Status: I will continue this story.....R.I.P James Owen Sullivan.....I'll miss you

Love the Girl


Isabella’s P.O.V

When Mrs. Hern told me to go sit down next to a boy called Jimmy, I looked up to see where he was. My heart gave a little jolt and my stomach felt weird. I looked down and walked to my seat. Next to the boy, as I sat down I felt his eyes on me. It made me extremely uncomfortable. I took out my new English book and tried to pay attention to the teacher.

I was writing a note in my notebook when my pencil flipped out of my hands. I hated when that happened, just as I was about to get up and get my pencil someone beat me to it. I looked up and into the eyes of Jimmy Sullivan. So blue, you could confuse the ocean for his eyes. They looked so amazing. I’ve never seen anything like them. “I think you dropped this” he said as he handed me my pencil. I took it from him and muttered a small thank you before I went back to taking notes.

“Your welcome” he said back as he turned back his attention to the front of the class. After about 15 minutes the bell rang and we were let out. I quickly took out my schedule to see what and where my next class was. This new school thing was hard, I knew that even before we came here but it just felt harder than I expected.

I was halfway down the hall way when I realized my class was in the other direction. I rolled my eyes as the bell for second period rang and everyone left the halls for their classes. Just as I turned around I bumped into something dropping my books in the process.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

‘I think you dropped something?’ god how fucking stupid of a pick up line was that? It’s been over used so much and I had to be the idiot to use it. Ever since I saw her eyes…. I don’t know what happened, but it’s made me incredible stupid. I couldn’t take my eyes off her all threw class. I tried to pay attention like she was but it didn’t work. I kept looking at her; she was so fascinating to look at.

She seemed so determined to get down every word Mrs. Hern said. Even though the old bat gets everything out of the book word for word and her tests are so easy to cheat in. When the bell rang she ‘Isabella’ ran out. I was going to follow her to talk to her but Zacky and Brian got to me first. “I think you dropped something” said Brian in a high pitched girly voice. I rolled my yes, “You heard that?” I asked. He chuckled, “I was right behind you man I heard and saw everything” he said put his arm around my neck and put me into a choke hold. “What’s going on?” asked Zack with a confused look.

“Oh lover boy here has a massive huge large crush on the new girl and he made himself look like an idiot in front of her all in one class” he said as he laughed. Zacky laughed with him. “Thanks for telling me what I already know but I have to go” I said as I tried to get away from them. They both gasped, “Since when are in such a hurry to get to class?” asked Zack in shock. “I’m not I just need to go” I said as I ran off. The bell for the next class rang as I tried to find Isabella. I saw her looking around the hall as everyone went into class.

Yes! Now was the time to talk to her. Just as I was about to open my mouth she turned around and bumped into me dropping all of her stuff. I quickly bent down to help her. As I grabbed her books and schedule I looked up at her, to see that she was staring at me. “Hey” I said as I gave her, her books back. “Thanks" she said as she took her books. “Oh you and I have math together, come I’ll show you where it is” I said quickly as I grabbed her hand and dragged her to our next class.

I still had her schedule in my hands. I quickly glanced at it and saw that we had three classes together. I smiled a little at this. “Can I have my schedule back?” she asked as she tried to take it. I held it up and gave it to her. “We have three classes together” I said with a smile. “Oh” she said as a blush came and graced her beautiful pale cheeks. I took a second to actually look her she was so small compared to my height; I could easily lift her with one arm. She had raven black hair that was left loose and the most amazing green eyes I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why but she tried to avoid eyes contact with me.

Just as I was about to ask her where she moved from, for the second time that day I bumped into some. “Mr. Sullivan” said Principal Davidson. “Yes?” I asked rudely. Shit face made me take classes after school because I wasn’t smart enough. I know he hates me, but I needed to pass this last year of school. “Ms. Morgan what are you doing? you both should be in class” he said as he gave us a warning stare.

I rolled my eyes. “She dropped her books and didn’t know where class was so I was helping her” I said quickly. He shook his head then took a deep breath. “Anyway I was coming to find you anyway” he said as he looked at Isabella. “Why? Did I do something?” she asked, “Oh no I was just wondering if you could join our tutoring program after school seeing as used to do it before you cam here” he said with a smile.

Just then it hit me, if she did then I could see her after school. “Umm…I guess I could” she said as she ran her hands threw her hair nervously. “Wonderful I’ll see you after school in room 345D” he said as he walked off. “We better get to class” she said as she began walking. I quickly caught up and walked her to class.
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Thanks for the comments i hope you like this chapter and comment! Show some Jimmy love!

Over and Out Captain!!!