Sequel: Searching For a Soul

Demons and Dark Doors

Doggie Days

‘Sparks? Here boy!’ I called out to him, hoping he would come prancing out of his special indoor doghouse. There was movement in there. I saw something, I know I did! I called out to him again, urgency dripping off my every word.

Then, beyond anything I would have thought could happen, he bounded out of the box, huge smile across his face.

A small smile swept across my face. At least one member of my family was still alive. On his way over to me something slammed into him, taking him out of my sight.

‘NO!’ I cried out. Following the direction of which he had disappeared, I found him. He was being ripped to shreds by a little winged creature.

The black skin that covered its body was wrinkled and dried out. It seemed like it would be paper thin. The sight of this thing ripping and eating my dog just infuriated me. Was this the thing that had killed my brother, my sister AND my parents? If it was, I swear to the holiest of things, I will kill it.

I aimed a kick at its head and the thing flew away into the darkness. I started to kneel down to pick up what was left of my dog, but the thing came out of nowhere and smacked me out of the way of its interrupted meal.

I hit the wall with a thud and those little dots were back again. I felt my head where it had smacked the wall and my hand came back bloody. That was the last straw. I had finally reached my limit. I was going to kill this thing and chop it into little bits.