The Unraveling

The Interview

Everything went as planned. I was lucky enough to get the job I wanted.

I had walked into Mr. Masterson’s office with a goal. It only took a little arm twisting to make it happen, but considering other things I’ve done in the past, this was a piece of cake.

He was definitely not a man of class like I had expected considering his wealth. From the second I had walked into his office, I had been able to read him like an open book.

Mr. Masterson was a balding old fat man who wore cheap suits and smelled like cigars and sweat, not exactly what I wanted my new boss to be like but, what the hell, I could manage.

I let my mind fall into the revelation of the last few hours of my day.


“Mr. Masterson, I believe that I could be a great asset to this-” he cut me off, “Tell me something I haven’t heard before,” he barked.

“You don’t need to tell me how you could help my company, I just need to know that your good at what you do and that you can meet deadlines,” continued without pause, “I just don’t think you’re the person for the job.”

I stared blankly at him. Who was he to say I wasn’t good for this job. That was so biased and unfair. He was judging me and he hadn’t even seen what I was capable of. I watched him as he wrote something I couldn’t read on one of the many papers in front of him. He may be a busy man but I would make him take the time to see that I was right for this.

“At least read my writing portfolio Mr. Masterson. I put a lot of work into it and I think you’ll be pleased with what I have,” I said confidently.

I wouldn’t go down without a fight.

He eyed me suspiciously, looking me over, trying to find something wrong with me, something to exploit, soon finding none. “Okay, okay,” he said huffing.

He stood, taking too long it seemed and walked over to his filing cabinet to grab my portfolio he had tossed there when I had first arrived. I knew that he had had no intentions of taking the time to read it, and I had literally all the time in the world to wait for him to.

He headed back to his desk and tossed it into the middle of it before taking his seat.

I waited patiently as he grabbed his mug of coffee and taking a long sip before glancing at me as he reached for his reading glasses that were resting on his untouched pile of non-important looking mail.

I knew exactly what he was doing, and he sure wasn’t a very good actor. He was testing my patience, trying to push my buttons. My patience was just one button that he would never be strong enough to push. I wouldn’t let him get to me, as long as I got what I wanted and right now, I wanted a job.

He reached for the folder and opened it. I watched as he flipped through its contents for seemingly finding something that caught his interest. He was going to make me wait for him while he read to himself.

I waited for what I counted as nearly twenty minutes before I heard him sigh and lay down my portfolio.

He looked uncomfortable but that may have been just because he could feel my eyes on him the entire time. “Well,” he spoke at last, “I’ve never read anything like this in my entire life.”

The voice in my head was screaming now in triumph, “Yes, you did it. It’s smooth sailing from here baby. That’s a great sign. He loves it.” I tried to quiet my thoughts as I waited for him to ask me when I would like to start.