Sequel: New Perspective

The Middle Of Summer

I think I'll always remember the summer I met Brendon.
So many things changed in the course of a month, and I'm not just talking about my hair, or my friends' attitudes, or my music taste, or anything trivial like that. My "picture perfect" family was split apart in a matter of moments, and in all the time I knew Brendon, I found myself well on my way to falling in love.
Over all, what started out to be a boring summer, turned into something...memorable to say the least, but to say the most...well you'll just have to read the story, now wont you?

**I've taken some liberties with the timings of things. The story is set in the summer of '07 even though I think they were already recording. I've tried to keep everything pretty in line though, but there might be some other issues down the line.**
****I don't own anyone from Panic At The Disco. Or any other famous name I mention. The only thing I own from Panic At The Disco are two of their CD's and 3 T-shirts.****
  1. Chapter 1
    “Are you going to tell me your name?”
  2. Chapter 2
    "You don't like Panic At The Disco?"
  3. Chapter 3
    “I’m Jon. But you can call me Jesus.”
  4. Chapter 4
    "She thinks you're the lead singer of Panic at the Disco."
  5. Chapter 5
    “Besides, Brenny-boy looked ready to explode with frustration that we didn’t believe he wasn’t boning some seventeen year old, so I decided to save him.”
  6. Chapter 6
    “He could go by Maureen. His name would still be Chet.”
  7. Chapter 7
    "Peanuts Act Terribly Dinosaur?” and "He wants your bod."
  8. Chapter 8
    “We could have sex...”
  9. Chapter 9
    “Shut up, I’m Jesus, what I say goes.”
  10. Chapter 10
    “Shut up, for a skinny dude with questionable sexual orientation, Ryan’s kind of vicious.”
  11. Chapter 11
    “I just called my mother a ***ing ***.”
  12. Chapter 12
    “I kind of just want to go sit in a dark movie theatre and watch people get chopped to bits.”
  13. Chapter 13
    “Are you looking for reasons to kill me so that when they arrest you for *** you have a motive?”
  14. Chapter 14
  15. Chapter 15
    “If he wasn’t gay, that would have been a date.”
  16. Chapter 16
    “Apparently we have a mass grave.”
  17. Chapter 17
    "I’m secretly in love with you.”
  18. Chapter 18
  19. Chapter 19
    “Are you gay?”
  20. Chapter 20
    “I think I liked you better when you were homicidal.”
  21. Chapter 21
    So, because I’m not giving you any of the Jonas Brothers, because that would be slavery and that’s illegal; what else would you like?”
  22. Chapter 22
  23. Chapter 23
    “I think the Pod People ate my mother.”
  24. Chapter 24
    “So is my mom the arch nemesis of Scarf-Boy and Mandals Man?”
  25. Chapter 25
    “I’ll be back in half an hour, wash your face, you look like shit.”
  26. Chapter 26
    “You know I’m here for you right?”
  27. Chapter 27
    “That’s next week for Ryan’s manorexia. Be there or be square.”
  28. Chapter 28
    “I don’t know, I’ve never raped and killed anyone before.”
  29. Chapter 29
    “How about a can of I’m-going-to-kick-your-ass, do you have any of that?”
  30. Chapter 30
    "Oh look honey, dinner and a show. How nice."
  31. Chapter 31
    “You’re right. I’m going to go get the Ben and Jerry’s.”
  32. Chapter 32
    “That wasn’t too forward was it?”
  33. Chapter 33
    “It was thick like a McDonalds Milkshake.”
  34. Chapter 34
    "Nothing new when getting a wake-up call from Satan."
  35. Chapter 35
    “You mean does she always act like she’s clinically insane and just downed seven giant pixie sticks and a Red Bull?”
  36. Chapter 36
    "I’ll always be a phone call away.”
  37. Chapter 37
    "I'm going to go shower, try not to be so ***ing crazy when I get back, okay?"
  38. Chapter 38
    “There is a scarf for every occasion!”
  39. Chapter 39
    “Dude, I think that guy pissed himself!”
  40. Chapter 40
    “Hey! It’s not our fault we’re stuck in this cabin almost completely isolated from society!”
  41. Chapter 41
    "You're still a virgin?"
  42. Chapter 42
    "You can't put a band-aid on hurt feelings."
  43. Chapter 43
    "Did you just quote 'Cute Is What We Aim For' in order to get me to kiss you?"
  44. Chapter 44
    "You’re making Batman into a chick flick, and that’s just not cool!”
  45. Chapter 45
    "I've got to start getting used to walking again."
  46. Epilogue
    "You're not actually married with five kids right?"