Alone Together Alone


When we last left off Pete and Erin were separated by a cosmic shift.
Pete getting his life back. The whole world changing giving them all new lives, well all except Erin really. Not that it's surprising, she's been out of the natural loop for centuries not like the world would start taking enough notice to change her life too.

Fall Out Boy is a success. Touring the world. Selling albums. Packing shows. What more could they ask for?
Pete has a beautiful house, a amazing girlfriend, and his lovely little dog Hemingway. Why does he feel like something's missing?

He didn't remember anything from his old life...
Did he?


“Erin!” I panted trying to steady my breathing.
I awoke in a cold sweat for the third week straight to the same reoccurring nightmare.
“Pete,” Ashley, my girlfriend, spoke her voice still thick with sleep as she sat up and began rubbing my back. “Is it that dream again?”
“Yeah.” I grumbled out leaning over to rest my head on her shoulder.
She just continued to rub my back soothingly. “Honey, it’s just a dream.” She whispered in my ear just like she did every night.


Title Credit- Fall Out Boy "Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?"
The first amazing Banner made by- Stephie-Renee18
The second banner was made by me because I've finally learned how to do it.

You'll notice they feature different girls. That's because what Erin looks like is up for interpretation. It's your imagination, use it your way.