Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

You're Not Scared...Right?

"Wake up." Jake's husky voice awoke me from my slumber.

"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn.

"Noon." He smirked a boyish smirk.

"I'm going. I'm going." I repeated tiredly as I unwrapped myself from the sheets.

"Hurry." He jumped on the bed making it creak loudly.

"Jake!" I shouted with fear as I jumped off of the bed freaked out it would collapse right under us.

He laughed at me and left the room. Not having much of a choice, I walked around his ginormous bed and out of the room. His father's house wasn't big or small, it was tiny. Too tiny for Jacob or any of his enourmous friends to fit in.

"Oh, come on." He kissed my cheek from behind as I walked into the kitchen.

"Ah!" I jumped up. "Will you stop that?"

"Nope." He smiled broadly and took a seat.

"Good afternoon, Kay." Billy greated me from the other side of the table.

"Good noon to you too, Billy." I smiled.

"Gross dad." Jake complained with a grossed out face.

"What?" Both of us asked at the same time.

"Let's get some clothes on you." Jake pulled a clueless me out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. He closed the door behind me, only to open it again to throw in my bag full of clothes, "Don't come out until you are fully dressed." He called out.

Looking into the mirror, I saw why. I was wearing a sports bra and boxers. That nasty little man, I thought as I took a quick shower and changed. I came out a few minutes later with my hair up in a high braid that stopped at mid back, a wife beater, overly baggy sweats, and shoes. Once opening the door, Jake came around the corner and threw me over his enourmus shoulders and carried me outside.

"Jake!" I whined as he didn't put me down.

"What?" He whined back.

"Down?" I asked nicely.

"Kay! Your back!" I heard the other La Push boys shout with smiles shout infront of Jake, behind me.

"Hey guys! A little help?" I pleaded.

"Nope." They all laughed.

"So where to?" Quil asked.

"The cliff! We can jump off and stuff." Ebry suggests.

"Alright with you?" Jake askes as he lifts me up off his shoulders and back down on them, like a jump.

"Ow. Whatever. Jeez." I mumbled as my stomach hurt from the crash with his shoulder blade.

"I say we....Run!" Jared shouted and that was when all of the guys took off.

"JAKE!" I screamed as he ran like a maniac towards the cliff. I held onto his overly heated up skin for dear life with closed eyes.

"Kay?" All the boys asked.

"Did we stop?" I asked wearily with eyes still closed.

"Babe, you okay?" Jake asked softly as he lifted me up like a feather off his shoulder and down to the ground.

"You scared the crap out of her, that's for sure." Leah replied.

"Aw," Seth hugged me, "Jake you are such an ass. Open your eyes, you are on ground."

Very slowly did I open my eyes, I could feel and see myself trembling from the fear that idiot made me go through. "Jake. Jump of a cliff and stay there." I mumbled.

Jake's face went from concerned to a pout, "You don't mean that, do ya babe?"

I glared, "Try me."

"Ooooo." Everyone said in unison.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "What, were you scared?"

"Jake." Sam growled. I shook my head in Seth's hug.

"No," He tilted his head in amusement, " if you are so brave and what not, jump off that cliff." Jake pointed at the cliff. "Because I wouldn't have let anything happen to you."

I turned around and looked. The cliff was way high above the sea. "Do it." Jake whispered behind me, making me jump up.

"Jake, enough." Quil backed me up with the rest of the group.

Jake's eyes still remained on mine, what were they looking for? Seth let me go as Emily poped out of nowhere with food in her hands. The group immediately forgot about me and swarmed her for the food.

"Thought so." Jake mumbled and turned away from me to laugh and run towards the car where the rest of the guys were getting food out.

My eyes squinted, what the fuck was his problem? I'll show him, Jake just you wait and see. Turning around, I faced the ocean. It wasn't calm nor rough, it was somewhere inbetween. Quietly, I slipped off my shoes and pants. I stood there in a shirt and boxer shorts right at the edge. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I calmed all of my fears. Suddenly opening them, I jumped.

Jake's P.O.V.

What the hell was my problem? Why did I just say that? Food, that's it, it has to be it. Right?

"Oh, Jake?" Leah called me wearily.

"Huh?" I turned around with a mouth full of cake.

"Your girlfriend's gone." She told me.

"What?!" I choked with my food.

"Dude!" Quil banged on my back as I chocked.

"Where is she?" I sniffed out as I passed the food down my throat finally.

"Her clothes are here." Seth pointed to the ground on the cliff edge.

"She jumped." I whispered and ran. Not thinking of it, I jumped right off.