Half Bitten

The Game

Thanksgiving Day was more then I could ask for. Lowlii spent the next fifteen minutes sitting me upright, making sure that my lungs still functioned. He patted my back gently as his silver eyes calculated my facial expressions. When I stopped exhaling sharply, and when my nerves decided to elevate down, he took his warm palm and lifted my head up.
“Should I step away?”
The warmth seemed to cease, letting my blood simmer steadily. Why did I react the way I did? My body convulsed as if out of a fear—out of panic. Usually, I’m fine around him- with the exception of last night.
“N-no.” my mouth barely outlined.
“I really think I should go.” Lowlii cautiously advised. “ I’ve overstayed my welcome anyway.”
I shook my head, hoping that it would express my eagerness for him to stay. “Tell me more.”
He tilted his head to the side with patient eyes, “about what?”
“A-about everything. This—what you are. Tell me the truth about everything.”
I watched Lowlii blink twice; once in astonishment, second with alertness. “It’s complicated. I just can’t explain it all in one night.”
“So, don’t,” I protested in a clearer voice then before. “We have time.”
After filtering my words, he turned his head away and stared into the darkness of the room. He seemed to hesitate, fighting himself on whether or not to speak the words that wanted to flow freely.
“If we have time,” Lowlii blinked slowly, “then, what’s the rush?”
My eyes tried to follow the outline of his flawless face. Maybe he didn’t want me to know. That was so typical Jackie; stomping on everything good in her life. I let my voice grow soft, “I understand if you don’t want to tell me.”
Lowlii inhaled slowly then turned his silver eyes back to me. His voice toned down to a firm whisper, his eyes more sincere then I’ve seen them before. “Believe me, I want to tell you. I’m just not sure if you want to know the truth about everything.”
I blinked back, “well why not?”
Lowlii closed his eyes and titled his head down. “Believe me, being a werewolf isn’t just about turning into one. There—there are rules.”
My eyes opened wider, “so tell me, already. What’s your favorite rule? Do you get to miss more schooldays because of it?”
Lowlii let a laugh slip, which seemed out of place in comparison to the low stern voice that he had spoken in prior to that. “In time, I will.” He maneuvered his body away from mine, letting his footsteps tiptoe quietly to the shirt he had threw off. “But for now, I think I should get downstairs. My dad is probably waiting for me to finish up here and its already late. I promise I’ll answer all your questions tomorrow.”
I glowered, “when?”
Lowlii permitted one glance back before exiting my bedroom. “Whenever.”

My eyes traced the invisible steps he took to the door. Something told me that this wasn’t going to be easy. That there was—rather, is going to be something that would ruin this midnight fairytale. Ruin it with pleasant ease; twisting it with cynical fingers, mocking with innocent laughs.
“Are you going to be okay today?” My dad glanced back to the living room couch, tugging on the collar of his business shirt. I leaned back onto the couch, my body still entangled with the blanket I had grabbed last night.
“Yes. I will be fine.” I urged, noticing that his pants were neatly ironed. “Now, go meet your girlfriend.”
He grunted, “She isn’t my girlfriend.”
I grunted back, “So there is a she.”
“Please don’t make a big deal out of it. I’ve just been trying to find some new friends and she happened to be there.”
My eyebrows arched down adoringly. “I’m sorry. I promise I wont make fun of this situation anymore. In fact I hope you have a great time and,” I perked up, “Can you bring back some cola. We ran out last night at the barbeque.”
My dad laughed back, “You have the attention span of a goldfish.”
I smirked back, “at least its not shorter then the attention span of a worm.”
He laughed once more, making his way out the door.
The quiet house around me suddenly grew silent. I sighed, curling back into the blanket that entangled my body. For some reason, I wanted to be alone. I wanted to sort my thoughts, whether they are big or small.
“He was just being nice.” A warm voice reached my ears. At that moment, my heart jolted. Lowlii walked calmly out of the darkness of the hall and sat on the chair adjacent to the couch.
A sense of disappointment filled my body. I guess, in a way, after last night, I was expecting something more. Maybe a hug? A peck on the cheek?
Not even a cuddle?
