Lying Is the Most Fun Brendon Can Have Without Taking His Clothes Off

Ryan Ross Bitch Attack & Spencer Smith Is A ***

Ryan’s P.O.V

“Can you believe it? I can’t believe it!” I knew I was rambling but honestly, Jon and Spencer?

“Will you just shut up for 5 seconds Ryan?” Brendon asked with an exasperated expression. I made a movement as if to zip my mouth closed and throw away the key. Brendon sighed with relief.

“I really don’t know if I can keep this revenge thing going Ryan” I smirked at this comment because I knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. But he spoke in such an innocent plain tone that it almost seemed fake.

He leaned forward to kiss me and I kissed him back, pushing him against the bathroom door and shedding both our shirts. Brendon reversed the situation so I was against the door but in a space of about three seconds, he had pulled my boxers so they were around my ankles and had pushed me into the bathroom. I knew he was up to something evil.

“HAHAHA!” He giggled as he ran off back to his bunk, jumping in and throwing the curtain shut. I could still hear that stupid boy and his stupid girlish giggle. I didn’t say a word as I made my way back to my own bunk. He was in trouble.


Spencer’s P.O.V

It felt good just lying in bed with Jon. Something we hadn’t been able to do for a while because of the tour. But now that the guys knew it would be happening a lot more. We were still awake and Jon was propped up on one elbow, tracing patterns on my bare chest. I took his hand and dragged it to a lower part of my body, making Jon’s eyes widen.

“You are a whore!” Jon laughed, but he looked serious at the same time.

“and you love it” I noted, knowing that he did

“damn straight” Then I pulled him on top of me.

I threw my arms around his body to ensure that we were as close as possible, because for me that still wasn’t close enough. His hands ran down the sides of my own body stopping at my hips. I broke the kiss and began planting soft kisses from his collarbone, along his throat, across his jaw then finally bringing them back to his longing lips.

I knew it was wrong.

But Jon is my drug.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short and kinda filler-ish but the next few chapters promise ALOT more excitement.