Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Now or Never, Forever or Never


Kiro and I walked down the sidewalk, arms linked, as we talked about random crap. Yu came by as we were talking about favorite concert we went to.

“Mine is between My Chemical Romance and Taking Back Sunday,” I said when I saw Yu. “Hi Yu!” I said.

“Are you normally this happy?” Yu asked.

I nodded. “Yep. Unless you give me candy. Then I get hyper,” I replied.

“Oh great. Just perfect,” Strify complained.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “I’d rather be hyper and happy than act like I have a stick shoved down my throat!” I retorted.

“Oh well,” Kiro said.

I linked my arm with Yu’s and asked, “JORDY! Where are we going?!”

“Starbucks!” Jordan replied.

Oh. Sweet action! “Yes! Venti Double Chocolaty-Chip Frap here I come!” I said before laughing.

Yu and Kiro laughed with me and Yu said, “We’ll be good friends. I can tell.”

“I thought so, too!” I said smiling like the Cheshire cat.

When we reached Starbucks, first thing Jordan said was, “No Venti sized frap Shelby.”

My jaw dropped at him when I saw a relieved look on Strify’s face. That’s not lasting long. I walked up to the counter and quietly said, “One Venti Double Chocolaty-Chip Frappuccino please.”

I paid for my drink and went to wait for it when Xander whispered, “Let me guess. You saw Strify’s face and decided to get a venti anyway?”

I nodded when the barista said, “One Venti Double Chocolaty-Chip Frappuccino.”

I squealed before grabbing my drink. I started sipping on it before sitting by Yu and Kiro. “Ah man. If Strify doesn’t hate you now, he will hate you later,” Kiro said.

“That’s my plan!” I said before taking a sip and Shin sat by us with his…well. “Shin! What did you get?” I asked.

“Caramel Macchiato,” he replied.

“I got chocolate ga-freaking-lore! Ah sweet Starbucks,” I said before sipping it.

“You really must hate me if you bought that,” Strify said sitting on the other side of Kiro.

“Bet your ass,” I said in a sing-song voice.

Jordan, Xander, Michael, and Luminor sat by us when Jordan asked, “Shelby, what did I tell you?”

“Ehm, annoy Strify as much as freaking possibly?” I asked before taking a sip.

He rolled his eyes. “Get us kicked out and I will ban you from here forever,” he said before taking a sip of his black coffee. Bleck. Disgusting.

I sighed. “Okay Jordan,” I said. I took a sip before asking, “Can I annoy him after we leave?”

“No,” Xander said.

I sighed. “I want a cookie,” I said.

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you munchkin,” Jordan said.

I stuck my tongue out at him whenthe butt Strify asked, “Are you sure you’re nineteen?”

I nodded my head. “No way! Me too!” Yu said.

“Oh yeah!” I said before we gave each other a high five.

“Ach mein Gott. Warum Gott? Warum?” Strify asked himself.

“Eh, I don’t think God’s listening,” I said.

“Halt dein Mund,” he said.

“Nein,” I replied.

He looked at me and said, “Scheisse!”

“What? I’m confused,” Michael said.

“Sie kann Deutsch sprechen!” Strify replied.

I shrugged. “So?” I asked.

He glared at me before ignoring me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead now. I turned to Kiro and asked, “What did you get?”

“Cinnamon Dolce Latte,” he replied.

I looked at Yu. “Yu?” I asked.

“Coffee,” he replied.

“Black?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Danke Gott,” I replied.


“We need to be leaving. We’ll see you in a few days,” Strify said to Jordan. Bastard was still ignoring me.

“Okay. See you,” Jordan said.

“Bye guys!” I said waving.

“Don’t care,” Strify said.

“Wasn’t talking to you!” I said.

“Bye Shelby! Text me!” Kiro said.

“Me too!” Yu said.

“Will do!” I said.

I walked away and into my room before closing the door. I put my iPod in my iHome and decided I was going to listen to “She Waits for Me.” Why? Because I like the song. That’s why. Just because Strify’s an a-hoe who has amazing hair and breath-taking eyes and an awesome lip ring and soft looking lips and--

WHOA! Back up! Was I just complimenting the bastard?! Okay. I need to blast something not Cinema Bizarre before I find more things to compliment the bastard on.

I went through my music before turning to “Afterlife” by Avenge Sevenfold. Yes. Good blasting music.

I turned it up before going to my window. I looked outside for a moment when my phone alerted me of a text message.

Kiro: Hi!

I texted him back with a smiley face and texted, “Hi! Having fun?”

I sent the text when another one was sent to my phone.

Yu: Get on AIM! Wait, what’s your AIM?

“Music_owns_my_soul2011,” I texted back before getting on my laptop and turning on AIM.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey wants to chat

I accepted and a window popped up.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: Hi Shelby! You’re on!

Music_owns_my_sould2011 said: Why are you rocking Strify’s monkey? *takes sexually for some reason*

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: No sexualness involved. Strify has a stuffed monkey he carries around with him EVERYWHERE and I got really bored while we were waiting for a train. So I took said monkey and made it act like it was playing air guitar. That and making it touch itself. Okay…maybe there is sexualness involved.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: lol. That’s funny.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: I know. :]

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: So, what are you doing?

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: Listening to A7X and talking to you while txtng Kiro. Shit! I think he texted back!

I checked my phone to see a text message from Kiro.

Kiro: No. Strify’s being mopey.

“Get on AIM. I’m talking to Yu on there now. My AIM is Music_owns_my_soul2011,” I texted back before seeing Yu’s reply.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: Tell him to get on AIM!

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said; Just did

Another window popped up.

Kiro_hero wants to chat

I accepted it before inviting him to a conference chat.

Kiro_hero said: Shelby! Help me! Strify’s being mopey!

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: Still? Damn.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: Sry Kiro. You’re there and I’m…well, here

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: :[

Kiro_hero said: :[

Music_owns_my_sould2011 said: Ah. Now I feel bad! *pouty face*

Kiro_hero said: Oh well. We’ll live. Hey! We’re going to be touring soon together anyway!

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: yeah. What Kiro said.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: I know! I cnt wait! Hopefully I wnt kill mr. mopey ass.

Kiro_hero said: just out of curiosity, why do you hate Strify?

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: *shrugs* there’s something about him that irks me.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: I guess it’s he reminds me of a drama queen for some reason.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: He used to not hate you.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: really?

Kiro_hero said: yeah. I think he started hating you a while back. Don’t remember what caused it though.

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: you didn’t here that from us though. Got it?

Kiro_hero said: Yeah. What Yu said.

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: 10-4 boys

“Shelby! Come here!” Xander said.

I sighed and said, “Coming!”

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: I have to go guys. Xander said. *pout*

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: *sigh* Fine. Hey! Kiro and I will come over 2morrow and c u!

Kiro_hero said: I like that idea!! Let’s bring Shin!

Music_owns_my_soul2011 said: sweet idea guys. Bye! I might be on later.

Kiro_hero said: Bye Shelby!

Yu_rocks_Strifys_Monkey said: bye! *waves*

I saved the conversation before signing out. I closed my laptop before seeing what Xander wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks goes out to my three readers. THREE!
Comments are loved.