Lowlii crossed his legs underneath himself and faced me with patient blue eyes. I tried not to look into them for too long, in fear that desire would eat at my body.
“What do you want to know?” the skin of his flawless face stretched it over the corners of his mouth.
I looked down. There were so many questions I wanted to ask. So many in fact, that my mouth remained motionless.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned in a humored tone. “You were bubbling with curiosity last night.”
I played with my fingers, “I do have questions.”
I could hear the smirk stretch cynically. “I do too.”
My eyebrow rose, “I asked first.”
“So, go ahead.” He retorted.
“When you turn into a werewolf, does it hurt?”
He lulled over my words, “not as much as it used to. I’ve been morphing for so long that it’s second nature.”
“How long have you been morphing?”
He smirked, “that’s not what you really want to know.”
I looked down, why did he know me so well? It was like our minds were working at the same pace.
“What color is your fur?”
Lowlii rolled his eyes, “gray and white. More gray, usually.”
I nodded along, “why do your eyes change silver?”
He leaned back impatiently, “come on. A kindergartner would ask better questions.”
I scoffed, “you didn’t tell me the rules to this game.”
“Does there really have to be any?” his eyebrows arched up in confusion. “Now, make this fun or I’m going to walk away.”
I glowered, “fine. What else changes? Other then your skin and eyes.”
He bit his lip slightly, “there we go. Now we’re getting to the good stuff.”
My head jutted back down when the question my mouth mumbled seemed to go unanswered.
“Next.” He demanded.
“How big do you get?”
His cynical smile seemed to materialize once more. “Big enough to terrorize a small village.”
“What do you eat?”
His eyes seemed to outline the edges of my face, watching my reaction slowly. “ The usual, bunnies, ducks, squirrels, birds—and if we’re hungry enough, girls like you.”
The air in the house stood still as I glared back to him, making sure not to move my face in terror and fright.
“Any more questions?”
“Why do your eyes turn silver?” I asked once again, unable to let my brain function.
“So we could lure girls in, then kill them.”
I closed my eyes, disregarding his overly outrageous answer. “What else changes?”
He leaned forward, keeping stern eye contact. “Our hearts.. It turns into stone, as if it was never there.”
This wasn’t Lowlii. He was the kind of person that made you feel special, made you feel happy enough to treasure life. Not live it in fear.
“What’s your problem?”
Lowlii raised his hand mockingly to his lips and rubbed slightly, “nope. You’ve exceeded your question limit. Now it’s my turn.”
I raised my eyebrows, “why do you want to know about me? I’m just a normal girl.”
He answered back quickly, “ Why do you want to know about me? I’m just a normal werewolf.”
My fist clenched as he smiled into my eyes innocently. “Answer me this: What’s your favorite color?”
“You didn’t say Simon says—besides, you promised that you’d answer all of my questions. This isn’t supposed to be about me,” my mouth finally protested.
Lowlii shrugged, “it’s the only way I get to know if you’re sane or not.”
I glowered angrily, “well, what would you rather me do? Scream bloody murder like the horror films?”
Lowlii smirked, “In a sense.”
I threw myself up dramatically. “Well, I’m sorry that I accept people for who they really are! Even if they ended up being a ‘what’.” I pointed angrily to him, “and what you are is a useless blob of carbon dioxide. A heaping matter of wasted magic! Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go stuff my face!”
I trudged through the kitchen in a huff as he followed after me happily. “Finally! You freak out!”
Opening the refrigerator door I looked for something that was high in sugar, something that would pull me through the agony of this conversation.
He hopped onto the counter childishly and watched my spastic action. “What are you looking for? The cola’s all gone, remember?”
I squinted my eyes shut and groaned inwardly; we never ran out of soda, there were always one or two cans my dad hid around the house. I darted to Lowlii, urging my eyes to see past his good looks, I lowered myself down to the cabinet beneath him. As my hands rifled through the cleaning supplies, he kicked his legs from side to side childishly humming a tune. “You’ll never find it.”!
After my eyes failed to see the shiny red blocks of fizzy heaven, I sniveled. “Where did you put the soda?”
Lowlii answered back in a flattered tone, “ why do people always look at me when something goes missing?” he titled his head to the side and stared out to the kitchen ceiling, continuing his oh-so-sympathetic monologue. “Well, I guess Kindle has an obligation to. But still, I bet I’m just as innocent as Coco…maybe Quinn?”
