Lying Is the Most Fun Brendon Can Have Without Taking His Clothes Off

Spencer Smith Is A Drama Queen

Brendon’s P.O.V

Ryan hadn’t fought against me so I slid my hands under his hoodie, feeling for every contour of his torso. He took his arms from my waist and placed them around my neck , tangling his long fingers into my hair which pulled me even closer to him. I made my hips grind gently against his and a soft moan escaped his mouth but the sound was muffled by the kiss. We would have brought it back up to the bedroom if it hadn’t been for Jon and his stupid megaphone.

“GET YO’ LAZY ASS’ OUT HERE!!!” We jumped apart at the sound of Jon’s voice bellowing through the megaphone. As Ryan and I dragged our suitcases out the door lazily, Spencer stumbled out of the tour bus to help us (mainly Ryan) with the suitcases. He did not look happy.

“SPENCY!!” Ryan squealed literally jumping over to Spencer giving him a hug. I grinned at his childlike manner, knowing that it was only the surface of his personality.

“Get off me Ryan!” Spencer yelled, Ryan was only too eager to oblige and he let him go, causing him to fall backwards onto the sidewalk. I could hear more squealing inside the bus and knew it was Ryan so I went inside. I looked back to where Spencer was still on the ground.

“Get up Spencer, you know we won’t wait for you. Remember last time when you were-” I was silenced as he gave me a death glare and strode onto the bus unhappily. The bus started moving and Spencer stood up as if to make an announcement.

“I am going to bed. Wake me up when we get to Cali” He said as he marched off towards the bunks. Spencer Smith is a drama queen. Jon put a finger to his lips and crept after Spencer. He obviously had a plan. Seconds later we heard a BANG along with several screams and lots of yelling belonging to Spencer. I stood up from my seat at the little table and sat next to Ryan on the sofa where he slowly flicked through the channels.

Ryan’s P.O.V

Brendon has moved closer to me and put his head in the hollow of my neck, kissing the soft skin gently. I tried my best not to react and concentrated to finding a decent show on T.V. He wrapped his arms around my small waist and began kissing along my jaw hungrily. I was about to succumb for the second time today but I jumped from the sofa suddenly when I found the show I was looking for.

“THE NEXT PUSSYCAT DOLL IS ON!!!” I squealed, jumping up and down. The Pussycat Dolls were my not-so-secret obsession.

“I will get you good for this ryho” He vowed and I knew he would get me but right now I was focused on singing and dancing around to ‘Don’t cha’ . I could feel Brendon’s eyes on my body as I danced but I didn’t care. I was being a tease and it was killing him.

I was in for it.

BIG time.
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I know this is short but i will update with a longer chapter later today.