I am a Slow Motion Accident

Ryder Levingston is in his last year at Gilbert Dembrook's Private Boarding Acadamy. He is on the dean's list every year and is always number 2 in his classes and has a 4.0 gpa. His social life can be described as a rather boring and isolated experience.

Paxson Wilhelm is also in his last year at GDPBA, and the dean and profs cant be more thrilled to be getting fid of him. He is on the rugby team and has a gpa of 1.2. He's popular and hot and a party animal.

Finley Abrahms is Ryder's best friend. She is in her last year at GDPBA and is number 1 in all her classes. Friday nights, she can be found in the library with an elite study group that is invitational.

Bronx Quinton is the GDPBA's charity case. He's 3rd in the class and is also the tormentor of Ryder and Finley.
  1. Chapter 1/Prologue
    5 star loner
  2. Chapter 2
    I'm Not Cynical, Just Experienced
  3. Chapter 3
    I'm Going To Feel Good Today