
Zack Baker, or better known as Zacky Vengeance, fell in love with a girl named Icelend Marlaina Vedecy when she was only sixteen years old. He was nineteen at the time, so her parents, of course, had a major problem with this. And then there was the fact that we was the rockin' guitarist and some times vocalist who was in a heavy rock band called Avenged Sevenfold which her daddy didn't take a liking to very well at all and her mother said was a disgrace to all good music of the world. They did everything in their power to keep the two lovers apart and learned that nothing was working. She'd keep sneaking out, or he'd keep sneaking in no matter how badly they punished her.

Finally, while Zacky was gone on a two month tour with his band doing gigs at pubs and such hoping to make their big dreams come true, Ice's parents decided it was time to move her far away from Oakland California, where they currently resided. Ice struggled and fought with them the day they left, two weeks after Zacky had. She begged them to at least wait for him to come back so she could tell him good bye but they refused. They said they weren't taking any chances of being followed by him. And so she literally had to be picked up and strapped in the back seat of the car. She cried the entire way there knowing she'd never get a chance to tell him what happened to her, for her parents told her she'd be living like the Amish and they'd make sure of that. She was to have no usage of phone unless it was supervised and the phones would be hid until she needed to use them again. She cried herself to sleep every night.

So how do you think poor Zacky feels?

But what happens the summer she turns eighteen and goes away to summer camp to be one of the counselors for the little kids. What happens when she thinks she recognizes the love of her life as another counselor, but isn't one hundred percent sure, until late one night when all the counselors get together down by the lake after all the little kids are tucked in tightly in their cabins?

I guess you'll just have to read and find out.

This is a one-shot. But it will be a pretty long one. And trust me. It took me quite a few days just to get this thing all together. So I hope you like it!


I do not own Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, Johnny Christ, (Matt) M. Shadows, or The Rev. However, I do own Ice and any of her friends in this story. Don't you think if I owned A7X I'd be there, with them!
  1. Summer Camp
    It;'s pretty long, and it took me a really long time to write it, but I think you're really gonna love it!