Putting my hands on my hips, I stared up at him sternly. “Tell me where you put my cola.”
He stared back down to me patiently, “answer my questions and I’ll give you a can.”
My lips creased into a thin, tense line. “You never answered any of mine.”
“Ah.” He corrected. Putting his index finger up into the air, he swung off the counter and sauntered to the junk food cabinet. Grabbing a bag of chips he finished his sentence. “I answered all your questions. Just not truthfully.”
“Where did you put my cola?” I crossed my arms, watching him with skeptical eyes.
He munched on the chips slowly, “see, I knew you wouldn’t answer any of my questions so I hid a six pack somewhere around the house. You answer some of my questions and I’ll answer some of yours.”
I shook my head in disbelief, “you’re turning this into a game?”
Lowlii smiled happily, “ it’s my turn. So, what’s your favorite color?”
I looked down to the ground, “this is going to be a long week.”

“Chocolate ice cream!” I screamed down to Lowlii as he held the ladder I was on firmly. I clipped the second side of the, “we now have a new rent policy. Can’t afford to buy books? Why not rent?!” sign onto the top of the bookstore’s door securely.
“Be careful not to cover the bookstore name.” Lowlii advised. I bobbed my head to the side mockingly.
“Just make sure I don’t fall.”
“Can’t believe you actually think I would let you fall.” He rolled his eyes letting the less dominate hand off the latter to his forehead. Even when he was sweating, he was still gorgeous.
For the last couple of days the sun blessed Port Angeles with its warm rays. Which also didn’t allow my nerves to frazzle down, seeing as how Lowlii used the warm temperature as an excuse to go shirtless.
“Are you done yet!” he tapped his feet on the ground intolerantly.
I pulled on the cuffs of my denim shorts, hoping that it would allow me to move more comfortably. “Jeez. I really don’t know why you girls where those things. They just make guys stare at you more.” Lowlii retorted, looking up to my face. I glowered, insisting on the fact that I had been wearing the same denim shorts for the last week. He was just too clueless to pay attention.
After the first two days of being pestered endlessly by Lowlii’s unpredictable mind, I realized that he was going to be around a lot more often then before. After a couple of questions he seemed to know me pretty well and I feared that he would begin to grow bored. My mind cringed at the idea, so I decided to focus on the things I could change.
“Higher!” Lowlii yelled from below.
I titled my head down, keeping time with his blue yes. “Is that a demand?”
After realizing his words, he smiled cunningly at the chance of disobedience. As daring as it was, it was a smile I had been longing for.
After agreeing to play his game of 21 questions, he would sit across the room from the couch and stare with thoughtful eyes. As he muttered the questions his mind wanted to ask, he blinked alertly, keeping stern eye contact. At first, I found the game exciting. Entertaining, even. As the days went on his thoughtful glare become blank, without feeling. As if he didn’t comprehend any of my words.
“Okay, now it’s my turn.” I protested, still eying the sign as I lowered my voice enough only for him to hear. “What causes you to change?”
“Anything, really.” He swallowed, allowing his eyes to gaze away into the calm street. “Rage, fear, anger… desire.”
I tried not to lose balance. Clearing my throat, I nodded along. “Oh yeah? Desire? How so?”
He chuckled, “Nope. Now it’s my turn.” Lowlii let his mind wander, bubbling a question to his irresistible lips. “What’s your favorite genre? Ya know, in literature?”
I shrugged, “fantasy. It used to be non-fiction, though.”
He nodded along with a light smile, “ decided to ditch science for fireballs and dragon scales.”
I laughed, “Yup.” I extended my arm out for support. Instead of intertwining his fingers to mine, he let his hands run to my hips. Picking me up gently, he let me down to the ground as if I was a feather. I tried to fight the urge to sigh contently. This was the most contact I managed to attain from him since the questions started.
