Lying Is the Most Fun Brendon Can Have Without Taking His Clothes Off

The Revenge Of The Revenge

Ryan’s P.O.V

“WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE??” I yelled from my bunk.

It was one in the morning and Spencer and Jon have not given up. I mean, honestly! Don’t they get tired?!

“You just wish it was us in there Ryho” Brendon giggled from his bunk.

“Maybe” I said, a smirk forming on my lips as I created my first act of serious payback.

I slid out of my bunk and tiptoed over to where Brendon was wide awake, staring into space.
I leaned over and placed a small kiss on his lips and I got the desired reaction. Brendon pulled me into his bunk so I was lying on top of him. We continued to make out as our pyjama tops were discarded. I broke my lips from his and trailed them down his chest, causing him to moan and whimper. He bucked his hips into mine and that was my cue.

I jumped out of his bunk and quickly got into mine, giggling as I slammed the curtain closed.

I could still hear Brendon through the curtain.


This similar ranting went on for about two hours until he slowly fell asleep.


Ryan’s P.O.V.

“Good Morning Brendon!” I said giggling as he made his way to the little kitchen area the next morning.

He was obviously trying to win me back as he wrapped his arms around my waist but I wasn’t going to play. I tore out of his grasp with my coffee and sat on the sofa, flicking through the channels.

Brendon sat next to me, snuggling into my side. I ignored him.

“Where are Jon and Spence?” He murmured sleepily.

“Checking into the hotel for us” I replied, not turning to face him.

Brendon’s P.O.V

HOTEL! I was wide awake at that thought. This way Ryan couldn’t get away. He couldn’t ignore me forever, could he??

Ryan’s P.O.V

I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye but little did he know that I still had a few little tricks to play on him.

I grinned inwardly as I thought of my plan.

This boy was in for it.
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sorry i haven't updated in ages!