Status: I will continue this story.....R.I.P James Owen Sullivan.....I'll miss you

Love the Girl

The Beach

Isabella’s P.O.V

As we arrived at the beach in Jimmy’s car, I stared in awe at the wonders of how quiet the night was. The moon was full and it gave everything that touched its light a silvery glow that looked to be supernatural. Suddenly the car stopped, Jimmy turned to me with a mischievous smile. He looked so happy, I didn’t know any thing about him but he seemed like the kind of person who always had fun and didn’t care what life brought him because he could always look on the bright side or at least make a joke about it.

I wish that I didn’t care so much about things. Before I knew it we were making our way to the shore. I stared in wonder at the oceans beauty at night. “It’s beautiful” I finally managed to breathe out. “Ya, that why I come here. This is my favorite spot in the whole world” he said as he too stared at the view.

I studied his face as he took in the beauty of the ocean. He seemed so calm and serene. I quickly looked away when he turned to look at me. I didn’t need him to think that I was crazy for just staring at him. “You want to go for a walk?” asked Jimmy with a smile. I smile and nodded my head.

Jimmy’s P.O.V

Was she staring at me before? I think she was I hope she was. She looked so beautiful under the moonlight, god that sounded so cheese. But it was true; the ocean looked so ugly compared to her. The way the moon gave her pale face a special glow and how the light shined off her raven black hair and her eyes…..god those eyes are just amazing, her eyes could swallow you whole. If she didn’t think it was weird, I would stare at her eyes for hours and never get bored.

We were walking together along the shore, the waved just missing our feet by just a few inches. I looked at Isabella and saw how happy she looked to be here, she had this small smile that was present on her face and I couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride that I did that. I made her smile, even if it was just a little. I hope that one day I could get her to really smile. “So…” I stared wanting to end the silence between us. She turned to look at me, “So…” she mocked with a smile.

I laughed, “So I saw all those trophies’s and awards in your room you must have been very busy at your last school” I said as I started at her face. It dropped slightly with sadness and immediately I regretted saying anything. “Ya I was really busy…..all the time” she said as she looked away. “Your parents must be proud that their daughters so gifted” I said trying to make her happy again. “Ya real proud” she said bitterly. When I heard her say that it sort of clicked in my mind why she wasn’t happy in those pictures and why she talked so bitterly about it.

“You never really wanted to do all that stuff did you” I said it more of a statement then a question. She looked at me with surprise. “No not really….I mean I’m happy that I got to do all those things and have the knowledge I do today…but it was all at a price” she said as she studied the sand, avoiding eye contact with me. “And what price was that?” I asked curiously, she had everything looks, brains, money…..what else could there be. She stopped to look at me in the eyes, “My childhood” she said simple before walking on. I thought about it for a second.

I really didn’t think of that, I mean she would have had to study a lot….and she would have had to give up a lot of time to do it. “While other kids were riding their bikes….I was doing calculus problems….while other girls played with dolls I was reading classic literature and the saddest part of it was that I always thought I’d have time later on to do that kind of stuff. But here I am going to collage next year. I missed everything” her voice was so low I barley heard it, but I knew I heard her right.

I felt so sad for her, I wouldn’t trade any of the time I had as a kid with my friends for all the knowledge in the world. If it’s the last thing I do…I’m going to give her everything she missed out on.
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My computer sucks! Sorry for those who read my stories! I'm going to update some other stuff tonight too! Comments?

Over and Out Captain!!!!!