I lost my Memory and Gained a life

Stupid Cookie Cutter Popstar

Nates POV

I quickly ran, and pushed her out of the way, and the car missed us by inches. "Oh. My. Gosh. I-is the puppy OK?" Meghan asked, looking for said puppy.

"You were nearly hit by a car, and you're worried about the dang dog?!" I asked, before I realized where my hand was lying. "UH, sorry!" I said, quickly removing my hand.

"Nate. Could you get off of me?" She asked, sounding out of breath. "Oh, yeah, sorry." I said, getting up, and helping her up as well. "It's OK- there's the puppy! Are you OK?" She asked, walking past me to go pick up the puppy, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

"We're just now boyfriend and girlfriend, and my biggest amount of competition is a dog?" I mumbled to myself, as Meghan walked over with the little poodle.

"His name will be fluffy, and fluffy shall be mine!" She said, holding said fluffy closer to her.

Mitchies POV

"I-I didn't even touch her." I said, as Ryan walked beside me. Once I had assured I wouldn't hurt him, he wasn't afraid any more. "I know, you've only said that one billion times." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Even if I did touch her, I never could've thrown her that far!" I said, as he sighed. "I know, you've said that one billion times as well." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, today is a good day though. Today is the day Mr.s Bags, leaves, and Mr.s Torres takes her place." Ryan said, I'd heard about Mr.s Torres, they say she is really nice.

"You must be Mitchie." A motherly voice said from behind me. "Uh, hello, are you Mr.s Torres?" I asked, looking the brown-haired woman up and down.

"Yes that's me." She said, walking beside me now....

(A/N: Yay! We are officially caught up with Mitchie now. The next part in her POV will be when she wakes up, after being kidnapped. I hope this isn't to confusing. If it is,tell me, and I'll explain.)

Jasons POV

"Son, you're fine. We have to release you." The evil doctor said, trying to pull me up. "No! No! I don't wanna leave." I said, whining. "We have to make room for other patients, you're gonna have to leave." He said, as I struggled more.

"Mr. Gray, could you please get your friend to leave." Doctor evil said, as Shane walked in. "Jason, if you come with me, I'll buy you a birdhouse." Shane said, yay!! I knew he'd give in eventually. "OK, I'll leave." I said, getting up, and hugging Shane tightly.

"Dude, I can't breath." He said, and as I pulled back, I noticed he had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked, as I wiped one of the tears away. "Nothing, it's not important." Shane said, looking away.

"Dude, I've known you for nearly 4 years. What's wrong?" I asked, more firmly this time. "I-I just miss Mitchie, and the police don't have any leads as to where she is at all. I just want her back." He said, as even more tears welled up in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll find her, and everything will be OK." I said, wrapping my arms around him in a brotherly he'd calmed down, we went back to my house, I told him the birdhouse could wait, his problem was more important to me. (A/N: Aw, isn't Jason as great friend.)

"It's just, I felt more for her then I've ever felt before. And she didn't think of me as a stupid cookie cutter pop star. She thought of me as a person." He said, lying down on the couch.

"I know, I promise you Shane, I will not rest until I get Mitchie back to you. You'll be happy again." I said, rubbing his back.

Mitchies POV. (A/N: This is when Mitchie wakes up, and discovers she's not in her hospital bed.)

I woke up to cold metal pressed against my back, and I was tied to said metal. "W-Where am I?" I muttered, as the late events came rushing back to me. "Shane? Mr.s Torres? Jason? Nate?" I asked, my voice growing more quiet with every name. "Mitchie?" I A familiar voice asked. "Ryan?" I asked, turning my head, to see him tied to a metal bed.

"Hey, man I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?" He asked, struggling with the ropes that bound him to the table.

"I'm, fine. But, Ryan, how did you get here?" I asked, indicating to the dusty room we were in.

"I don't know. I remember just eating lunch, and minding my own business, and then I was hit on the head with something, and wen I opened my eyes, I was here. How did you get here?" He asked, turning his head to see me.

"I was in the hospital, and this guy came in through the window, and stuck me with some needle, knocking me unconscious, and when I woke up, I was here." I said, as all the lights went off, leaving Ryan and I with mere darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter wasn't good, but I'm not really feeling well at the moment.