Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Now or Never, Forever or Never


“Shelby! Where are you?!” I heard Jordan yell throughout the apartment that the two of us plus Xander and Michael, my other band mates, shared. We’re in a band called Enough of the Hero. I sing, Jordan plays bass, Michael plays guitar, and Xander is the amazing drummer.

“In here Jordy!” I replied as I continued washing dishes.

He walked in and said, “Get into the living room. The other band we’re touring with is here.”
Yeah, we’re touring with another band. They won’t frapping tell me who though. I’m about to beat it out of them.

“Coming,” I said like Dr. Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I dried my hands off before throwing the towel on the counter and following Jordan into the living room.

I put my ear bud in my ears and turned on my iPod as I started listening to “Forever of Never” by Cinema Bizarre. Love the song. Can’t stand the singer. I don’t know what it is about him, but I just can’t stand him! I have no idea why though.

I bopped my head along with the song as I walked into the living room to see Michael and Xander talking to five other guys. Okay. Whatever.

I sat down on the couch as I mouthed the words to the song and moved around in my seat. I felt someone poke me in my ribs, causing me to jump out my seat. I took out an ear bud to see Xander grinning. That bitch!

“Was die Hölle Xander?!” I asked.

“Um, aren’t you going to say hi to the guys?” he asked pointing to the now four other guys. Wait a frapping minute. Oh. My. God.

I looked at Xander and Michael before asking, “Are you frapping serious?”

“Now Shelbs, try to be nice. We know you don’t like--” Michael started.

“Say the name and I’ll slap you,” I said. I can’t even listen to his name. that’s how much I can’t stand him! I don’t have a problem with the rest of the band. They seem pretty cool.

“Like I was saying, at least act civilized, okay?” Michael asked.

“If civility for me is the same as civility on 300, sure,” I said.

My band mates sighed when Kiro said, “Hi?”

“Oh, hi,” I said smiling. “I’m Shelby.”

He smiled and let out a relieved sigh before waving like I would to someone. Okay, I see me and him being friend. However, my semi-good mood was ruined as soon as the dreaded one walked in. We looked at each other before Kiro said, “Guys, play nice.”

“I didn’t say anything,” I said.

“Me neither,” the dreaded one said.

“But still. It won’t be as much fun if you two are going to be going at it like cats and dogs Strify!” Kiro said.

“I concur,” Michael, Xander, Yu, and Shin added in.

I rolled my eyes before saying, “Might as well get this thing over with. I wanna sit by Kiro!”

I got up and plopped down between Kiro and Luminor. I looked at Luminor and did my silly wave. “Hi!” I said.

He laughed and said, “Hello.”

“Anyways,” Jordan started, “let’s talk tour. Since it’s a bunch of guys and our own Shelby--”

“Fucking sausage fest,” I said.

“Anyway, as I was saying before Shelby’s comment, the guys will share room when we stay at hotels and the girl gets her own room for privacy reasons,” Jordan continued.

“Just for the record, modesty, person space, and changing in private mean nothing to me,” I let them know.

“Why?” Kiro asked.

“Well, Kiro-hero, two words: theatre kid,” I replied.

“Meaning she’s been in too many fucking musicals,” Jordan replied.

Four out of five of the CB guys nodded. Bet you can guess who rolled their eyes.

“Anyway, you still get your own room,” Jordan said to me.

I shrugged. “Just as long as no one waltz in and takes my magic make-up bag,” I said.

We talked some more tour stuff, me and…ugh…Strify *shudder* shooting smart ass remarks back at each other every now and then. When Jordan said, “And now, drinks.”

“Was? Nein!” Strify and I said at the same time. I looked at him before rolling my eyes.

“Yes. Now, deal,” Michael said.

Being the immature one I am (at least I admit it), I stuck my tongue out at him. “Fine, but if I’m going anywhere, I’m changing clothes. I’m not going out in my pajamas,” I said before heading towards my room.

“Wait! I wanna hang out with my new friend!” Kiro exclaimed before reaching me.

I laughed and said, “Come on Kiro-hero.”

We walked into my room and Kiro sat on my bed as I picked out clothes. My room was black, purple, and white themed. My walls were purple with white paint splatters on them, my door frames, window frames, and door were black. The bed Kiro was sitting on had a deep purple comforter on it and black and white pillows, along with a few choice stuffed animals. My bed was in the corner of my room up against the wall.

“I love your room Shelby,” Kiro said as I grabbed my favorite Tripp pants.

“Thanks,” I said. “Jordan and them let me paint it like this. I’ve always wanted to paint my room like this. The white was totally by accident. We were also painting the hallway when we were painting in here and Xander thought he’d piss me off by splattering white paint on one of my walls. When he did it though, I looked at it and told them that it looked really cool. So, when we got all the other walls painted, we splattered my walls with the leftover white paint. Luckily we did this before we painted my frames and closet door black.”

“It looks really cool,” Kiro said when I grabbed a plain black shirt and my Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends sweater.

I nodded. “Come on, since I’m the youngest, I have to listen to them. Fucking older guys. I’m not even legal to drink! How can I get drinks?!” I asked as I changed into my clothes. See? I don’t mind changing in front of anyone anymore.

He nodded as I threw on my hoodie and beat up Converse shoes. I grabbed my phone and iPod before leaving the room, Kiro close behind.
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First CB fic.
Let me know if i should continue.