Status: Hiatus until inspiration returns

Now or Never, Forever or Never


I hopped off our bus in a plaid skirt with suspenders, a white tank top with red splatters on it, black and red leggings, and black flats. I saw Kiro and Shin standing by their bus and Yu and Luminor playing…something on the ground.

“Hey ya!” I said sitting by Luminor. Oh! They were playing War! And Yu is losing. “Having fun?”

“No. I’m losing,” Yu replied.

“Well, I’m good at War and Yu is good at Texas Hold ‘em. So it’s only fair,” Luminor said when they both threw down an ace. They put down three cards each and showed their next card, Yu winning the “war” with a jack as opposed to Luminor’s ten.

“Ja! Show me my winnings!” Yu said.

Luminor flipped the cards to reveal two kings and a queen. “Scheisse!” Luminor said. “You bitch!”

“Aw,” I aid before hugging Luminor. “It’s okay.”

“Hey! What about me?” I heard Kiro ask.

I stopping hugging Luminor and got up. I ran over to Kiro and hugged him. “Happy?” I asked.

He nodded when I stopped hugging him. “Nice outfit Shellybean,” he said.

“Why danke Liebling,” I said trying to act proper before I busted out laughing. Me? Proper? Like that’s ever going to happen. It’s like Strify actually looking--

“Where’re everyone else?” Strify suddenly asked. I looked at him and my jaw almost dropped. He was wearing the outfit he wore in the “Forever or Never” video, minus the jacket. Damn him.

I shrugged. “Probably on the bus still. Did you ever think about that?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes and was about to say something when Michael, Jordan, and Xander walked off the bus we had. “Come on guys! The party’s already started!: Michael said.

“Coming!” I said. Yu and Luminor stood up and I linked arms with Kiro and Shin before we headed towards the nearest club.

“Hey Shelby, you look like a pimp,” Yu said

“I feel like a pimp,” I said. “And I have my hoes with me.”

“Hey! I’m not a hoe! I’m a man whore! There’s a difference!” Shin said.

Kiro nodded in agreement. “I’m sorry. Man whores. Happy?” I asked.

They nodded as we reached one the many night clubs. Spin City. We stood in line and were let in later when I said, “I’m stealing Yu for a bit of underage drinking.”

“Remember Shelby, one--” Jordan started.

“One drink. I know Jordy. Don’t worry,” I said before dragging Yu away with me.

“I take it Jordan doesn’t like you drinking?” Yu asked.

“I was just going to get a coke. Maybe add rum to it. Probably won’t though. I’m just trying to find ways to piss Strify off,” I said, reaching the bar.

“Well,” Yu started, “I see on of his least favorite people here. Look for the guy with several girls around him and tell me if you recognize him.”

I scanned the dance floor until I found who Yu was talking about. Holy fuck it’s Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel. I looked at Yu and said, “That’s Tom Kaulitz.”

“Exactly,” he said.

“So, which would he hate more: me flirting with Tom, dancing with Tom, or screwing Tom?”

“Think about it.”

Well, harmless flirting never hurt anyone. I looked at Yu when an idea popped in my head. “Yu. I have an idea.”

I told him my plan and he said, “Nice. Wanna dance?”

“Sure,” I replied as “Low” started playing. We walked out onto the dance floor until we were where both Tom and our bands could see us. I pressed my back against Yu’s torso as we started moving to the music. I glanced over at Tom a few times until I saw him looking back. “Yu!” I said. “He’s looking!”

“Cool. I’m going to get a drink!” he said before walking off. I danced around by myself for a bit when I felt hands on my hips. I looked behind me to see that it was Tom himself.

“Hello,” I said.

“What’s a sexy lady like yourself doing dancing alone?” he ask in his thick, sexy, accent.

“Waiting for a guy to have the balls to come and dance with me,” I replied before pressing my back against his torso.

“Well, I take it I passed?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Not yet. You have to prove that you can dance before you pass.”

“I’m up for it,” he whispered seductively in my ear. “Question is, will you be able to handle what I’ve got?”

“Oh, I know I can.”

“Then show me.”

I turned around to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I put my face close to his and whispered, “Planned on it.”

