling on the ground fighting for a while, not listening to me as I tried to get them to stop. Finally, I merely pulled them apart and stepped in between them. Both were panting hard, but neither wanted to put me in danger therefore stopped fighting.

“Nathanial, what is wrong with you? How in the world did you get that drunk that fast? I can’t believe you would do something so stupid,” I screamed in his face, knowing full well how much it must have hurt his ears. “Do you really think I would be that shallow and just forget about you that quickly? You should know me better than that at least.”

“You never loved me,” he growled, his slurred words lessening the affect. “Why should I think that you would take time to get over me if you never loved me in the first place? You’re nothing but a no good whore, no better than all the other social sluts that you tell me you want to have no part of. Maybe you could be best friends with Libby now.” Libby was one of the worst girls I knew, always using guys and stealing them away from their girlfriends. I hated her. “After all, she uses guys all the time. Isn’t that what you love to do?”

He was drunk and didn’t know what he was saying, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Tears started to well up in my eyes from the harshness of his words, the deep cut I felt from the implication. And then I realized that he had just blown my secret in front of Hayden. Though he wasn’t entirely sure of what Nathanial was talking about, he knew that something was weird about it. I fled the room and hid out in my sanctuary to be left alone.

Hayden found me down there a few minutes later. Without saying anything in the beginning, he sat beside me and rubbed my back comfortingly. I had no idea why he was being so nice- he had just figured out that I was lying to him. That I was such a hypocrite could not have escaped his knowledge. Why was he so comforting? But I saw the look of sadness in his eyes and I knew that I hurt him as much as Nathanial hurt me.

“I kicked him out,” he informed softly. The earnestness in his tone calmed me down a bit. “He had no right to say any of that to you, no matter what the circumstances. But I’d like to know what he was talking about, with the whole society and Libby thing.”
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So, basically no one is reading this story so I'm guessing no one really likes it? I need feedback to let me know whether or not it sucks!