Sequel: I Made a Deal

Not Possible by Any Means

Looky, Looky

Nanuq and Aarluk's demonic growls made me jump back from Alice. Both were standing up, their bodies where shaking with anger. Their eyes were bright blood red, like how mine get. Even Carlisle and Edward where alarmed because they jumped in front of Alice and me. Neither giant stopped growling, their eyes searching for the perpetrators in all directions as they searched be ear, sight, and smell.

"Nanuq. Aarluk." I spoke softly and carefully as I slowly inched over to them.

"Kay." Alice whispered, bringing their demonic attention right at me.

"What do you see?" I asked, still walking slowly with one hand outstretched to them.

"They shall bleed." They spoke in sink in a voice that didn't belong to them.

"Boys, you need to calm down." Carlise tried at my side. "You may do something irrational."

"We don't need you to do something stupid." Edward spoke from my other side.

"We cannot do that." They shook their heads and disappeared.

"Nanuq! Aarluk!" I screamed and took off after them.

"Kay!" They all screamed and tried to chase after me.

I blinked to activate my eyes. They were quite a bit from me, but they ran so much faster and different. My eyes couldn't see them running or anything, just smell the faint new trail they left after themselves. But that didn't stop me, I kept on. Hoping from tree to tree I rushed through like a tornado but I left everything still intact.

My feet skid to a stop as I caught the familiar scent of Aarluk. Right on the branch was a chunk of clothing that he wore. "He went wolf," I whispered as I took it into my hands and clenched my fist. A second later, I dropped it and continued on.

Where are they? A soft tear trailed down my eyes as I ran. My heart pounded like mad, my adrenaline was starting to reach its peak. Strength was starting to fade, I'd been running for a while now at speeds I never went at.

//Babe, where are you?// Emmett's frustrated voice sounded in my head.

"Running." I spoke out loud. "I won't last much longer."

My legs slowed down against my pained will.

//Hold on, I'm coming for you.// He tried to comfort me.

"Hurry." I shouted out loud and stopped. My upper body bent forward and my hands supported me against my trembling knees. Images of the twins and little Nani all swirled in my head. I wasn't going to let anything happen to them. Even if that means sacrificing myself.

//Remember when I first told you that I loved you?// He asked asked just as I took off running once again only this time on ground.

//You never actually ever did.// I pointed out as I followed the twins scent towards a waterfall.

//Well, It's about time I do, isn't it?// He chuckled.

//Right now isn't the best time to be telling me this.// I screamed in our heads as I took a huge leap off the waterfall.

I tuned him out from there as my body hit the water like a rock. My body sank a bit in the cold water but I threw myself out and onto the river bank. I took heavy breaths as I was on my knees and forearms, my chest rising quickly as I coughed the water out of my lungs.

"Looky looky, Nikolai." A deep voice spoke in a thick Russian accent.

"Alexandre, keep still." This "Nikolai' spoke with authority. "She is one of the ones we are searching for."

"What do you want with us?" I growled as I stood up slowly, my soaked clothes clung to me with a bit of mud.

"She is one of them." 'Alexandre' marveled at me next to the other man.

Alexandre stood just about as big as Jake. His skin wasn't pale but not exactly tanned either. He had dark violet eyes that were dancing around in amusement. Unlike his partner, he wore clothing humans saw as "biker". His partner was just about my height and of a large build as well only this one looked deadly. His eyes were a deep entrancing sea blue that glowed and dressed in only a pair of jeans showing off his battle scars like Jasper but only they were combined with deep slashes. Half concentrating I tried to get into their minds to find something about them.

My eyes turning to slits as they started to laugh as I came up with nothing.

"You silly little girl," Alexandre boomed with laughter. "You cannot read our minds."

"Perfect." Nikolai purred with amusement.

"Fuck." I growled low as more men came out of the bushes outnumbering me by dozens.

//Guys! Help!// I shouted in their minds.

"Silence her!" Alexandre shouted.

"My pleasure," Nikolai licked his lip and crouched down, ready to pounce.

I followed suit only instead of crouching, I took a martial arts stance. My legs separated, I faced him by the side, and my hands ready for anything to come.