Out of respect for my father, Lowlii decided to stop sneaking into my bedroom late at night. I didn’t mind respect. I didn’t mind that he wanted space. What I did mind was the seven a.m. visits. Every time he would knock on my window, I would smile happily. One would think of what we’ve been through, we would be close. Close enough to sit on the same couch, or bed. But that wasn’t the case. He seemed to distance himself away from me with every question he asked. Making less eye contact, making fewer jokes. The warm smile seemed to missing from his wonderful face, which shocked me from time to time. He was a person you would expect to be happy, a smile plastered onto his face as if it had been there since birth. My mind twisted his actions, telling me that he was just playing with my feelings. Stringing me along till the rope decided to snap. Restlessly asleep in my bed, with my body craving his touch, a plan started to begin.
I made a deal with myself. A deal to insure that I wasn’t the only person that felt the way I did. That somewhere, deep down in his warm soul, he felt the same way towards me. Before I allowed my feelings to grow, or erupt anymore then in the spastic motion that they had, I would look for signs, little clues that would speak his feelings without the requirement of his lips uttering the words. However, every time he would be in the same room as me, my mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that he was still there, watching me. Besides the night of his return, we hadn’t come within three centimeters of each other. One would even argue that he was getting closer to my dad instead of me.
Lowlii, after convincing our tech teacher to let us become partners for the semester project, he decided to use that as an excuse. An excuse to be around even when my father was in the house. That way, we wouldn’t have to lie, yet still didn’t have to reveal the truth. My dad had found out about this and grew angry; recalling the night we snuck off, and the night at the movie theatre. I insisted that my dad spend a very short hour with Lowlii.
“I just don’t think he’s a safe person, Jackie. He’s not right for you.” My dad urged.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m not trying to find a soul mate dad. Just talk to him. Maybe you’ll find that he’s not that different from Bird. He is your best friend’s son anyway.”
“Okay, Jackie. You’re my daughter and if it’s that important to you, I’ll try.”
The night Lowlii had come over was the night I figured I could really test out his feelings for me. I noted to dress appropriately; an outfit that would appeal to Lowlii, but still be innocent enough for my dad to remain clueless. Coming down the stairs I anticipated to be thrown into the middle of an argument between my dad and Lowlii. Hearing touchdown cheers and the sound of male bonding, I stared in bewilderment. my eyes blankly moving from Lowlii, to my dad, and to Lowlii once more.
“Don’t just stand there.” My dad said over his shoulder carelessly. “Go get us some chips and salsa.”
I looked down to my feet in worry.
Lowlii noticed and glanced to me, “Don’t worry. We’ll get a chance to hang out too, upstairs in your bedroom.”
Upon hearing his words, my dad darted his stinging glare from the T.V to Lowlii.
Lowlii stuttered then thought quickly on his feet. “Well, to finish the project, of course.”
My dad turned back to the T.V, after finding satisfaction in his words. Lowlii snuck a glance back to me. I bit my lip as I felt his eyes run up my body to my eyes. The warmth grew so rapidly that I had to break eye contact with him and cower to my room.
“What did you and my dad talk about the ‘first’ night you were over?” I questioned as my mind slowly moved back into the present.
His eyebrows rose in shock, “ that’s the first question you’ve asked that didn’t include the ‘other side’ of me.”
I smiled lightly, “what else is there you want me to know? I think I could spot you pretty well. Even with my eyes closed.”
Lowlii chuckled back, “I know. But there is still stuff we haven’t talked about. Something deeper then just me being a werewolf.”
My mouth remained motionless. What could he possibly want to tell me? I was sure I knew many things about him. What happened when he changed, when his first time was. He even made it clear to me on why he existed. “Werewolves are protectors of nature. Although humans know many things, they still need us around. We create balance. The bridge between humans and animals.”
“Well, then what else do you think I need to know?” I smirked back, bobbing my head to the side childishly. “Do you throw fireballs?”
He laughed warmly, “No, it’s actually something I’ve been fighting myself on. Yet, every time I see you I can’t help but wonder…”
I bit my lip, trying not to let the eagerness take over. “Yes?”
“Pizza!” my dad yelled happily from inside the store. He peeped his head between the space of the framework and the door. “Are you guys hungry yet, or should I wait another 30 minutes?”
Both Lowlii and I lifted a hand to our stomachs, “kinda…”
My dad laughed at our unison. “ If you guys are up for it, how about a move?”
