Dance Hall Drug

We all know you're a beautiful girl in this horrib

A Month Later

Deep breath.Step on stage. Forget your personal problems.

Deep Breath. Don't push yet. Forget that your husband is gone and your baby is a month early.

I tried my hardest not to push but I was wayyyyy more than ready to have this baby out of me.Paul will be home in a month in a half. Isaiah is a month early. My dad is on his way. I refuse to use drugs for this. WHERE THE HELL IS MY DOCTOR?!

"Well Ms. DiGiovanni? First child?"I heard the doctor come in.

"Yeah and I'm more than ready for him to be out of me."

"Will Mr. DiGiovanni be joining us?"

"Nope now can we hurry this process up?"

The doctor chuckled before doing whatever he was doing to get ready. Right now I didn't care what that was as long as at the end I'd have my baby and be a happy camper.

I basically became dead to whatever was going on around me. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything, and all I could feel was the pain. all I was thinking in my head was that nothing was going to happen.NOTHING.

Please God. Don't let anything happen.

I tightened my hands on the sheets as the doctor told me to push. He repeated it. And again.

"One more time Morgan." I heard my doctor say. I did as I was told. Then nothing.

I heard nothing. I knew the doctor had my baby. I could tell. But there was no sound. The doctors didn't speak. The baby didn't cry.

This can't be happening. I can't lose my baby. No no no.

"Mrs. DiGiovanni, we're going to have to take your son to another room"I saw an elderly nurse next to my bedside.

"Is he okay. Please tell me if he's okay!" My voice was raspy but I spoke as loud as possible.

"I'm sorry we don't know"She gave me a sad look then walked out after the doctors.

The tears soon filled my eyes and instantly began to fall. I wasn't holding these back.My body began to tremble as I cried. Before long I had cried myself to sleep.

I woke up slowly and it was morning. I was now in a recovery room and I'm pretty sure there was another mom in here too.

I sat up slowly and everything from the night before came flooding back. But this time I held in my tears a little. Only a few fell.

"Good morning Morgan."I looked up and saw a nurse walk in. I smiled at her.

"How's my baby?"I whispered.

"Well, as of now he's very sick but alive. His lungs are very weak. He's over a month early so he's not fully developed."

"Oh" Was all I could get out. I was in shock. I might never get to see my baby."Can I see him? And name him."

"Later.Right now you need to eat. Would you like me to send you father in? He's been very worried."

"Yeah that's fine"She walked out and my dad walked in not too long after.

"I'm so sorry baby."He ran over and hugged me real tight.

"Me too daddy. Can I use your phone?"

He nodded then handed me his phone before giving me one last hug and walkign out to give me some privacy.

I dialed my husband's number and put the phone to my ear and listening to the stupid ringing.

"Paul's whore house. Dan speaking" I heard their merch guy say like an idiot.

"Danny it's Morgan"

"Hey kid. Paul's in an interveiw thing right now but I think their almost done. What's up?"

"Dan I had the baby. And he's not doing so good."

"Oh my god. Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I think. But hey I gotta go they're bringing me food. Have Poolie call me when they get done."

"Alright bye."And he hung up.

The nurse came in with food that I tried to stomach btu it was mostly disgusting.

I pushed the tray away and laid back worrying about my boys. Isaiah AND Paul.