Half Bitten



The lights slowly dimmed as Helena entered onto the stage, scattered with scenery of an Athenian forest. She walked at a pace faster then her body would allow, tripping over her feet, stumbling through the air..
Lysander entered the stage and dropped his body down the ground, reaching out for her hand.
"Why should you think that I should woo in scorn?
Scorn and derision never come in tears:
Look, when I vow, I weep; and vows so born,
In their nativity all truth appears.
How can these things in me seem scorn to you,
bearing the badge of faith, to prove them true?"

It was true that Lysander was confessing his undying love. After hearing his words, Helena scoffed, pulling back her hand in anger.
“You do advance your cunning more and more.
When truth kills truth, O devilish-holy fray!
These vows are Hermia's: will you give her o'er?
Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh:
Your vows to her and me, put in two scales,
Will even weigh, and both as light as tales.”

Lysander reached for her hand one last time; unwilling to let her walk out of his life.
“I had no judgment when to her I swore.
Demtrius loves her and he loves not you.”

Demtrius, upon hearing his name, seems to come out of his light daze. Due to the love-in-idleness flower juice Puck had smeared onto his eyelids as he slept. The juice was known to make the wearer fall in love with the first creature their eyes laid on when their sleep was done. He clutched his hands to his chest in amazement.
“O Helena, goddess, nymph, perfect, divine!
To what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne?
Crystal is muddy. O, how ripe in show
Thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow!
That pure congealed white, high Taurus snow,
Fann'd with the eastern wind, turns to a crow
When thou hold'st up thy hand: O, let me kiss
This princess of pure white, this seal of bliss!”

Helena, bewildered by Lysander and Demtrius’ love confession, scoffs. She shook her head in confusion as she exited stage right. The lights slowly phased in saturation as the drama teacher picked herself up out of her chair and clapped happily.

