Letters To A Dead Friend

The End


Adara Lee Formarta was found dead on January 1ist,2009 in the Mount Hope Cemetary.
She was found lying over a grave,by teh cemetary's ground keeper,Valentes Mousrise With no vital signs.
Mr. Mousrise called paremdics,but ehy could not revive the girl.
It apperes that her body was over the grave of her best Friend,Mary Samuals,who had commited suicide three months ago.

The police are treating this as a suicide.

A statment was released from The victems mother stating:

"adara never got over the death of her friend, and couldn't contiue life with the void in her life. This is fine with me"

Harsh words have had many people question if the girl commited suicide, to also get away from her negletcful mother.

"Children with family issues tend to turn to suicide,because they feel that if tehir close family doesn't treat them right, no one would, and that they are better off dead...The people in positions to chage these situations need to look at the abuse that is just flying under teh raidar..teh emotional abuse,the verbal abuse, the neglect." Says Dr.Lockfeild,a Phychatrist at a Youth Phychatric hospital.

The medical examiners report states that there were mulitiple lacarations to the arms and wrists,alcohol level was extreamly high,and Heroin,and Cocaine in her system.
She died of a drug overdose and Alcohol Intoxication.
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