Status: bipolar updates

Love Lockdown

"I'm Going To Be A Dead Man If You Tell Her"

“Did you tell her yet?” Lee asked


“Why the hell not?” Matt groaned

“I couldn’t do it.”

“This is not the time to chicken out. Tell her.” Curtis said


“NOW!” They all shouted at me.

“Where is she anyway?” Lee asked

“She’s upstairs watching a movie with Tom and Jamie.”

“Does Tom know?” Keane asked

“Of coarse he knows he’s my little brother. I don’t keep anything from him.” Everyone wouldn’t stop asking me if I had told Nay. It had been almost a month and I still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell her. Everyone knew about it except her and Jamie.

“Oli if you don’t tell her I’m going to tell Jamie.” Matt threatened, my stomach turned. If he told Jamie then she would defiantly tell Nay. And I wouldn’t even get the chance to explain because Jamie would kill me before I even got the chance to get close to Nay.

“I’m going to be a dead man if you tell her.” I stated.

“She wouldn’t kill you.”

“Yes she would!” We shouted at him in unison.

“What are you guys yelling about?” Nay said walking down the stairs in a bra and sweat shorts, not caring at all.

“Why are you just walking around in a bra?” Lee asked not even bothering to hide the fact that he was staring. I popped him over the head.

“I live here I can do that. I won’t be down here for long I’m just getting some snacks cause Tom ate them all.”

“Wait you’re up there with Tom like that?” I asked pointing.

“Yep.” She said like it was nothing “Oli it’s not a big deal its just Tom. Its really hot upstairs. Besides you guys stare at me sometimes when Oli’s not looking. You’re doing it right now.” I turned around and looked at all the guys trying to look everywhere but at Nay and me. “Oli you’re not jealous are you? Cause its really no big deal. Besides Tom won’t do anything, cause he knows you’ll kill him. Plus we’re friends” She said causally as she rummaged through the cabnets and the refridgerator.

“Damn right I would.” I mumbled under my breath. She paid me no mind and continued doing what see was doing. She grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge.

“Did you guys want anything while I’m in here?” She got a chorus of ‘I’m goods’ from us before she grabbed her stuff, she kissed my cheek before she made her way back up the stars.

I sighed “She’s too good for me.” I mumbled to myself. I cursed myself again for my stupidity.

“You just need to tell her. Everyone knows you both can work through this.” Keane said.

“I hope so.”

Nay’s POV

“Tommy.” I cooed

“Yes Nay.”

“Do you know what’s wrong with Oli?”


“Are you sure? He’s been acting moody and it’s almost been a month. I haven’t had a chance to ask him about it.”

“Well if something is bugging him he’s been hiding it from me too.”

I sighed “Okay Tom.” I said sitting back into the pillows next to a sleeping Jamie. I was lost in my own thoughts and I completely forgot what we were watching. I didn’t really care either.

“So when do you two plan on getting married?” Tom asked unexpectivly.

I shrugged “I don’t really know we haven’t thought of a date or planned anything yet. Oli proposed a week before they went on tour.”

He nodded “I completely forgot about that, you haven’t had time too.”
“Maybe I should have looked up stuff when I wasn’t bugging you when they were away.” I said pinching his cheek. He laughed and lightly smacked my hand away.

“Yeah but you just sat around your house or went outside and stared at the clouds, or went shopping.”

I snickered “Damn right I did.” He chuckled and ruffled my hair, before I lied back down next to Jamie. “This movie is boring.” I stated

“Yes it is, you wanna watch something else?”

“Well duh. Why else would I state the movie was boring?”

“Oh shut up. But seriously what do you wanna watch?”



“Have you ever watched it? It’s the cutest movie ever.”

“Nope but I’m guessing I’m going to watch it now.”

“Yep!” I said standing up on the bed and walking to the edge before jumping off. My landing was kind of shakey, but I walked over to the TV and found my piles of DVDs. Finding Wall-E I put it in the DVD player and climbed back on the bed next to Tom. He pressed play with the remote and I indulged in popcorn as the film started.

We were about thirty minutes into the movie when I started to feel sick. “Tom, I don’t feel good.”

“Shit you look kinda greenish.”

“Oh god I think I’m gonna-“

“Fuck.” He stammered before picking me up and rushing me into the connecting bathroom. I made it just in time as I emptied the contents of my stomach in the toilet as Tom held my hair back from my face.

“Hey Nay are you okay?” I could hear Jamie ask from behind me. “Tom what’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know all the sudden she just started barfing.”

“I’ll go get Oli and stuff to settle her stomach.” I heard her footsteps rush off. I groaned before picking myself up off the floor. Coughing, Tom patted my back before I started to brush my teeth. I could here running up the stairs and Oli rushed into the room.

“Nay baby are you okay?”

“I don’t know.” I mumbled before, I picked up the mouth wash off the counter.

“What happened?”

“We don’t know we were watching a movie all the sudden she didn’t feel well and I rushed her to the bathroom.” Tom explained right as I spit out the mouthwash. Oli pulled me into a hug.

“How you feeling now?” He said before kissing my forehead.

I shrugged “Still kinda queasy and tired.” He nodded before picking me up and guiding us back to our bedroom. He placed me in the bed and climbed in himself, pulling the covers over us. He moved us so I was lying sitting between his legs. I leaned back onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

“I’ll take care of you okay?”

I laughed lightly “You always do.” I croaked since my voice was scratchy.

“I try.” He mumbled.

“Nay I got you ginger ale.” Jamie said walking into the room and handing it to me.

“Thanks.” I said greatfuly taking light sips. She climbed onto the bed with us. The rest of the guys came piling into the room.

“We came to see how you were doing?” Lee said speaking for the guys.

“I’m okay.” I mumbled again. They nodded and sprawled all across the room facing the TV.

“We’re gonna stay in here in watch the rest of the movie with you guys.” Curtis said they all nodded.

“You guys really are the greatest friends anyone could ask for.” I stated before fixing my attention back on the TV screen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked the update. Sorry its short

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