Status: bipolar updates

Love Lockdown

Surprise Arrival

I'd been lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling for what had probably been almost an hour. I was bored shitless and there was nothing to do. The whole house was silent and I lacked the motivation to turn on the TV or my stereo. So I just lied where I was. All of my friends were away. On tour to be exact. And I had stayed behind to manage my boyfriend's clothing line. Though he insisted that it wasn't necessary I still stayed behind. And now I regret that I did. Three months without my friends has been hell. But they were coming back tomorrow and I was beyond eager for tomorrow to hurry up and come. My phone started ringing and I smiled wide as the ring tone "Pray For Plagues" By Bring Me The Horizon filled my room. I bolted upright in my bed and grabbed my phone from the dresser.

"Steel City Morgue how can I help you?" I answered

"Well there's a body that just came in last night and it appears now that it has gone missing so does that now mean that there are zombies among us now?" I giggled at my boyfriend's familiar voice and at our stupid conversation.

"I miss you Oli." I stated laughing.

"I missed you too Nay. But you know you should have come with us Love."

"I know that now shut up." I said laughing. "So how is everyone anyway?"

"Everybody just misses you. Baby you're at the house right?"

"Yeah I am why?"

"Do me a favor look out the front window."

I furrowed my eyebrow but got up and walked downstairs to look out the living room window. I pulled back the curtain and gasped in surprise with a smile on my face as Oli stood on our front lawn waving at me. I dropped my phone as I rushed out of my front door.

"Hey baby!" Oli managed to shout before I tackled him to the ground. I planted kisses all over his face and he just laughed "Well someone missed me." He chuckled

"Fuck yeah I missed you. You are never leaving for three months again."

"Well next time I'm kidnapping you."

"Good." I said before planting a kiss on his lips.

"Ew I don't need to see that." I looked up and saw my best friend Jamie, and my other friends the rest of Bring Me The Horizon hovering over us with disgusted face expression plastered on them.

"Oh don't hate on me and my boo." I joked.

"Oh please, I got my man right here" Jamie said pulling Matt N to her side. I laughed a little and Oli pulled us on to our feet.

"I really missed you guys." I whined hugging them all

"Well like Oli said next time we're going to kidnap you no matter what." Lee said.

“Please do that not matter how much I kick and scream.” I laughed

Oli wrapped his around my waist and buried his face in the crook of my neck. “You really missed me huh?” I said looking down at him.

“Yeah I really did. I’ve had on Oli number two the whole tour. It’s nice to be the original Oli for once.” I snickered to myself; laughing at the names he gave his different personalities. But it also made me wonder how different had he been acting while on tour? I mean he could be one cocky bastard when he wanted to be and all those girls that would throw themselves at him. I couldn’t help but wonder how many of those girls had he taken to bed with him? The thought made me sick. But I didn’t want to know. What happens on tour stays on tour. That had been our motto since the band started touring, and we’ve lived by it since. If something happened it would remain secret and I wouldn’t know, and that’s the way I wanted it.

“How were the states? I haven’t been there since I moved to Sheffield from Massachusetts. And that’s been years ago” I asked realizing that I had spaced out in my own thoughts.

“It was awesome Love you would have loved it.” He squeezed me in his arms “Aw my little American.” He cooed he loved calling me that because even though I’ve lived in Sheffield since I was about five, I still had managed to maintain the majority of my American accent and the fact that I was still considered a citizen in both continents.

He wouldn’t stop hugging me, not that I minded I was just curious to why. “You missed me that much?”

“Yes Nay I really did.”

I looked around at everyone else, they all had these looks of slight sadness in there eyes and it made me wonder if something happened when they were on tour. It was almost like Oli was kissing up to me or trying to apologize for something without words. I sighed.

“Okay whatever happened when you were on tour I forgive you.”

“What are you talking about Love?”

“You never hug me this much unless you’re sorry about something and everyone had these weird looks on their faces just now.”

“That’s just the way their faces always look.”

“Oy shut up Oli.” Matt N said Oli just continued laughing

“Nothing happened baby; I just really miss you that’s all.”

“Okay Oli.” I said believing him.

