‹ Prequel: Fixing the Broken

Sellouts Don't Steal Hearts

53 weeks.

"You're so skinny!" she exclaimed. Sky leaned back in her chair in embarrassment as her grandmother pursued to pinch her fiancé's cheeks. "You need to eat a couple steaks!"

Alex stood there, unaware of what exactly to say as Sky slowly dipped into her seat.

"Grama, why don't you go see if Aunt Wendy needs some help, okay?"

"Oh yes, yes!" exclaimed the old woman happily, her hands shaking frantically in the air as she wandered towards the kitchen.

Sky admired the bewildered and frightened look on Alex's face, her hand pressed against her cheek. She chuckled. "Let's hope you live to see the big day."

His eyes trailed to meet hers. "By the sound of it, I'm more hopeful that I'll be able to walk down the aisle. She sounds like she's gonna fatten me up!"

She kissed the melodramatic singer gently and shook her head. "Over my dead body."

"Your dead sexy body," he smiled.

She nudged him back with her hand. "God, where do you get that bullshit?"

He grinned as he tucked his hands into his pockets. "I pick it up. Y'know, from around."

Sky chuckled, watching as everyone scurried about and as more and more people came to wish the couple good luck and the best of wishes. One by one, they thanked each person for their kindness and just when they thought the chaos had subdued, the door flew open and the three stooges waltzed in.

"Woo! Congrats to the lovebirds!" Jack screamed, enveloping Sky and Alex in a huge hug.

She swatted at his shoulder. "Jack... let go... suffocating..."

He let go immediately and blushed. "Sorry."

Sky smiled and jumped into his arms. "I've missed you, Jack Attack!"

"We've missed you guys!" Zack said, joining Barakat.

Rian tucked his hands into his pockets and wandered on over. "Things just haven't been the same without our manager."

"But we heard you got the job at Spin!"

Sky blushed as Alex's hand snaked around her waist. "Yep, that's my girl."

She smiled and pressed her hand against his chest. All of a sudden, a loud "OH MY GOD" boomed throughout the house causing everyone to look over at the group ofsavagesmen boys.

"What the fuck is that on your hand?!"

"It's a boulder!"

"It's an asteroid!"

"It's a ring!"

Each of the guys grabbed at her hand, trying to get a better look at the gorgeous ring she was wearing.

"Fuck me, Gaskarth."

"I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you, Jack."

Rian gawked at Sky. "You do realize you have a brand new car on your hand, right?"

She burst out laughing. "Thank you for the update, Maestro of Engagement Rings, and FYI, I don't care what it's worth."

Zack looked over at her. "The hell you don't! Girl, you could pawn that and buy something really sick, like shoes!"

"Or grills!"

They looked over at Jack, who smiled earnestly. "What? I've always wanted some..."

"Alright, dipshits, take it easy. Nobody's pawning the ring."

"Exactly," Sky said, agreeing with Alex. "Sorry Jack. Looks like you'll have to hold out on the grills for a while."

He frowned, but was smacked by both Rian and Zack, causing the three of them to break out into a brawl.

Alex walked over to the front door and pointed to the lawn. "For your safety, and the safety of others, please exit the way you came in!"

Sky sighed. "What are we ever going to do with them?"

"I was thinking of institutionalizing them."

She rolled her eyes as he rubbed his thumbs against her hips. "Have you told them they can't come with us on the honeymoon?"

"WE CAN'T?!" Jack screamed from the doorway.

"Get your skinny little white ass back here, Barakat!"

And with that, he was dragged back into the heap of testosterone rolling around on the Gaskarths' front lawn.

The couple laughed. "Looks like Mom's gonna have some replanting to do tomorrow."

"No worries. She's a smart woman. She'll put them on manure duty."

He leaned in to kiss her, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes as he did so. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she smiled, pressing her lips against his.

Roaring applause shook the house as they kissed each other, and Sky burst into laughter as he dipped her back and kissed her neck.

"Easy there, Alex! Leave something for the honeymoon!"

Sky looked towards the door and grinned from ear to ear the moment she realized who had just walked in. Bailey and Ryan smiled and her friend through open her arms, welcoming her.

"I've missed you so much!"

"We've missed you, too," Ryan said as the girls hugged. "We just finished our tour and we knew you'd kill us if we didn't stop by."

"You better believe I would."

Alex sauntered over and gave Ryan a hug. "Ross, buddy! It's been forever!"

"Congrats, man. Couldn't be happier for you."

"I couldn't be happier myself." He leaned in to kiss Sky's cheek and she just rolled her eyes with a giggle. She signalled to him as she spoke to Bailey.

"He's been sweet talking me all day."

"And you know what that means," Bailey laughed.

"He ain't gettin' any?" Ryan asked, completely aware of what the two were talking about. Alex's cheeks flushed and he attempted to hide his face with his hand.

"Thanks for that, Ryan. Cause I haven't learned 'girl talk' yet."

The lanky Panic at the Disco guitarist shrugged at his friend's sarcasm and chuckled. "Anytime."

"We'd like to make a toast!"

The small group directed their attention to Alex's mom and dad who stood before everyone, champagne in hand.

"We would like to thank everyone for coming and celebrating this joyous event with us," his mother began. She smiled at her son. "To Alex, my baby, for never forgetting us, even when he became big and famous." Everyone chuckled and Sky buried her head into his side. His dad took over. "And to Skylar." She looked up with her big eyes and smiled at the man. "My boy is certainly lucky to have found you, and I think we can all agree, we're not sure if he deserves you -"


"We're just teasing, Alex," he chuckled.

He huffed impatiently. "Remind me not to let you say anything at the wedding!"

The room chuckled as Sky spoke up. "Don't listen to him. He's just PMSing."

"Is today 'Embarrass Alex Day' or something?" he shouted.

"Don't be silly, hun," his fiancée said, clinking her glass against his. "That's every day."
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of my sequel to Fixing the Broken.
Hope you enjoy it,
and please, please comment :)

Thanks :D