“That was amazing! So amazing!”
My eyes squinted, “amazingly boring.”
Mrs. Rolands sat up right in the chair of the auditorium. She placed herself a safe distance away from the dance class so that at the slightest turn of her head, she could eye everyone that was in her class.
“Now, in the last scene, we are going to rehearse a dance that will fit in perfectly with the plot line.”
The class groaned, throwing protests into the air. I sunk down into my seat, trying not to yawn. The last three weeks were amazing that I feared if I closed my eyes, it would all go away. Conversations started to materialize as the dance teacher walked down the inclining isle, towards the drama teacher. I watched her every step, shaking my head in confusion. Every step she took made it seem as if she was gliding, hovering 3 inches above the ground. I tilted my head back noticing the absence of Amber’s phony personality. I raised a brow, where had she gone? I hadn’t seen her since the day of the concert.
“Nice to see you here, huh?” Alec plopped down into the empty seat next to mine. Seeing as how there had been a gaping circle of emptiness around me, his action only agitated me.
“Nice acting, Alec.” He smiled happily.. I had to admit; his portrayal of Demtrius in Midsummer night’s dream was compelling. For once, I actually thought he was a philanthropist instead of a misanthrope.
“Well, it’s not hard to pretend to be in love.” As soon as he uttered the L word, my mind pictured Lowlii’s warm face, smiling cutely.
Picking him up that Saturday after the concert was the start of a new trend. A new trend that belonged to only him and I. We had procrastinated a bit. In the beginning, I only had intentions of arriving to his house to claim my teddy bear. After losing my mind in conversation with, we ended up hopping into my dad’s pickup; driving around aimlessly as hours passed by. The sun, on the blessed days it decided to peer through the clouds, would shine a faded ray of light through the car windows. Some hit Lowlii’s face. Letting his eyes glimmer with a spark, livening his face with a glow. At these times I would stare intently. Savoring as much of the moment as I could before he would feel my eye’s stare.
I’d look down nervously, trying not to faint. At a stop sign—our stop sign, he’d tease me about my sudden silence and when I refused to give up the reason on why I had unexpectedly turned nervous he’d tickle me until I squeaked.
Sometimes, I felt like I was little kid and he was my big brother. On other days he would be there to comfort me when my father and I fell into another argument. Like he was my lifelong best friend.
On weekdays, it was a different story. Classes pilled on insane amounts of homework, stress bundled up in our bodies. As busy as we were, we’d still find time to see each other. Once a week, during lunch, we’d flee to the school library. Claiming a full corner in the romance/fantasy section we’d skim through books and mock characters in their feeble attempt to confess their unconditional love for each other. Lowlii would pick out the sappiest love lines and act them out passionately..
“I’ve never wanted anyone else but you!” He threw both hands into the air and spoke to the sky with an airy voice. “You are my life now. I will do everything in my power to make you safe once more!”
As usual, I laughed my loudest. Being in the school library meant that pesky librarians were just around the corner, readying their stern gaze.
“Sh!” She’d demand.
I’d sink in my spot and muffle my laugh as Lowlii did the same thing. Only in a more perfect manner. Everything he did was just right. In fact, sometimes I couldn’t explain how he even functioned.
Not that he was weird, or out of order in a sense. Lowlii seemed to be the perfect creature; his body was always toned; yet I never heard him talk about exercising. His hearing was always sharp, in fact he would know exactly when my dad was a cautious amount of yards from the house.
Of course, he still wasn’t allowed over. My dad would never forget the night that I chose to be with Lowlii rather than him.
After arriving from school I would hand my dad the keys to his pickup and literally rush him out the door. I would note to myself to take a different route coming back from school so that I had no choice but to park the car in front of the house. That way, Lowlii could sneak in from the backdoor and up the stairs to my room. After 30 seconds of my dad being absent from the house I would run up the stairs and attack Lowlii with a hug. He would always hum a chuckle to himself as he wrapped his arms around me. More then often the thought ran through my mind that he had felt the same way at the concert. My mouth couldn’t gather enough energy to form the question.
Sometimes, Bird would want Lowlii home immediately after school. So I was forced to endure a lonely car ride to my house. My dad would walk out of the house at anytime he saw fit and I would run straight to the phone. As soon as I would dial Lowlii’s cell phone number, ringing chimed back to me from the kitchen door. The process was repeated many times that on most days, as soon as I turned towards the kitchen Lowlii would come out, handing me a can of soda.
“Cola’s your favorite right?” He’d smile cutely and crash down onto the living room couch, not bothering to listen to my answer. “I know it’s your favorite.”
He always seemed to show up in perfect timing.
Some days my mind was so used to having him around, that late at night I would still feel his presence.
