Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

Tell Me That and I Will Walk Away Forever

They left me alone after a small while. Luna, Gloria, and little Nani stayed to keep me company. Carlisle and the others had them watch over me to make sure that I didn't get up. Everyone had something to do like work, hunt and go to school...again. Urgh, I would very much hate to be going back to school. It's a good thing I stayed looking twenty-one, I don't have to go to school! Yes!

"Hey mama." I cooed smiling as I held the little girl with big smiling, bright eyes above me and bounced her gently up and down.

The little girl squealed in joy as she laughed. Luna and Gloria chuckled softly as they were in their sofa at my side, carried in by Aarluk and Nanuq, and sewed with small talk between mother and daughter.

"How much longer are you going to stay here?" Luna asked.

"As long as we are welcome." I said as I knew they were waiting for me to answer.

I could feel and see Gloria and Luna's anxiousness to ask me something. They were holding back the question I knew they were going to ask. "Ask Gloria. You're family, you know that."

"Umm." The poor woman studdered.

"Luna?" I turned to face the girl as I set little Nani on my lap, she turned her head as well.

"How do you think that Emmett will react?" The girl looked at me with pity.

"I don't know." I sighed. "Honestly, I don't know how I will either. I-I." I turned to look at my dear friend, "For once in a long time, I don't know what to do."

"If you ask me," Gloria made me smile. "I think that both of you should just come out these games and love each other. You two both act like children in high school or something," she huffed in annoyance as she went back to sewing.

I couldn't help but laugh. She was right though, I love him and he loves me. Well, I think he does.......

1 Week Later

It's been a week and the twins are on their way with Emmett. Well, that's what they tell me. I can move around and run as I used to, so that's good. Nani has taken a liking to having me carry her while I run. Luna doesn't like it every much, she is always freaking out that I'm gonna drop her or something. Rosalie? She keeps strictly away from me.

"Hey mama, slow down." I kissed the little girl on the cheek as she sat on my lap eating away at my pudding. Gently, I used my hands to put lesser amounts into her mouth so she wouldn't scoop up large spoonfills in her hands.

"They are back." Alice smiled at me from the corner of my back.

"What?" I turned to face her quick, I could feel my heart racing and not enough oxygen reaching my lungs.

"Woah, woah." Esme put a hand on my shoulders. "Breathe. Relax. We don't need you passing out on us right before you meet up with him."

"Yeah cous', " Deborah walks in with a big smile on her face. "We don't need you lapsing into another coma. One's enough right now."

"Moooooooooom!" Nanuq and Aarluk chorused in loud booming voices.

"Boys!" I shouted with a smile, chuckling slightly as Nani whirled up hearing her father's voice.

"Nani." He suddenly appeared before us.

The little girl squealed at such a high pitch, it strained my eyes. Everyone rushed into the kitchen to join this little reunion. Aarluk was quick to take his little girl out my arms and then appear hugging his little family with Luna and Nani tight in his arms.

"Leah!" Nanuq hugged and kissed his imprinter.

The room filled with greetings from them all, it was just one big noise. I sat smiling at the return of my sons. They hugged and spoke very little as they tried to answer everyone's answers. Both boys took a few seconds to each give me hug as greetings and then they rushed over my cousin who hugged them and kissed their cheeks.

"Kaaayy?" A quivering voice called my name from the doorway.

Everyone went totally silent, they froze and no one made a single sound. It was like I was all alone with a bunch of stand up cardboard images of them. Even I froze, I didn't know what to do or say. Everyday and second since I awoke I had planned how I was going to do this but I just went blank. I was just a piece of paper.

//What are you waiting for??// The twins shouted in my mind.

"Em-m-mett?" I whispered, slowly coming to life. Very slowly, I stood up out of my chair and turned around.

As soon as I met him, I gasped. He looked tired and wore out. His eyes were black, like he hadn't drank blood in a long time. They moved around me like to make sure I was really there. Slowly a smile crept up in my lips. Immediately and finally realizing I was in the flesh, something in him switched on. Black orbs turned back to their liquid bronze. Dead face filled up and brightened as though he had stepped out in the middle of the day in the sunlight.

"You're alive." He beamed.

I didn't have much time to reach as a bear suddenly embraced me in a tight, warm hug. That was weird, his body was always cold compared to mine. Why did it feel so warm? But that didn't matter, I wrapped my arms around his waist, tightly closed my eyes and softly cried. His arms tightened as I soaked through his shirt with my salty tears.

"We'll be outside if you need us." Deb lead them all out.

As soon as they were out of hearing distance, his body began to shake against mine. Little drops of water hit the top of my head. He cried as I cried. "I thought I killed you," he barely choked out in a whisper.

"I've here." I whispered back. "I'm not dead."

He nodded and let me go. His hands gently pushed me away a little as he looked at my with a smile. Slowly, he lowered himself with eyes closed to meet my lips. Once our lips touched, my whole body was shocked from something. He sent tingles all throughout me. But, it didn't last long as he suddenly broke the kiss roughly. His head turned away from my lips sharply.

"I'm sorry, Kay." He shook his head as he tried to control himself. "I can't. We can't." He took a few steps away from me.

"What??" I shook my head in disbelieve and confusion. "Why not?"

"I've hurt you too much, Kay." He didn't look at me. "I almost killed you." His eyes finally met mine. "I can't and won't live knowing that I could and did kill you. I love you too much to let that happen to you."

"But you can live knowing that you tore me down?" I shouted at him with fresh tears. "That you broke me in a way I will never be able to put myself back together?"

"Kay," he sighed. "You did it before without me. You will be able to do it again all on your own. That means me out of the picture."

"If you loved me, you would do what's best for me." I whispered. "What's best for me is having you with me."

"And how do you know that?" He asked.

"I don't." I closed my eyes and slowly opened them. He stared me down waiting for an answer. "But that's what my heart is telling me."

"Kay, I love you-"

"If you love me, " I shouted at him with rivers of tears, "you will stay with me. You won't act like a complete idiot and do the Edward and Bella thing."

"I'm not!" He shouted. "Edward didn't put Bella in a coma for a month. He didn't go through thinking she was dead for a whole month by his own hand! Bella never told him that she couldn't love him!"

"I love you Emmet!" I cried out in pain. "What I said back then I didn't mean anything. Just like what you're saying to me now doesn't either."

"What makes you so sure of that?" He dared.

"I don't." I whispered shaking my head. I stayed quiet for a long time, both of us did. Neither one knew what to say. But I want to know now, do I mean anything to him at all?

"Emmett." My eyes rose to his and took a step forward. His eyes kept shifting from each of mine. "Tell me that you don't love me. Tell me that all this is one big lie, a joke. That I don't mean anything to you. Tell me that and I will walk away forever. I'll never bother you ever again. It will be as though this never happened and neither one existed for the other. Tell me those words...
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