Sequel: Starlight (book 3)

Sunlight (book 2)

Thank You's

Maeve didn’t want to move Nadir. I wanted to stay with him as well as my venom spread. We were all so… so shocked. I was sitting on the grass while the sun set, it’s last rays of light shining over this surprisingly happy day. Eamon was sitting with me, he hadn’t let go of me for hours. He was so relieved… so proud. That thought made me smile.

Nadir smacked my leg. I could feel that he was getting stronger. Of course he didn’t purposely smack my leg. He had been thrashing and screaming every now and then on account of he felt like he was burning inside. I shivered at the memory, but to my surprise I smiled. I was strong again! I already beat Eamon in a race twice and Kyra three times! She was coming and going. Visiting. Maeve hadn’t said anything, but she never stopped smiling.

"Moon,” She suddenly said, her voice was so cheerful I smiled again, “Thank you. O thank you so much. I don’t know how you did it, but I love you!!” Suddenly her arms were wrapped around me, giving me the tightest squeeze huge I had ever experienced. I literally couldn’t breath, but that didn’t matter to me of course. On account of I didn’t really need air…

“Heh… Maeve, kinda choking me here!” I said jokingly. She smiled and let me go (letting Eamon wrap his arms around me again) laughing. We all were laughing.

“Now I really owe you…” She whispered, that humor and happiness in her voice suddenly disappeared. I frowned. Owe me?

“Owe me?” I asked out loud. She shrugged and looked me hard in the eye.

“Well, I think that I do. You saved my life, and you basically saved Nadir. In a way, of course.” I couldn’t help but giggle. One quiet, innocent giggle.

“Maeve. I ‘saved’ him by not killing him! I came a little too close, though.” I said, staring hard at Nadir’s hurting face. What would have happened if I hadn’t ‘reconnected’ with the logical part of my mind? The part screaming at me to stop…

“Still. You can’t avoid the fact that I owe you about two lives. Maybe I’ll save your life, who knows?” She asked, I shook my head.

“You do not owe me anything.” I argued. She shrugged. There was no getting through to her… what could I do?

I looked around, wondering where Kyra had run off to. She took off so quickly she didn’t even say where she was going. She just said gotta go and was gone in a flash. I was worried, honestly…

“Where do you suppose Kyra is?” I asked Eamon. Her trail of her scent was still in the air. Eamon shrugged.

“I think she’s off doing Kyra-things. She’ll be back.” He said. I shrugged and laid down. I looked at Nadir, being held still by Maeve. I’d say he’s got about… fourteen hours left. I sighed, poor Nadir. How he remained so calm during that mess only ten hours ago, I’ll never understand…
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I'd say... another two chapters to go maybe. Sorry that this one was shorter than the last one with less action and drama... but like I said before, the next one will have plenty!!