Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

They Are Gone!

"Hey." I greeted a food carring Emily at the front door.

"How are you doing?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen, her raven black hair flowing gently as she walked. Emily was and is beautiful, even with the scars she bears on one side of her face.

"Fine." I told her and followed her into the kitchen were she laid out two plates. "The guys kicked you out?"

"Yeah." She nodded with a sigh.

An idea came into mind, "Hey Em, want to go out and get something to eat?"

"But I just made these." She told me as she pulled up a container that looked full of something.

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. You can leave it for one of the guys incase they get hungry. Maybe Billy?"

She pondered for a bit before she shook her head, "No, the guys will get mad if we just go right now."

I rolled my eyes, "So what? Its just a dinner date between girlfriends, whats the big deal? It will something public so they can't say something will happen to us."

She twisted her lips around for a bit before she nodded, "Yeah, why not? I mean it won't take very long, and the way this sounded, it could go on for a while."

"That's my girl!" I cheered and jogged to Jake's room. After grabbing a jacket and cell, I jogged back to the front door where Emily waited patiently for me. "Ready?" I asked as we walked to my car.

"Yup." She nodded with a big smile and we climbed into my car, a Nissan Maxima.

Once in it, I sped off through the reservation at night.

Jake's P.O.V.

"Jake, she is in grave danger with those leaches around." Sam announced.

"What about the Cullens?" Seth asked.

"They have been informed, they have no recognition of these two whatsoever." Sam spoke.

"So, I just tell that we are werewolves and that she is a target for a couple of leeches?" I told them sarcastically.

"Jake," Leah said, "now's not the damn time for sarcasm."

"Shut up, Leah." I growled at her.

"Make me!" She growled back, meeting my challenge.

"Enough!" my dad shouted. "We need to think of something and now!" Then he turned to me in his chair, "How did you explain your over heated skin to her?"

"I told her that it came from some rare genetic disorder mutation thing." I waved it off. "So what's the point?"

My dad sighed and shook his head.

Quil spoke up "Just means that either she seriously stupid or really loves you and was able to look past it."

"Quil!" Embry smacked Quil upside the head.

"No," My dad said, "she is too smart, she is majoring in Biology and Psychology. She is looking past it, though right now she is for sure looking into it. My son, you must tell her."

"Dad." I sighed. "It won't be easy."

"Jake, go to her and explain things. She has to believe, you must make her a believer." Sam called.

"What happened to the rule of not telling anyone?" Leah asked.

"As long as you don't tell her, its alright if she finds out." My dad told me.

"What?" I asked confused wincing.

"Have her guess or show her, stupid." Quil chuckled.

I took a big deep breath and left Sam's house. Slowly, I walked to the house, my nose sniffing for those leaches. Where are they??? My nose told me that the house was empty!

"They are gone!" I shouted and ran around trying to find their scents.

"WHAT!" Sam was the first to run out.