Rocking the tears away, I would force my eyes shut. For seconds I would be alone. Then I could hear footsteps progress from the window as a cold breeze was let in. I tried so hard not to open my eyes, in fear that this person would go away. As a new night would come, the footsteps grew closer, moving ahead from the window, to my closet. I would be sure to remain motionless, just in case it decided to step closer.
Sometimes I thought of my mom. Other times I thought of my dad.
I wished silently that the presence would come closer. Allowing me to identify it with the slightest glance of my falsely sleeping eyes. The fact that it moved so quietly and edgily made me think that it hovered three inches above the ground. Just like a spirit.
In time, it did move closer. Sitting at the foot of my bed, I could feel the heat coming off of it, in comparison to the cold breeze emerging through my window. I knew that it wasn’t evil. If it was evil, I wouldn’t have been alive. There was something about the presence that made me feel feeble. So small to the world that it needed to be there, concealing me from all the dangers.
The way I felt when I was around Lowlii.
Only recently did the spirit begin to come in contact with my laying body. Welcoming arms curled cautiously around me. Being against a warm chest would send a shiver down my spine. I could hear a hummed chuckle as arms pulled me closer.
Another flawless detail about Lowlii: he never seemed to be cold. His skin was always exerting heat. At least, that’s how it seemed to me. I would never dare to tell anyone about his perfect imperfections.
Waking up to an empty bed and a closed window, my mind would refuse to deny that it wasn’t Lowlii. That every night was just a dream twirled by my bored imagination.
“Ah!” Alec raised his voice as he poked my shoulder. “I see I’ve lost you already.”
I glowered, returning back to a dim auditorium. “Don’t act like you know me.”
Alec raised a brow, “and I’m guessing that you think Lowlii knows you.”
The way he said his name made the syllables sting.
“Don’t talk about Lowlii. He hasn’t been bothering you for the last couple of weeks, anyway.”
“Yes, you’re right.” Alec nodded lazily, “Or he just hasn’t received the chance to.”
“Wait… you’re blaming me for his absence in your life? I thought you guys hated each other.”
“We do.”
I rolled my eyes, “then leave us alone. We’re not hurting anyone.”
“Oh really? Everyone has been telling you to stay away from him. As I’m sure the news has got to him about you. Yet you both dare to defy those who know better and meet every second of your spare time.”
I sighed sharply, “ what do you mean? Everything’s been calm since we started spending time together.”
Alec’s eyes turned dark as he darted them towards mine. “Have you not seen the news lately? Have you not been doing your research?”
My eyes glared, “Research? There was nothing abnormal about the attacks—it was an animal.” I lied through my teeth.
His eyes squinted shut as his voice turned sharp, “Not about the attacks!”
I shook my head as my mind ran back to the weeks before Halloween night. Where I had shut myself out of life.
“The Legend? There is no such thing as vampires or werewolves!” My mind slowly realized that I was getting loud.. Everyone around started to turn, glare at Alec then towards me. Mrs. Ronalds seemed to catch my words, darting her attention from the conversation she had been holding with the drama teacher to me.
Alec seemed to glare back at the crowd, a slow hiss seemed to synthesis from his mouth.
“Do you really think that it’s true? That vampires and werewolves really don’t exist?”
I bit my lip, “ I know they don’t exist.”
He shook his head, “stop knowing. You have to feel. What is your heart telling you?”
“Heart? Why does my heart need to be included in the conversation?”
Alec leaned in closer, letting his sweet breath saturate the skin on my face. “ Aren’t there things you’ve noticed about Lowlii that seemed to leave you confused?”
I tried not to listen. He was a boy. Boys always confuse me.
“Things like how warm his skin is, or how fast he tends to show up?”
I took a chance and sighed, “so, I’m not the only one whose felt his skin.”
Alec blinked twice before realizing his words. “Don’t go there.”
I leaned back lazily in my seat, “ I didn’t. You did.”
He groaned outwardly, “God, you’re the smartest stupid person I know. You should do what’s right and stay away from him.”
I glared back, “Confess. Why should I stay away from him?”
Alec bit his lip, “ I don’t have to give you a reason. You should know why.”
“I’m not the girl from the legend.” My mouth sharply pointed out.
“Jackie. Open your eyes. Port Angeles isn’t always about rain, school, and relationships.” His voice had turned soft, nothing but a whisper. He took my hand and held it in between his strangely cold palms. “Think logically, Jackie. Please.”
The seriousness in his eyes pulled me out of my trance. Pulled me away from Lowlii’s face towards his. Before I could speak Mrs. Rolands let her stern voice trail up the auditorium.
“Alec, please get away from Jackie.”
Alec, without realizing that he had leaned towards me closer then needed, pulled himself back.
“Okay Mrs. Rolands. Sorry to have bothered your lovely dance class.”
Alec sauntered down the isle and back to the stage, in the same manner Mrs. Rolands seemed to uphold.
I was not the girl from the legend. There were no such things as vampires or werewolves. In fact, I was going to prove it, not only to me, but to Alec as well.

