Status: bipolar updates

Love Lockdown

Its A Smiley Face

Oli’s POV

I hadn’t seen Nay in almost a month, she wouldn’t answer her phone, I doubted that she listen to the voicemails I left or read my texts. I just wanted hear her voice. She was staying with Matt and Jamie and I wasn’t allowed in their house if she was there. Jamie would have killed me. I couldn’t blame her, if I was her I’d kill me too. This whole thing was my fault. My Melissa situation hasn’t gotten any better. She has no place to stay and since I promised myself I would man up and help raise my kid on the way, Melissa has been staying in one of the guest rooms. But that’s only until the baby is born. She’s not staying with me forever. I’ll get her a place if I have to but I’ll be damned if she thinks she’s staying with me permenantly. Looking back now I still can’t figure out what the hell I was thinking. Melissa is probably the biggest bitch known to man. Even though she’s six months pregnant she still manages to care about nobody but herself. I didn’t know how I was going to handle this for the next three months or for the rest of my life for that matter I would always be tied to her.

I walked back into the house from buying food, mainly for Melissa. She complained about the food but I was researching foods that are good for pregnancy and was only buying them for her, hey my child is going to be healthy! I checked around the house and noticed it was quite, I peeked in her room and found out she was sleeping. “Thank goodness” I mumbled to myself before walking back to the kitchen to put the stuff away. My phone started to ring as soon as I finished.


“It’s Matt.”

“What’s up? Nay’s okay right?”

“Well she’s just been sick lately, Jamie’s taking her to see a doctor today. I’m sure she’s fine though.”

“I hope she is.”

“So what’s it like with pregzilla?” He said laughing.

“Well at the moment she’s sleeping. Thank goodness.”

“How many more months left again?”


“Damn that’s going to go by fast, you start buying stuff yet?”

“I bought a crib. We haven’t found out if it’s a boy or a girl yet, our doctor appointment is today so we’ll find out today. Then I’ll start decorating the room and buying clothes.”

“Well that’s a good idea. You ready for this man?”

“Not at all but I guess I will be.”

“I’m glad you’re not backing out dude, cause I’d beat your ass if you did.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“I know.” I heard shuffling in the background “Dude I’ll call you back later Jamie and Nay just came back.”

“Alright bye.”


Nay’s POV

“You guys back already?” Matt asked us stuffing his phone back in his pocket.

“We just went to the store and bought some stuff.” Jamie said “I’ll take her to the doctor later.”

“Ooh what did you guys get? Did you get candy? Cause I’ve been wanting candy for a while and been to lazy to by it.”

“We bought femimne stuff.” Jamie stated causing Matt to cringe. I laughed to myself.

“I gotta use the bathroom really bad.” I stated rushing to the bathroom caring a box with me. I cursed Jamie for making me down that whole gallon of Dr. Pepper as I ripped open the package that we had bought from the store. I can’t believe I’m about to take a pregnancy test.


I paced around the bathroom for at least thirty minutes. There was a knock on the door.

“Nay you okay in there?” Jamie asked

“Yeah I’m just waiting.” I said back still pacing.

“Let me in.” I walked over to the door and unlocked it. “It is ready yet?”

“There’s three different ones I haven’t looked at them yet.” I walked over to the sink and picked one of them up.

“What’s it say?”

“It’s a plus sign.”

“That’s means you’re pregnant. There’s still two more though so check those first before you decide to freak out or not.”

I nodded throwing that one in the trash and picking up the next one up. “Was the pregnant color pink or blue for this one?”

“It was blue.”

“Well this one says I’m pregnant too.”

“You still have one more.” I nodded again

“What are you girls doing?” Matt said leaning in the doorway.

“Pregnancy tests.” I stated bluntly. His face turned pale.

Jamie rolled her eyes “Not for me dumbass, for Nay.” He sighed with relief but then looked at me shocked.

“What do they say? We haven’t looked at the last one yet.” I said. Hands slightly shaky, I picked up the last one. “It’s a smiley face.” I stated. “There all positive. I’m pregnant.” I wasn’t sure if I was upset or excited. I was pregnant and I’d always wanted kids, but Oli was the father and I haven’t spoken to him in a month and he’s about to be a father in a few months anyway.

“So when are you going to tell Oli?” Matt asked me.

“I don’t know maybe I shouldn’t tell him until I’m five months along.”

“Nay don’t be mean.”

“I’m not!” I said laughing. I hadn’t laughed in a while it was nice “Seriously I’ll tell him by the end of this week.”


Jamie looked at her watch. “Your doctor appointment is in an hour you still want to go? I can reschedule it if you want?”

“I can handle it. Lets go. Matt you coming?”

He nodded. “Sweet I’m going to be an uncle to two kids in less then a year.”

“Aw I’m gonna be an aunt.” Jamie said pitching my cheeks. I smacked her hand away playfully.

“Alright, alright you guys can obsess over me on the way to the hospital” I said grabbing my bag and walking towards their front door.


