Sequel: Save Tonight
Status: Finished with sequel (:

Not Exactly What it Seems

Not Exactly What it Seems 14

I wasn't sure what to think about her cousin, she seemed a little but weird. But they got along perfectly so I would never get in the way of that. But her super overprotective and way overbearing cousins? Yeah, they scared me way more than I could have ever imagined. She was definately loved in her family, that was for sure.

After he was satisfied with Hayden’s reaction, Mark left us to “do whatever it is we do.” But as soon as he was gone, my head went right back onto Hayden’s lap whether Mark had a problem with it or not. Of course, not five minutes after that, my cousin Anthony, who was 19, came down to see what we were up to. Though he did not freak as much as Mark did, Hayden was basically about to die from cardiac arrest.

It was an interesting evening. That’s all there is to it.

“You know Onyx,” Hayden started later, “I’m beginning to think it would have been safer to just go to Pittsburgh and deal with the sucky food. At least that way I wouldn’t have to deal with every single one of your scary cousins.”

“Dude, you’ve only met like four of the overprotective cousins,” Frankie informed with a laugh. “We have about a million more. But I’m sure that you wouldn’t trade meeting me for anything in the world, right?” She flashed him a huge and cheesy smile.

He laughed at her, but only shook his head as a form of answer. “I’m serious Onyx. They are some scary guys. What have they said about all the other guys you’ve dated? They couldn’t have been happy with them.”

“Oh God, they hated them way more than they hated you if that makes you feel any better. But they knew that those boyfriends were only to humor my parents and so refrained from meeting them unless they did something bad to me,” I explained. “It was all a very complicated process, but we had it down to science with the way we handled it. They did need a weekly report though.”

“Oh! Except for Henry, remember him?” Frankie wondered. As if I could forget him. “They made you call them like once every two days because he was such a jerk to you. I’m really surprised they didn’t break sooner than that. It took them almost two months.”

“One month and thirteen days to be exact. I loved every minute of watching him get pummeled into a bloody pulp. That sounds so cynical now that I think about it. But he was so much of a jerk; I can’t even begin to imagine why my parents would make me go out with him. And he was so disgusting, ew.”

“What did he do?” Hayden wondered with curious, yet cautious eyes.

“I don’t even want to talk about it. That was almost a year ago so I just want to be done with that memory forever. The end.”

Without so much as another word, I refocused my attention to the movie that was still playing, leaving Hayden dissatisfied. But that was his problem, not mine so I really was very apathetic to the entire ordeal. My love life was not something I felt compelled to share in detail with him so I didn’t. I was pretty sure Frankie would be telling him all about it sometime in the future, but if she felt it necessary then I wouldn’t stop her from that.
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So this one's kind of short compared to the others, sorry about that.