Life Is a Blast

Life Is A Blast

I had paint splotches of various different colours on my hands as I walked out of the building at three o’clock. I had occupied myself with my art, making myself get involved and connect with what I was doing so that my thoughts wouldn’t drift to those Edward and his entrancing eyes. I was walking through the parking lot, searching for Jacob’s Rabbit, I had just caught sight of him when I noticed that he was talking and laughing with someone I couldn’t see. I felt uneasy and quickly moved forward a couple steps to get a better view without him seeing me. My eyes caught sight of the person he was talking to and I was instantly annoyed, it was Bella. She was standing close to Jacob and playing with the tips of her hair, she had on what I assumed was supposed to be a shy smile – but it only made her face look dopier than usual. I huffed and hiked my bag further up on my shoulder before walking over to the two of them.

“Jake!” I called out my greeting from a couple paces away and was awarded with a heart-warming smile. I ran over to Jacob and let his arms envelope me into a warm hug; I caught sight of Bella’s face when I was in Jacob’s arms and was delighted to find that she didn’t look all that pleased. Good.

“We really should go.” I said to Jacob, keeping my focus only on him so that I would get my point across to Bella that she wasn’t wanted here. I tugged on Jake’s arm, pulling him towards the car.

“Bye Bella.” Jake gave her one of his adorable smiles and allowed me to pull him away from her and towards the car door.

I was annoyed the whole ride home. Bella! What was so great about Bella? She was slow and dopey and too fragile to keep up with Jacob’s supernatural side, she was plain and not nearly as interesting as Jacob made her seem. I didn’t get the fuss he made over her but decided to push her from my thoughts and enjoy the time I had with Jake alone.

“So Sam is going to practice with me tonight.” I fiddled with the bandages on my hands.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not a good idea.” He reached across the gearshift to pick up one of my bandaged hands and hold onto it. “You’ll ruin your hands more.”

I shrugged, too preoccupied with the feel of his warm hand holding my cooler one - it felt like our hands fit together, were designed to be fit this way – to give him a response. I hadn’t noticed anything other than the feel of our hands together until he suddenly pulled away from me. At first I was shocked, and a little hurt, until I noticed that we were parked in front of my house and he was getting out of the car. I blushed with embarrassment and quickly gathered my bag and stepped from the car as well. We walked side by side up the gravel path and I vaguely noticed that it was far too quite. Jake had noticed too as he pointed out that Sam’s car was gone.

“I have a really bad feeling.” Jacob stated. He lifted his head and took a deep breath, tasting the air. His face contorted and he shoved me suddenly behind him.

“Get back to the car!” He hissed at me.

My reaction was delayed by shock and confusion; I never had a chance to even turn my body back towards the car before the front door of the house was blown open. The door flew off its hinges and landed not too far from where I was standing with Jacob hovering protectively over me. My heart was beating and my mind was screaming at me to run but my body refused to cooperate, I was frozen in shock because of this disturbance impeding on my quiet life.