Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

Aarluk's Love Calls

The jet got awfully quiet after that. We were all separated into 'clicks' as you might say, werewolves on the back, vampires in the front and the mixed ones were in the middle of them.

"Kay," Deb got my attention, "we need to call Gloria and Luna. Tell them that we are coming."

"Oh crap!" I gasped as I totally forgot about them. "You are right! Give me a sec',"I said rumaging through my jacket and clothes for my cell phone.

"Who is Gloria and Luna?" Bella asked as I yanked my phone out of my butt pocket of my jeans.

"An old friend and her daughter, Luna." Deb told them as I dialed. "She has been with us for almost eleven years. Though closer to one more than others." Both of us smirked at Aarluk.

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked.

"Ask Aarluk." I chuckled as the line was connecting.

"No!" Aarluk was quick to protest. From the corner of my eye, I could see him doing hand gestures to them saying that I'm crazy.

"Señora Sangre!" Gloria's thick Spaniard accent greeted me over the line.

"Gloria!" I greeted back with the same amount of joy.

"Where have you been?" She went all motherly on me. "Luna and I have been worried sick about your wear-abouts!"

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't worry, I am on my way with a few guests."

"How many?" She asked as I could hear her talking with Luna in the background.

"Um..." I mumbled as I moved around to count heads, "Eight werewolves....And....Eight vampires..."

"Alright." She sighed, "Luna! Tenemos que ir de compras, tenemos muchos visitanes ahora."

"Oh, how is Luna doing?" I asked now eying a blushing Aarluk.

"She is fine," She chuckles, "and misses Aarluk con todo su corazon."

"Mom!" Luna's voice shouted from the background.

"He misses her too." I chuckled, earning glares from Aarluk and quetionable ones from the rest.

"Señora Sangre!" Luna greeted from the other line. "How is it going over there?"

"Okay, I guess." I shrugged and then smirked, "Aarluk misses you so much!"

"Mom!" Aarluk protested.

"Shush, can't you see I'm talking to my future daughter-in-law??" I chuckled.

"Give me the phone!" My enormous son jumped for me.

"No!" I stuck my tongue out at him as I jumped out of the way as he chased me around the jet.

"Um..Is everything okay there?" A confused Luna asked on the line.

"Ye-AH!" I told her as I jumped from Seth's lap to Emmett's. "Aarluk chasing me because he wants to tell you himself about how you cr-AY-ze" I jumped now to Jasper's, "his mind."

"Mom! Stop it!" He fummed as he went after me and caught me in his lock.

"Deb!" I shouted and threw the cell at her.

"Hello Luna." My crazy cousin smirked on the phone. "Yes, he dreams about you and calls out your name....Yeah..."That was when he dropped me and grabbed my cousin. "HE LOVES YOU!!!!" She shouted as Aarluk took the cell away and stomped his way to the Werewolf Section to speak in "private".

"That was fun while it lasted." We laughed as we recieved glares from the boy.