Punk Goth in Beverly Hills

I love you

The bed started to rock and bang against the wall and then I spoke up.
“Stop.” I demanded
“What am I hurting you?”
“No, I’m just not ready.” I whispered.
I put back on my clothes and left immediately.
The Next day I called Scott and told him to meet me in the Alley. When they met down there I spoke.
“I’m so sorry I just wasn’t ready.”
Scott came over to kiss me on the cheek and wrap her in his arms. “No, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have expected we would be ready.” Scott whispered in her ear.
“I will always listen to you and be here for you.” Scott said in a low soft voice
“I love you.” Scott added
“I love you too, Scott.” I said in a very low soft voice as a tear rolled down my soft, tan cheek.
“Let’s get some coffee.” Scott said as he wiped away my tear