An Unknown Memory

The Party

"Echo you have to wear this. It's so cool." Sierra says pulling a pair of pen-striped pants and a corset out of your closet.
"Okay I guess I can wear it I haven't wore this outfit in a while." I reply taking the clothes and changing.

"I knew you'd look hot in that outfit. Wear these." She says thrusting a pair of high heel boots in your arms. I walk over to the mirror after I was ready thinking to yourself that you did look good.

"Let's go! Clare get out of the fucking bathroom so we can see how you look." Sierra yells as the door opens. "Yay!!! Let's go."

FF>> to party
"LET'S GO PARTY!!!!" Sierra yells jumping out of the car.

"I'm sticking by you okay." Clare says as you enter the house.

"I was about to say the same thing." I say laughing.

"You're the new girl right? A freshman." This guy says as you walk past him. I slowly turn back to him and notice he's kinda cute.

"Yeah I guess I'm her." I reply smiling glancing over look at Clare, who's staring at Brian.

"Go head I'm fine." I say as Clare smiles and walks off.

"What's your name?" he says smiling.

"Echo. What's yours?" I answer as he pats the seat beside him on the couch and I slowly sit down next to him.

"I'm Alex Clue. You're hot!" he says as you smile.

"Thanks." I reply placing my hand over my face trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"You're cute when you blush." he says making me smile again.

(Time Lapse 1 hour)

"Hiyas Echo. Having fun?" Sierra says as she sees me and Alex chatting.

"Yeah, tons!" I reply smiling. "The band is getting ready to play. Let's get a good view." Alex says pulling me up from the couch with him.

"Okay I guess." I say following him through the crowd. The band starts playing I look up at them as Alex places his hands around my waist. I quickly notice the guy that's been aggravating me the last two days, Zack, and I also you notice the object of Clare's obsession, Brian. After the performance me and Alex sit back on the couch where we were sitting before.

"Hey Alex. What's up man?" I watch Zack walk over to Alex.

"Nothin' much man. Just chillin' with Echo." He replies smiling at me.

"Hey Echo. How's it goin'?" Zack says looking at me.

"Pretty good." I smile replying looking up to see him nod.

"Echo, We've got to go." Sierra says walking over to me.

"Okay, where's Clare?" I say standing up. "Bye guys."

"Hey Echo would you like to go out sometime?" Alex says grabbing my arm.

"Sure. We'll talk Monday." I say running after Sierra to her car.

"Clare's really drunk and we have to get her home now!" Sierra says as the two of us reach her car. After the two of you had drove Clare home Sierra drove me home. "You like Alex don't you?" Sierra says laughing.

"Yeah, kinda." I reply blushing.

"But I think I know who likes you." Sierra says pulling into my driveway.

"Who?" I say looking confused.

"Second period, Echo, second period." Is the last words Sierra says before I get out of the car.
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Sorry its so bad I couldn't think of anything else!!