I planned to march up to Lowlii in tech and ask him the simple question:
Me: are you the werewolf from the legend?
Sexy Lowlii: no.
Me: good. Thank you.
Sexy Lowlii: (shrugs) eh-- you’re welcome.

“Hi, Jackie!” Nathan took the seat next to mine in the tech class.
I raised a brow, looking over his shoulder for Lowlii. My eyes saddened as his absence was noted. “Where’s Lowlii?”
Nathan smirked, “you mean you don’t know? The only reason I came over here was to ask you.”
I sunk in my seat, trying not to let my voice hint disappointment. “Why would you need to ask me? He’s your best friend.”
“Yes, very true.” Nathan nodded slowly, “but for the last three weeks he’s been with you.”
Three weeks? Three weeks could not have passed by quicker then that. My eyes opened wide, “well. I don’t have a clue. Do you know where he is?”
Nathan laughed, “I confessed that I didn’t.”
Mr. Welch took his prominent seat at the front desk of the classroom. “Okay class! I feel pleased enough to say that I wish you all a happy thanksgiving break.”
Thanksgiving? My eyes opened wider. Thanksgiving? The last time I blinked it was Halloween.
“Tomorrow’s Tuesday and I would like to inform all of you that there will be no school.”
He glanced at the clock on the wall, “just a couple of minutes and you guys could leave.”
That was it. I stalked through the hallway counting up the days in my head. We had spent the last 24 days together-excluding nights, of course. It hadn’t seemed like that. It seemed as if only one week passed by. A never-ending, spectacular week. We did absolutely nothing most days, yet I still had fun.
I entered the cafeteria in a trance. Setting my bag down on the table I noticed that our group had grown to be fairly small. Kindle was sitting at the side of the table nibbling on her taco. As she noticed me staring her eyes widened in shock.
“Jackie? What are you doing here?”
I blinked aimlessly, “it’s lunch isn’t it?” I pulled a chair over and sat down. “Where is everyone?”
Kindle sighed, throwing her taco down carelessly. “Just around. No one comes to school before thanksgiving anyway.”
“Well, I’m here.”
She rolled her eyes, “ it’s a figure of speech. Besides, I thought you knew about Lowlii.”
“Knew about Lowlii? What do you mean?”
Her head tilted in confusion, “he hasn’t done it yet? He hasn’t told you?”
I shook my head slowly, “tell me what?
Kindle bit her lip, “ I should probably go. I have a lot of tests to make up.” She lifted herself up out of her chair. “Besides, I have to go meet Nathan in the auditorium. He’s helping with the Midsummer night’s dream too.”
Without another second she was walking towards the exit. I sunk in my seat as I turned to the now empty table. Where had Steph and Lowlii gone? More importantly, where has Amber been?

The phone line rang steadily. I turned towards the backdoor to see if Lowlii’s gorgeous face was smiling back. My dad had been gone for the last three hours and it was already nighttime. It wouldn’t be long before my dad possessed the urge to drive himself back home.
Two more seconds of silence passed, as the phone rang steadily.
“Hello?” Bird’s humble voice seemed to answer. I cringed, squinting my eyes shut.
“Can I talk to Lowlii, please?”
Silence answered.
I cleared my throat, “May I please talk to Lowlii. He hasn’t been in school today. I’m just worried.”
“Lowlii is well.” His voice was short and sharp. “However, he is a little too busy to come to the phone right now.”
I groaned inwardly, “Maybe I can come over. Help with whatever he’s busy with.”
“No.” Bird’s stern voice cut me off. “You must not come over tonight. You must not be outside when the moon is not up in the night sky. It is not safe for you, Jackie.”
I growled, “Safe? Why is everyone so concerned about my safety?”
“Jackie.” He repeated my name, “you must not be outdoors when the sun is down and the moon fails to show it’s pale face.”
No moon in the night sky meant that it was a new moon. What’s so scary about a new moon?
“Your father will be home shortly. Have a nice thanksgiving break.” The call disconnected. I put the phone back onto its base and sighed sharply. The front door swung open.
“Jackie?” My dad’s voice called out to me.
I dragged my feet into the living room. “Hey dad.”
He smiled, “ how are you, Jackie?” His face turned to me as his hands dragged over the locks on the door. Clicking with every turn. That was an action my dad never took.
I glared at his hand, “Dad? Why are you doing that?”
My dad shook his head, “doing what?”
I pointed to the door, “Locking the door. You never do that. What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, bending down to the ground. “Stop blabbing and help your old man with the bags.” He threw a bag towards me. My hands curled around the big blob of cold wetness.
“What is this?”
“Turkey.” He mumbled as he lifted the rest of the bags to the kitchen. “Bird is coming over Thanksgiving Day and helping me cook. He said he was bringing the whole gang.”
I bit my lip, trailing into the kitchen. “Dad, what’s wrong? I know you know something. Where have Lowlii, Amber, and Steph been today?”
His mouth remained unopened as he crouched near the fridge, unloading food out of plastic bags. I set the turkey down, “Dad. If you don’t tell me, I’ll find out on my own.”
My dad’s voice sharply answered, “ go to your room and lock your window, Jackie. Curl up in your bed and close your eyes. You’re tired. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
Instead of yelling I turned to the stairs. Locking the door of my room I ran straight to my window. Opening it widely, darting my head out towards the sky. The air wasn’t cold, like most nights in Port Angeles. In fact it was as if there was no air. Everything stood still. Completely and utterly still. Even the trees stopped their well-known rustling with the wind. I darted back into my room, searching for my old laptop.
The screen flipped open as I exited out of my e-mail in a manner more quickly then usual. Turns out, Lowlii wasn’t all good looks and charm. Even technology seemed to perform quickly at the touch of his hands.
“New Moon.” My fingers typed into the search engine. I glared at the screen as it loaded steadily. I clicked the link that mentioned the Hopi Tribe name. Pop ups suddenly attacked the screen, throwing pictures of over exaggerated werewolves to my eyes. I groaned.
Lowlii was not a werewolf. He just couldn’t be.
I went back to the main page and clicked on another link. It listed characteristics of werewolves. I quickly scrolled down.
Many werewolves have a tendency to exert heat in their human form. When they are in their human form it is impossible for anyone to detect their werewolf side unless a vampire is near by.
I groaned louder, turning to the wall I had defaced with newspaper cut outs. With one quick swipe of the hand, they were torn down. Ripped off the wall with angered force. Paint chipped as the pieces of tape dragged them downward.
There is no such thing as vampires or werewolves.
My computer chimed once again. I rolled my eyes and darted down to the ground standing the laptop upright. I scrolled down further.
Other characteristics are:
Speed/ arriving at areas faster then a normal human would
Special hearing/ ears are more in tune then normal people
Traveling of the werewolf spirit.