We danced to several songs, Tom’s hand resting either on my hips or my ass the entire time.

“Hey, why don’t we continue this at my hotel? Have some real fun?” Tom whispered in my ear seductively as I danced with my back to him.

Seeing that my plan was working on Tom’s part, I discreetly looked over at where my band was. Whoa. If looks could kill, Tom and I would be dead. Strify looked pissed. Perfect.

I turned to face Tom and wrapped my arms around his neck. I smirked at him before attaching my lips to his. “Love to,” I said seductively.

He took my hand and started leading me off of the dance floor.

“Shelby!” I heard Michael should. Oh man. Not now!

I turned to Tom and said, “I’ll be back.”

He nodded. He let go of my hand and I walked towards Michael. “What do you want?” I asked annoyed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

I motioned towards Tom and replied, “Take a guess.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he said.

“Michael,” I said, “I’m a big girl. I have my phone if you guys need me or vice versa.”

“Shelby, stay here,” Michael said.

“Would you rather have me screw Tom here or at his hotel? And I already know the answer. I’ll have my phone with me. Now bye.”

I walked away from Michael and back over to Tom. “Sorry. Band mate,” I said.

“Ah. He a singer?” Tom asked as we walked out of the club.

I shook my head. “Just the oldest. I hate being the youngest,” I replied.

“How old are you?”


“Same here.”


We walked up to Tom’s Escalade and got in before he started it up. He had one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh as he drove. When we reached the hotel, valet parking parked Tom’s Escalade as the two of us walked inside. He pressed the up button for the elevator. The doors opened and we walked in. Tom, pressed the four button and the doors closed when he said, “Finally!”

He pressed my back up against one of the elevator walls and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We made out for a minute when the elevator dinged. The doors opened and we broke the kiss before leaving the elevator and walking down the hallway. We reached his room and he pulled out his room key before he stuck it in the card reader…thing.

He opened the door and we walked inside. The minute the door closed, my back was pressed against it and the two of us were making out. He broke the kiss and picked me up before taking me to his bed. He laid down me down, laid on top of me, and started kissing me. He pushed the suspenders off my shoulders before taking his own shirt off. We made out and clothing was removed when we were left in nothing. Tom dug into his pants pocket until he said, “Eureka!”

He pulled out a condom package and tore it open. He rolled it on and positioned himself when he asked, “Ready?”

I nodded and he slid into me, causing me to moan out. He smirked as he started moving in and out of me. I dug my nails into his back. “Oh Tomi. Right there. Oh baby don’t stop,” I moaned.

“Oh Shelby you’re so tight,” Tom moaned lowly in my ear.

I wrapped my legs around Tom’s waist, pulling him closer to me. “Oh Tom. Oh god baby harder,” I moaned.

“As you wish,” he said/moaned as he thrusted harder into me. He took my handed and used one of his to pin them above my head while the other was used to steady himself above me.

“Tomi,” I moaned. “Oh baby you fuck so good.”

He continued to thrust into me when I moaned, “Oh baby I’m close. So fucking close.”

“Me, too,” he moaned when I reached my climax, Tom shortly after.

We rode our orgasms out and Tom collapsed on top of me. “That was amazing,” he said.

I nodded in agreement as he kissed my neck repeatedly. He started nibbling as well when “All the Small Things” by Blink 182 started playing. Damn it Xander.

I reached for my skirt and pulled out my phone. “What is it Xander?” I asked.

“Can you do us a favor and help find Strify? He said he was going for a walk and shut off his phone,” Xander replied.

“Why? I don’t like him,” I said.

“Because I’m older and I said. Now, say bye to Tom and call when you find him,” Xander said before hanging up.

“You have to go?” Tom asked pulling out of me.

I nodded and sat up. “I so hate being the youngest,: I said. I got out of the bed and rounded up everything before putting it back on. I combed my fingers through my hair and said, “I’ll see you around.”

“Wait! Give me your number!” he said.

I rattled off my number for him and left. I got into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button before the doors closed and it took me down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bet you didn't expect that did ya?

Is it just me...or did I make Shelby a little whore-ish?


Comments are loved.