Status: I will continue this story.....R.I.P James Owen Sullivan.....I'll miss you

Love the Girl

Tutoring Hour

Jimmy’s P.O.V

After what seemed like a life time school was finally over. Now normally I would be dreading going to after school, school but today was completely different. In both of the classes that we had left that day all I did was stare at her. I don’t know why, sure she was beautiful, but there were a lot of beautiful girls. Why was she any different? Even at lunch I went looking for her but I didn’t find her.

She wasn’t like the rest of the girls, I can tell you that. I quickly grabbed my books and some stuff from my locker before I left for 345D the loser class, the class used to teach under educated students. I rolled my eyes as I saw the other kids trudge to class. There were about 20 students in the class. I made my way to my usual seat and planted my ass to my hard chair.

I crossed my arms on the desk and rested my head. After this I was defiantly going to head home and sleep till morning. Just as I heard more people coming in I lifted my head and saw Isabella walk into the class room looking a little lost. Mr.Shit face saw her and told her to pick any student and start helping them with their work books. She looked around and found nobody without a partner until I called her name, “Isabella” I called.

Isabella’s P.O.V

I heard someone call my name and turned in the direction of the person only to find Jimmy. I quickly walked over to him. “Hey I don’t have a partner. Would you be mine?” he said with a smile and pointed to the seat next to him. “Sure” I said as I took a seat next to him. “So let’s get started” I said as I grabbed the book in front of him. I opened it only to find lyrics.

“Those are my lyrics” he said as he took the book away from me. I looked at him in shock, “You write?” I asked him. “Ya well I learned how to write the alphabet in the first grade and then it progressed since then” he said as if it was obvious. “Sorry I didn’t mean it like that...” I was cut off by Jimmy. “Where were you at lunch?” he asked. I gave him a curious look. “I was at the library” I said.

Why was he so curious to know where I was? It’s not like he cares or anything. “Why?” he asked as he cocked his head to the side. “I was picking up the book we have to read fro English” I said. “Ya but we don’t have to read that for like another two weeks then we get a whole week to read it.

So you have plenty of time” he said. I just shook my head and looked down, “Ya but I wanted to get a little bit of a head start” I said shyly. “Umm…let’s start” I said as I grabbed his book and opened it to the last page he finished. “So what are you having trouble in?” I asked. “Nothing” he replied simply as he continued to stare at me. It was starting to creeping me out the way he kept staring at me.

He had done nothing but stare at me all day like I was a wild animal. “Denial won’t help you with your learning problems” I said, he was probably shy about having a learning problem. He gave me a look, “I’m not in denial. I just choose not to do the stuff they ask because it’s not going to get me anywhere I want to go. I already have a plan of what I want to do. I just have to pass the fucking year” he said.

I rolled my eyes, “Okay so what do you plan to do?” I asked. “I’m in a band” he said with a smile. I gave him a small smile, “Even if you are in a band you still need to know the basics of human knowledge” I said. “Ya well what the hell could they possibly teach me here that I would actually need?” he asked. “Well….Say you become a rock star or whatever… and you sign a record deal with some big company… you’d want to know how much you make and know what your required to do.

You wouldn’t want to sing something you don’t understand 100% would you?” I asked him. If he really wants to become a rock star I guess that’s his dream…we all have dreams and sometimes it’s good to think we can actually do it. “Fine I guess that’s a good point” he said as his face scrunched up in thought at what I just said.

“Jimmy everyone can do what they put there minds to. I believe you can get far better grades than what you expect of your self” I said sincerely. “Well if you believe than I guess I can too” he said with a sigh and opened his work book. “Izzy…Can I call you Izzy?” he asked, I nodded my head, “Sure, but nobody’s ever called me that” I said with a blush. “You mean you’ve never had a nick name?” he asked in shock.

I shook my head, “Not even your parents, I mean Isabella is a nice name but don’t they call you by anything shorter?” he asked. I shook my head, “Well then I’ll be the first to give you a nickname and I shall call you Izzy” said Jimmy as he declared it in an important voice. I giggled, and he smiled at me. Just then the bell rang, and tutoring hour was over. “Shoot, I guess there’s always tomorrow” said Jimmy with an evil little smile. I giggled at him; he just wasted a whole hour and was so happy about it.

“My lady can I walk you to the parking lot?” he asked in a medieval accent. I laughed, “Are you always this weird?” I asked, and he shook his head and gave me a serious glare. “No I’m usually worse” he said with a smile at the end. This mad me laugh harder. I took his arm and we walked all the way to the parking lot.

Just as we arrived at the parking lot I let go of his arm. I heard a car horn and turned to see my father. “Oh that’s my dad I have to go” I said as I started running off and waving bye to Jimmy. He gave me a small wave back. I quickly got into the front seat and my dad drove us home.
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Over and Out Captain!!!