Punk Goth in Beverly Hills

An Alley in Beverly Hills

Even though I knew Scott was probably preppy and stuck-up like the rest of my neighbor’s kids, I longed to meet him and I hoped he would not be as preppy as the others, better yet not preppy at all. One day I went out for an adventure around my new neighborhood to see what life was like for the preppies. While I was walking around I found an unusual Dark alley with graffiti on the walls and abandon kittens and dumpsters, I suddenly thought I traveled out of Beverly hills and into San Francisco I thought maybe this could be a place like where I could go to think. “When I’m in Beverly Hills it feels like everyone has their eyes on me like their waiting for me to shout to someone shut the fuck up you stuck-up bratty kid.” I thought aloud. So I stayed in the dark alley for a while, and this tall human figure appeared in the light I ducked behind the alley’s dumpster and the figure walked into the darkness and leaned against the wall. “Fuck why am I living in this town. I should be living in New York with all the other depressing teenagers.” The strange human figure shouted in rage. Right then I stood up and came face to face with this figure that now cleared up to be tall “Punk-Gothic” teenage boy.

“Where did you come from?” The teenage boy demanded,
“I was here all along I ducked behind the dumpster when I saw you.” I answered
“Oh, well hi I’m Scott, Scott Easington.” The boy answered
“I’m Lily, Lily Pocatello, I’m also Punk-Gothic living in Beverly Hills, and this is where you come to think, too.”
“Well yea, maybe we could talk sometime out here.” Scott quickly blurted out.
“I’d like that.” I said