Sequel: Save Tonight
Status: Finished with sequel (:

Not Exactly What it Seems

Not Exactly What it Seems 8

I was really excited to see her outside of school, probably moreso than I should have been. She was finally starting to warm up to me and I wanted to know everything there was to know about her. There was just something about her that drew me in and kept me there. It was really hopeless, but I truthfully didn't care. I was going to try.

But Wednesday morning Hayden informed me that his house was being fumigated or something awkward like that so we could not do the project at his house. So I agreed that we could do it at my house, though I really did not want him to see the embarrassingly huge house. I figured, though, that he had to see it at some point. But I made sure my parents would not be home in the time that he would be there, or at least not be in our general vicinity. They were perfectly fine with that, just happy that I actually had a friend.

Gee thanks Mom and Dad.

As I had expected, Hayden kind of freaked out when he saw my house. Most of the kids at our school had money, but most didn’t have as much as I evidently did. I was embarrassed to show him my house and embarrassed even further when my butler James met us at the door. He was a really great guy and I liked to hassle him about his job because I hated it when he tried to wait on me, but I really hadn’t expected him to be right there when I walked in. That made it even worse. He also made fun of me for finally having a real friend which caused Hayden to wonder about the real part of it.

“Grrr, you really have to do that don’t you?” I asked him quietly so that Hayden could not hear. “He knows nothing about my life so I would appreciate it if you kept on the down low please. I’m begging you.”

“Fine, fine. But I just want you to know that if your parents come home early and ask where you are, I am going to tell them where to find you.” He found my situation hilarious apparently.

“Do you have any idea what this is like? Can you please, for my sanity, just be helpful and understand my pain?” My eyes were pleading and I was pouting like only I knew how to do. James was never able to resist my pouting.

“Fine, whatever you say. Just know that you will have to tell him sometime because if he finds out some other way you are going to be in deep trouble. Just remember that.”

Hayden did not seem to be able to find words at the present time so I merely led him down into the basement where my sanctuary was hidden. My parents decided that for my birthday a year ago they would transform the basement into my own private room. The walls were electric blue and green, one wall with a mural of Camden Market in London, one of my favorite places to go, and one wall was covered in random band posters, some of which I hadn’t even gotten around I look at yet (the wall was huge). He stared at the room in astonishment, making me feel really uncomfortable. So I went over to the sound system and put in the CD of my favorite band: Alesana.

“This is, um, a really nice house,” Hayden choked out. Seriously, after about five minutes that is all he could think to say.

“Thanks,” was my only response. I hated when people complimented my house, as if I was the one paying for it or who thought of the design, who built it or who owned it. But there really was nothing else to say so that suited as well as anything I suppose.

He was easy to work with once he got over the shock of my house. Like Mr. Haner had said, he was a good student and knew what he was talking about. We finished what we had hoped to accomplish that day in no time at all, so he was able to leave before my parents arrive back home. Of course that was too easy though; James had to ask Hayden if he would like to stay for dinner. I almost killed him for it. But luckily, Hayden had to be home so could not stay with us. You better believe I made James wish he never opened his mouth.
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Let me know if there is a gap in the story. I got screwed up when I was posting the stories.