Punk Goth in Beverly Hills

The Easingtons

As I sat in the car squashed by the books from our library, the bed comforters, and the kitchen ware I thought to myself, ‘why am I being tortured like this?’ ‘Why did they give that job offer to dad?’ ‘Why did he take it, sure were rich now, but why must we move to Beverly Hills, our Large two story house in San Francisco, California was fine, why do we need to show off any more?’ Okay calm down. I'm a 16 year old year, “Gothic like” girl moving to Beverly Hills, with lots of stuck-up rich kids. When I arrived in Beverly Hills, I got out of my car to find my parents had gotten there already I stood in front of the overly sized Mansion for a minute or two just to imagine what life may be like in a new House, new school, trying to make new friends, good thing its summer and I don’t have to face that problem until the Beverly Hills High started in September. But the friends bothered me because the only kids that lived here were stuck-up and bratty shit–faces. As I entered the Mansion my parents welcomed me and introduced me to the new neighbors the Easingtons they were nice people but very stuck-up.

”Lily how old are you?” Mrs. Easington asked

“Sixteen.” I replied nervously

“My son Scott is your age I’m sure he’d love to meet you. What High school will you be attending next year, Lillian?” Mrs. Easington asked

“It’s Lily. Just Lily and I will be going to Beverly Hills High.” I answered

“Scott will be attending that school too.” Mrs. Easington Boasted