Aurélie and the Adventures of the Aquitaine

The salt water was drying in her curly hair, and she didn't care.
Her skin was tanned, her clothes wrinkled and she didn't care.

Aurélie Castille stood on the quarterdeck and looked around at the enormous expanse of water that stretched along the horizon in every direction. The shimmering lights dancing off the blue waters of the Mediterranean, it was breathtaking.


Captain Dodger glanced over at the mysterious girl standing on the quarterdeck, daydreaming the the sunlight. Her hair blew slightly in the breeze and the sight made him catch his breath.
What I would give to know what's on her mind...

This feeling caught him off guard, what would he give to know what she was thinking?

"Captain!" Ellie shouted down, tearing him out of his thoughts, "There's a ship approaching off the starboard bow! British militia by the looks of it!"

Now that's something I don't have to think about, Dodger thought with a grin.

"Stoke the cannons, hoist the foresail and run the colours mates! Lets end the day with a bang!"
  1. One
    In which we find Barons, boats and barrels.
  2. Two
    In which we find dreams, Darien and dresses.
  3. Three
    In which we find cabins, cobwebs and corsets.
  4. Four
    In which we find pirates, pantries & pans.