That night we lay sprawled across our bed tangled in the sheets our clothes scattered around various parts of the room. I lied with my head lying in the crook of his neck while I traced circles on his tattooed chest. We were both drowsy but we were managing to make small conversation, about how the tour went and what we were planning to do with the clothing line.

“Hey Oli?”

“Hmm?” He mumbled back

“Would you ever want kids?”

He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me. “Yea I would eventually, why are you pregnant?”

“No I’m not, I was just curious.”

He pulled me closer to him. “We can have kids sooner or later.” He started laughing to himself “You know we would have the cutest kids.” I gave him a ‘don’t get cocky’ look “No seriously think about it I’m hot and you’re smoking hot, our family is just going to be full of gorgeous people.”

I couldn’t help but laugh “You know you’re one cocky bastard right?”

“And you love me for it.”

“I love you no matter what anyway.”

He kissed my forehead “Same.” He lied back down taking me with him. I smiled as I laid my head back down on his chest falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat thinking to myself that everything was perfect.

I woke up the next morning to hear shouting. I sat up in bed confused as to weather I was just hearing things. Feeling that the other side of the bed was empty, I rubbed my eyes and climbed out of bed. I picked up Oli’s t-shirt off of the floor and put in on before walking out of our bedroom. I walked over to the stairs and looked over the banister on the stairs and saw Oli pacing back and forth down stairs in nothing but his boxers. He looked extremely mad as he held his cell phone in his hand he looked like he was about to crush it. I could tell he didn’t notice that I was awake. I was about to call down and ask him what was wrong but then he started shouting into the phone.

“How the fuck did you get my number anyway?... That’s none of your goddamn business… No I’m not going to meet you anywhere… we have absolutely nothing to talk about… what? No… you will leave my girlfriend out of this she has nothing to do with this!” He hollered. I knew he was extremely mad now who ever he was talking to on the phone must have really pissed him off. “I’ll get a fucking restraining order if I have to you know. Don’t fucking test me!” He hollered again before he shut off his phone.

I knew what ever he was arguing about with the person on the other end he didn’t want me to hear, so I tried creeping back to the bedroom.

“Nay?” Damn it how can he always hear me? I didn’t really respond I just looked over the banister down at him. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I got an early phone call from someone helping with shipments at Drop Dead. I got it taken care of.” I just nodded, I knew that wasn’t what the phone call was about but I just let it go, I was still a little drowsy, I just wanted to go back to sleep. He started walking up the stairs, and he engulfed me in an extremely tight hug as if he was going to lose me.

“Oli are you sure there’s nothing wrong? You seem pretty upset right now.”

“I’m fine!” He snapped. I stepped back shocked. “Oh babe I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you, that phone call was just frustrating.” He looked scared shitless, he was shaking a little as well. What the hell was that phone call about? I wanted to know but I didn’t want to press him about it, he looked freaked out.

“Oli baby I think you should lie down, go back to bed.” I said leading him back to our room. I made sure he got settled in the bed first before I started to leave the room, I was going to make him tea or anything that could calm him down.

“Nay don’t leave me.” It was almost like he was pleading.

“I’m just getting you something to drink.”

“Can you stay please?” I walked back over to the bed and climbed in next to him and he cuddled up to me. This was a new side of Oli I never thought I would ever see he was so fragile and it scared me. He buried his face in my chest. “Don’t leave me.” He whispered again. I don’t think he knew I heard him.

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m staying in this bed right next to you.” I reassured him stroking his hair. I was still shocked by the way he was acting. The last time I saw him like this was when he pretending to be the dictator of the playground back when we were like six and he fell off the slide. He thought he was going to die. Looking back at it now it’s slightly amusing but I remembered that I stayed with him the whole entire time. I didn’t leave his side once, even when they took him to the hospital I was there. And I would stay with him now. But what ever that phone call was about really messed him up. And I had a feeling it wasn’t good for me either.
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So I couldn't help myself and I posted a new Oli sykes story. Well I've has this idea for a while and this chapter pre-written for months I just forgot to post it lol

hope you like this

Comments = happy Nay

Oh and should I have Curtis still in the band or the new guy Jona? Its up to you? So tell me who you'd prefer (though I'm pretty sure I know who everyone would prefer).