Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

Listen to the Doc

"Let's go then." Aarluk spoke in monotone right before his flesh ripped apart to leave a large wolf in its steps.

"Wait." Carlisle spoke sofly as he placed a hand on my shoulder from behind.

"What is it Carlisle?" Edward asked as I turned around to face the man.

His topaz eyes stared into my black ones, "You need to rest before you make another move."

"I'm fine." I shook my head. "I can do it."

"No, child." The old vampire shook his head, "You are still human inside and need rest and nurishment. You are almost totally exhausted from the previous hours of searching. You are only running on adrenalin and are soon about to colapse from exhaustion."

"You should listen to the doc, cus' " Deb spoke from my side.

"Yeah," the idiot Emmett spoke, "you had me way in your dust the entire time we ran, and I'm a full vampire."

"Rest assured, Kay." Alice added. "I will be monituring everything with my sight."

Knowing that I lost that battle, I gave in with a nod. Turns out they were right, I needed the rest before I would make another move. I was barely able to take a few steps before I almost fell to the ground. Like the previous times before, I was caught by my savior. "You owe me another." He whispered just for us to hear.

"Emmett," Esme spoke softly, "carry her, she is too weak to walk. Poor thing."

"Sure." He smirked my way and I just closed my eyes slowly and gave a small nod.

The entire way there, I kept one eye open. Everyone had their eye on me and so were their thoughts. No one's was bad, except for that of Rosalie and Aarluk. Both of us had the same fear that HE would find out and take his life. I knew that I should warn them, but right now all I needed was to sleep.

"Home." Emmett woke me from my thoughts as he placed me under the covers in the room Carlisle had given me from the spare one's he had.

"Thanks." I mumbled as I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes waiting for him to leave, but he didn't. Opening an eye, I eyed him suspiciously.

He gave me a shy smile and scratched the back of his, he was embarassed. "Hey." Was all he could mutter.

"Shouldn't you go do....vampire stuff?" I asked looking at him tired, was his intent to watch me sleep?

"Keepin' you company 'till you fall asleep." He told after he gained to courage.

"Aha." I nodded and turned over to my side closing my eyes.

"Night." He whispered and pulled up a chair infront of the foot of the bed.

Okay, I had to tell him now. Before he got any ideas whatsoever, he needed to be warned. Hopefully this idiot would be smart enough to get over these feelings of 'mate' he kept running through his head. He did know that I could read minds....right? This family has been very good to me and I wish no harm to come to this family. Much less by HIS hands..........