Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Now or Never, Forever or Never


“Hi Shelby! I see you!” Kiro said from the stage. We were at sound check and Cinema Bizarre was doing theirs. The guys and I are doing ours after them and I was sitting Indian style in the seats.

I waved up at Kiro and said, “Hi Kiro-hero!”

“Do you mind?” Strify asked annoyed.

“Sorry Your Highness. I was just saying hi,” I said before putting my ear buds in and playing “My Curse” by Killswitch Engage.

The song just ended and “Holy Diver” was starting when my iPod died. Son of a bitch! I took my ear buds and wrapped them around my iPod before putting it in my hoodie pocket. I looked up and yawned as they played “Dysfunctional Family,” even though it’s one of my favorites. Won’t tell Strify that though.

He was in the middle of singing when something fell out his pocket. I think it was his phone. “Hey! You lost something!” I shouted up.

Strify looked at the floor before bending over to get whatever he dropped. Oh great. He has a nice ass, too! I seriously have to quit finding all of this shit that’s good about him. Seriously. It’s pissing me off.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the floor when the song ended and Yu said, “Shelby! Come hither bitte!”

“Okay!” I said getting up. I ran towards the stage steps and climbed them. “What is it Yu?” I asked.

He walked over to be, handing his guitar to Kiro, when he threw me over his frapping shoulder! “Yu! Was die Hölle?!” I asked.

“I must say you have a very nice ass Shelbs,” Michael said.

“Michael quit staring at my ass! It’s not for you!” I said.

Yu put me down and said, “Couldn’t resist. Don’t kill me.”

“Don’t worry. If I kill anyone, it’ll be your lead singer,” I told him.

“And I get to die why?” Strify asked.

“Because you’re pissing me off,” I said before walking away to get my water bottle. Well, I would. If it was frapping there. Son of a bitch who took my water?

“Michael! Where’s my water?!” I asked.

“I don’t know!” he replied.

“Xander?!” I asked.

“No clue. Haven’t seen it,” he replied.

“Jordan?!” I asked.

“No idea,” he replied.

“Kiro! Help!” I said.

“Coming,” he said before running over to me. “Do you know where you last had it?”

I thought for a minute when I looked out to where I was sitting. Sure enough, there it was. I sighed and said, “I found it.”

I ran out to where I was sitting previously and grabbed my water bottle. I took a drink of it and walked back onto the stage before Kiro and Yu when and sat in the area I had been sitting in for their sound check. The rest of the band followed them and sat in the same area as well before we started the sound check.


“Kiro!” I exclaimed. We were outside and bored.

“What?” he exclaimed.

“I see you!” I exclaimed back.

“Me too!” he said when Yu and Shin walked out.

“Hey guys! We see you!” we said at the same time, laughing.

The two of them laughed before laughing before walking over to us. “We see you losers, too,” Shin said.

My jaw dropped. “Who told you?!” I asked.

They shrugged. “It’s obvious,” Yu replied.

“Eh, go rock Strify’s monkey,” I said.

Kiro’s and Shin’s eyes widened. “You do what with Strify’s monkey?!” Kiro asked Yu.

Yu rolled his eyes. “Strify’s stuffed monkey!” Yu replied.

“Oh,” Shin and Kiro said when a girl walked up to us wearing a Cinema Bizarre shirt.

“Oh my god you guys are amazing! Can I have a picture with you guys?” she asked. Well, at least she wasn’t crazy.

They guys nodded and asked me to take the picture. I nodded and the girl handed me her camera. She stood with Kiro on one side on her and Shin and Yu on the other side of her. I took the picture and handed her the camera. “Here you go,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said when she asked, “Aren’t you Shelby from Enough of the Hero?”

I nodded. “Oh my god you guys are amazing! Can I have a picture with you, too?” she asked.

“Well, of course!” I replied. “Kiro-hero! Take the picture!”

She handed the camera to Kiro and he was about to take the picture when I said, “Wait! Silly faces!”

I stuck my tongue out and made the rock on hand…thing and she widened her eyes and opened her mouth wide. Kiro took the picture and said, “There! Perfect!”

He gave the girl her camera and she said, “Thank you. Have a great show guys.”

“Anytime. You gonna be at the show?” Yu asked.

She nodded. “Floor seats front row,” she replied.

“Well, we’ll see you then. Have a great day!” I said.

“You, too!” she said before walking away.

I looked at Kiro and said, “I want a hug!”

He smiled before hugging me. “There’s your hug Shelbs,” he said after he quit hugging me.

Just then, Xander walked out and said, “There you guys are!”

“Hi Xandy-dandy!” I said waving.

“Come on in. Catering bought Starbucks for us,” Xander said.

“Shibby! Come on! Coffee is waiting for us!” I said grabbing Yu’s and Kiro’s hands and Yu grabbed Shin’s hand and I dragged them back inside with me.

(end of Enough of the Hero’s set)

“You guys rock! We’d like to play more for you guys, but we need to give these guys the stage. Give it up for Cinema Bizarre!” I said after we finished out set. “Goodnight!”

We walked off stage and I hugged Kiro, Yu, and Shin, high-fived Luminor, and nodded at Strify as they walked on stage. The opening of “Forever or Never” started and was played when Strify started singing. Wow. He sounds amazing live. No! Bad Shelby. No complimenting the bastard! Think mixture of Aaron Carter and Jesse McCartney. Damn you Strify!

I moved enough to the music to show the rest of the band that I was having fun. Kiro and Yu looked over at me throughout the show and smiled, Yu sticking his pierced tongue out at me ever now and then and Kiro grinning wildly. I laughed but stopped immediately and looked bored as soon as I saw Strify look over at me. Which was a lot. Um, creepy much?

They ended their set and Strify bid the crowd goodnight. Kiro sat his bass guitar down and ran over to us. He hugged me and said, “That was awesome! I say we party!”

“You guys party. I’m sleeping,” I said.

I started to walk off when someone grabbed my arm and dragged me back. “You are partying as well Shellybean. You can’t be a loner this tour. Kiro and I won’t let you,” Yu said.

I sighed. “Fine. But the minute I get bored, I’m leaving,” I said.

“Psh. You won’t get bored with us. I know it,” Kiro said.

“Well, can I at least freshen up?” I asked.

“Duh. We don’t want you smelling,” Yu replied as we walked towards our buses. Thank god I don’t have to be on the same bus as Strify.

“Good. Well, I’ll see you guys in a bit,” I said before getting on my bus.