Jamie and I were just sitting in the waiting room for my turn. We were fifteen minutes early, we were all hungry and didn’t bring food so Matt went out to get some. I looked around at all the other women in the waiting room, I couldn’t picture myself as big as some of them were and I wondered if my stomach would get that big when my pregnancy came further along. I wondered what Oli would think when I told him. Even though I was still upset with him, I missed him. As much as I didn’t want to I really did.

“Well prego here’s your fries.” Matt said holding out a bag to me. I stuck my tongue out at him and took the bag. “And here’s yours.” He said handing Jamie a bag before sitting between us. “And now I shall eat mine.” Matt said digging through his bag.

“You didn’t get anything to drink.” I stated

“You can get up and get something.” Matt said before stuffing his mouth with fries.

“Hey I’m pregnant you should get it for me. Just to be nice.”

“I’m tired.” He whinned

Jamie rolled her eyes “I’ll get it. You want a coke or a Dr. Pepper right?”

“Either one please.”

“Can I get the same?” Matt asked

“Nope.” Jamie said laughing before walking off.

“Haha you just got owned” I said laughing at Matt, he flicked my forehead “Hey!” I flicked him back.

“You’re such a kid”

“You started it!”

“Did not!”

“Nay? Matt?” We stopped arguing and looked up to see Oli.

“Hey dude.” Matt said unsurely. Oli nodded

Oli turned to me “Hi Nay.” He said unsure of my response.

“Hi Oliver. Why are you here?”

“We found out the sex of the baby.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a boy.” He said rubbing his arm, Oli was clearly uncomfortable talking about this with me. I was too but I wanted to know. If I let Oli back in my life this would become my business. “Why are you guys here?”

“Aw I think I’m going to get that soda.” Matt said rushing off before either of us could say anything leaving us alone. I rolled my eyes at Matt’s attempt to get away from what was about to be more awkward. I looked up at Oli, I wanted to blurt out that I missed him but I didn’t. I sighed.

“The reason I’m here is cause, Oliver I’m-“

“OLI!” He flinched when someone called his name. The voice was squeaky, irritating and oh to familiar. “I’ve been looking for you, gosh you just up and left the doctor’s office without even waiting for me.” Melissa complained as she made her way to Oli. She linked arms with him and I looked at him confused, he just looked sad. They’re not together are they? The thought made me shudder.

“Oh it’s you.” She said realizing that I was there.

“And I see its you as well gotten pretty big there.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well its not my fault its his” She said poking him in the chest. I knew she was trying to make me mad. I ignored her comment, I wasn’t going to let her get to me. She looked up at him and pouted. He gave her a ‘what the hell do you want?’ type of look. “I’m tired can we go home now?” I didn’t know she had been staying with Oli in our house and the thought made me upset.

“She’s staying with you in our house?”

“Melissa didn’t have any other place to stay, so I’m letting her stay in the guest bedroom. Its not permenant, its only cause of the pregnancy.” A little relief came over me but not much.

“Why would it matter anyway you don’t even live there anymore.” Melissa butted in smiling. I glared at her, she was so lucky she was pregnant or I would have beat the shit out of her by now.”

“I own that house just as much as Oliver does, I don’t have to live in it for it to be mine.”

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes and turned to Oli again “I’m going to get something to drink in the parking lot vending machine, see you when get there.” She pecked Oli’s cheek before walking away. Oli made a disgusted face and wiped his face with his hand but got closer to me, a little to close for my liking.

“I swear there is nothing going on between me and Melissa. And she really has no place else to go, so I let her stay in the guest room. It’s only temporary. I’ll buy her an apartment or something if I have to, I’m only helping her because of the baby.” I as much as I didn’t want to, I was smiling on the inside because of how hard he was trying to do the right thing, even if he couldn’t stand Melissa. It pained me that I was such a pushover.

“Its okay Oliver I understand.” I looked at the pained expression on his face when I called him by his full name. I only used it when I was upset or mad at him. And I was still upset.

“Are you sure its okay cause I could-“

I cut him off “Yes Oliver its okay, it’s not like I live there anyway.” I said jokingly but it came out bitter. The hurt from my sentence was painfully written across his face as he looked down at his feet.

“I should probably get going.” He stated starting to walk off.

“Oliver wait.” I said grabbing his arm. “I need to tell you something. Its important can you meet me some place so we can talk?”

He scanned me up and down curiously before nodding “I’ll see if I can find a time too. I-I’ll call you when I’m available.”


He moved as if to hug or kiss me and I shifted backward. He sighed and put his hand on my cheek “I miss you.” He said looking down again before he walked off.

“I miss you too.” I whispered knowing he didn’t hear me as he walked out the door. I sighed and sat back down my hand caressing wear his hand was before, this was going to be so awkward when I tell him.
♠ ♠ ♠
eh I don't know if I like this one much
but its whatever
comments or feedback would be nice