Punk Goth in Beverly Hills

"Le Fleur"

When we walked into Starbucks I sank into a big, red, soft couch while Scott ordered our coffee.
“Can I get one Caramel Latte and a Hazel Nut coffee, please?” Scott ordered.
The lady went in the back to prepare the coffees and came back about one minute later.
“Nine dollars and forty cents.” The lady said in a low, grumpy voice.
“Thank-you.” Scott said while putting the change in her hand.
He handed me the Caramel Latte while planting a kiss on my cheek.
“Thanks.” I said while returning a kiss to his soft gentle lips. I took a sip of the cool caramel sprinkled drink.
“Can we try another sleepover tonight?” Scott asked hoping for a yes.
“Yea we can.” I answered while I trailed off sipping my Latte, ‘Am I ready? No, Yes, Yes defiantly, No I can’t or…’
My train of thought was interrupted by the pitter-patter of hard rain falling on the streets.
“I should probably take you home now.” Scott said “Well to my house.”
As we walked down the streets of Beverly Hills we passed Horses, Mansions, Bratty Kids, and a castle but none of that really mattered because we were together.
When we got to his house his family took me out to a fancy restaurant called Le Fleur.
“Thank-you for letting me come along.” I said politely
“It was no problem Lily; after all you are Scott’s Girlfriend.” Mr.Easington replied.
His six year old sister Josephine giggled.
“You should tell your girlfriend how you run around the house naked singing your favorite songs.” Josephine said as she now giggled and wiggled in her seat.
“Josephine, sit in your seat and be quite.” Mrs.Easington demanded. Scott shot her a dirty look.