The more I read on the more I wanted to hurt something. It was as if this web page was written specifically after him. I looked for signs I hadn’t noticed, details that would allow me to exclude this insane theory.
Immense strength
Changing of eye color at night- at times when the full moon is out, their eyes remain blue or a dark violet. When a new moon occurs, werewolves abandon their human form. Growing four legs and a fur coat. At this time, they are at their most powerful level. All senses are heightened, as well as their animalistic tendencies three days after the new moon occurs; they are allowed to take their human form once more. One sign that this situation has occurred is their eye color. Turning from a deep blue to pale silver.

Three days? That meant that as soon as the moon phased, werewolves would take their true form. Sauntering around on four paws, hunting for food, howling at the moonless sky.
Three days.
I looked back to the window. A summer breeze seemed engulf my room. If werewolves were in their form—at the time where they seemed to have immense strength, and be indestructible—vampires wouldn’t dare to attack. Attacking would be suicide.
I closed my eyes, there had to be a reason on why werewolves would change. If all this were true, Lowlii would be out there, the reason why everyone was warning me to stay inside.
Although werewolves could seem to be in control of their actions, the slightest stimuli can cause them to become enraged. Give them the ability to hurt someone.
To hurt me.
I shook my head in disbelief. Lowlii would never hurt me. He’s always been there for me when I needed him. I raced to the window and closed it. Tackling my blankets, I slipped into my bed. Closing my eyes, I tried rocking myself to sleep. Waiting for his warm arms to wrap around me. Protecting me from any type of danger.
As the clock stroke six, my room was lonely due to the lack of his presence. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried not to cry.
I didn’t know if he was safe, if he was well. I tried to block out the painful memories of the attacks.
Maybe the vampires go to him? Maybe I would never be able to see him again.
The door creaked slowly as my dad stepped foot into my room.
“Jackie? Are you okay? I heard whimpering.”
Whimpering? Me, whimpering?
“I guess I had a bad dream..”
He nodded slowly, “Do you need anything? A glass of water?”
I shook my head, “I’ll just fall back asleep.”
My dad took one glance around the room and saw the pale wall. “What happened there? The paint’s already chipping.”
I shrugged, “sure. Why not.”
He took in a hearty breath, “get dressed. We’ll go down to the paint store.”
“Paint?” my eyes opened in shock, “you’re going to trust me with paint? After all that’s been happening?”
He tilted his head to the side, “that depends. What has been happening?”
I groaned inwardly, “you tell me.”
He stared intently, “did you sneak out last night? I heard the window shut around three.”
I shook my head, “nice try.”