Sequel: Save Tonight
Status: Finished with sequel (:

Not Exactly What it Seems

Not Exactly What it Seems 5

I knew that there had to be some way to change things. But that was not the big concern at the moment. Things were falling apart and I did not really want to be at home. So I guess things could be related back to her, because if she was my friend, I could get out of the house. Why was everything going down hill so fast?

Saturday morning I woke up at seven o’clock in order to go to my dance class. Though I loved dance, it was rather exhausting to have to be there at eight in the morning on Saturday and not leave until three in the afternoon. My studio was always the best at competitions and had the best dancers. We had all been bred that way since we were as young as two years old. This never bothered me the way it bothered some of the girls in my classes, mainly because I had been living up to people’s expectations all my life. But they had always felt that the pressure was too much for teenage girls, not to mention younger girls. I knew where they were coming from, but I did not mind any of the expectations.

There were three types of students at my studio: the dedicated super freaks, the slightly more sane yet almost as dedicated, and then those who feel dance should be fun. Let me tell you that the students who feel dance is fun were always told to quit the school immediately. I was one of the super freaks, it really wasn’t an option. We went to so many competitions and performances that it would make anyone’s head spin. I had a whole room off of my room in my house that was filled with dance trophies and ribbons and metals. That was just what we did.

For those who thought that dance would never be a sport just needed to come to my studio for a day, heck even for one class. The floor was pooled with sweat, the faces of the girls and guys were drenched with sweat, and yes there were guys at the studio. A few were gay, but just because I guy danced didn’t make him gay for those with that misconception. We were all very adamant about making that known to all who were skeptical or felt this need to make fun of the guys for their sport choice.

After classes, my phone showed one new text from Hayden saying that if I had time, he’d like to hang out. I sighed, knowing that encouraging his friendship was a bad idea. But I brandished the thought and told myself that he needed a friend and I was who he wanted for some inexplicable reason. So what if he became suspicious? Maybe I would actually tell him about my life if I decided I trusted him enough.

After changing out of my leotard and tap shoes, which was the class I had last, I walked up to the lobby to meet Nathanial. Because it was an America’s daughter thing, I was not allowed to take my truck so most of the time Nathanial came to pick me up. All the girls at the studio were jealous of how good looking and sweet he was, but I didn’t care when they flirted with him, which was probably a bad thing. But I knew that if he ever found that special girl I would never stand in his way; that would be the worst thing I could ever do to him. Except break his heart, which I was known to do on occasion, though not out of my own will. It was under the jurisdiction of my parents whom I went out with and when I broke up with him if he didn’t break up with me first.

Once in the car, I text Hayden back, telling him that I was unable to do anything that weekend but I would see him in school on Monday. Though Nathanial saw who it was I was texting, he said nothing, probably because he saw that I told him I couldn’t see him. But whatever, I did not care because I knew that Nathanial just didn’t want his heart broken for that reason.

That night was a dinner for some event, I didn’t know what it was for because I had to go with my parents. Though Nathanial and his family were also there, the functions in which we were with family were never as fun mainly because they were not functions I had any interest in. Most of the time Nathanial and I would find some reason to sneak out and then we would talk or something. This time we were given strict orders to stay at the table and socialize with whoever came to see us. So I was forced to sit there talking to random people didn’t even like and watch girl after girl flirt with my boyfriend. It became annoying because of the insincerity they showed. There was no secret that all of those girls were social sluts who did not really like him, they just fed off of other girls’ boyfriends and liked the scandals. And that was the society I was a part of. And was exactly why I wanted to escape it whenever I could.

Nathanial kept shooting me apologetic looks, but I only rolled my eyes at the stupid girls showing him that I was not mad at him. Then a guy who had been trying to get with me for about a year came up to me and sat down really close next to me. I couldn’t even tell you what he talked to me about because I had learned to tune him out, it was usually something perverted anyway. Times like that were really nice to have Nathanial the way he was. He got up out of his seat, stood in front of this guy Trevor with a look of disgust and hatred on his face. Then he got in his face and told him off.

“So you just can’t give it up can you?” he wondered rhetorically. “It’s not enough that she has told you time and time again that she has no interest in you, you just keep coming back. Do you really want to keep this up? Because I can assure you that if you don’t go away, I will personally make sure that you are eating through a tube for the rest of your life. So I suggest that you just go find one of the girls willing to be with you and leave my girlfriend alone.”

Like I said, though I tease him, Nathanial can hold his own and being over six feet tall he was pretty intimidating to most people. So Trevor got up and found one of the girls who was talking to Nathanial then they left the table. Nathanial then came to sit next to me and started rubbing my lower thigh under the table, smiling down at me with his dimples. That smile was reserved for me; it was a smile that made me wonder why I could not love him. It was a smile that would make any sane girl go weak at the knees, but it only made me grateful that my parents finally picked a nice guy for me to date. I was just about the worst girlfriend in the entire world and yet he could not seem to see that.

“So after this is over, why don’t we go out to get pizza? I know you hate the food here as much as I do,” he offered. The wink he sent me after this made me laugh, then I gasped as he moved his hand up further on my leg. Not anything inappropriate, but I just was not expecting that- he usually was not like that in public. I guess, though, he was feeling kind of insecure about our relationship; something that usually happens after someone like Trevor hits on me. He was such a sweetie.

Once I had my bearings back, I smiled a soft smile. “Yeah, that’d be good. You know me too well.” Some functions had good dinners, but others just had food that looked too proper to actually eat.