Movie? A movie! Sitting in a darkly lit room with Lowlii would make the temptation unbearable.
Lowlii saw the dazed look on my face and insisted an alternate. “How about we rent a movie instead. I know this great DVD place a couple of blocks down.”
My dad’s eyes lit up, “I know what movie you guys should go pick up.”
I cringed, silently wishing that he would stop talking. My father was always a big fan of sappy love stories. So sappy that watching one would send me on a downward spiral of uncertainty and depression. “The Notebook. You guys go pick it up while I order the pizza. Were you planning on doing anything else today, Lowlii?”
My dad never called Lowlii, Lowlii. If anything it was always, Cole, or Lowell. Sometimes, on special days it was, my best friend’s offspring.
Lowlii nodded his head, “that sounds great.”
My dad smiled back, “cool, and don’t worry about getting home. You could even sleepover.”
Did my dad just invite Lowlii to a slumber party in which it was required to watch an everlasting fairytale of true love with Lowlii?
Lowlii smiled politely. “Sure thing.”
My mouth wanted to drop to the ground. Their relationship had grown so rapidly that it made me question what was happening whenever I wasn’t in the room. My dad always seemed to throw a false smile after re-entering the room after leaving Lowlii in his presence.
Reaching for his phone, my dad went back into the bookstore. Lowlii turned his attention back to me, mistaking my worried gaze for disapproval.
“What? You don’t like The Notebook?”
My mind slowly churned, trying desperately to think of an excuse that would allow me to break out of this ordeal.
“Are we really going to do this?”
“Come on,” he arched his eyebrows down, bobbing his head to the side. “Hanging out with your pops isn’t going to be that bad.”
I shook my head; “last time I watched a movie with him I ended up crying.”
“Really?” Lowlii titled his head forward, “why?”
My mouth stopped, the heat slowly rushing to my face. I wasn’t going to tell Lowlii how much my life revolved around him. That would give him power to tease me for the rest of my life.
“Lets just go get the movie.” I demanded sternly, hoping that it would distract him from our conversation.
He crossed his arms over his chest, “you didn’t answer my question.”
I stared back with no intention of speaking.
“You know what that means, don’t you?” he hummed.
I stepped back nervously, “you wouldn’t dare.”
Lowlii played with his fingers, intertwining them as a piano player would. “Don’t dare me, Jackie.
I stepped back once more, which was a brainless attempt because he had taken two steps forward, eliminating the distance between us.
This action was out of the ordinary, considering the last couple of days. My mind was wrapped around the fact that he still needed time; he needed to make sure I was okay with what was going on. Judging by the way he acted the night I had finally told him, I wasn’t so sure that there were any other girls he trusted with his secret.
Instead of extending his fingers out to my stomach, he wrapped them around the small of my back. I swayed to the side, trying to keep my nerves from erupting. The warmth felt so intense I knew I had to be sweating bullets. Smelling the sweet vanilla of his body, I exhaled sharply.
What was he doing? This could send my dad into a spiraling tornado of rage. We wouldn’t be allowed to see each other for the next two months.
“Lowlii,” I said, airy like. “We shouldn’t.”
Breathing in deeply, he slowly closed his eyes. Regardless of what my mouth spoke, he let his hands raise, pulling me closer. With a racing heartbeat, I waited for the next step. He lowered his forehead to mine, letting his warm breath graze over my lips once more. The lava running through my veins boiled ravenously. The toes of my feet extended themselves, raising my body up so my lips would be closer to his. Instead of pushing me away, or warning me, he stood completely still. We both panted, breathing in the air we so closely shared. I tilted my head up further. Suddenly, his arms wrapped around me fully. Tightly squeezing, he lifted me up off the ground in a passionate hug.
My face stayed buried in Lowlii’s strong chest as I heard footsteps come out of the bookstore door. I knew it wasn’t a costumer, Bird didn’t come to work until seven, and so the only option left was my dad.
“Are you teens ready to get this party started?”

The room slowly started to darken as my dad flipped the living room lights off. After the pizza was attacked my dad had the idea of turning the living room into a mini-movie theatre. He spread himself on the couch as Lowlii and I laid, a safe distance away from each other, on the blanket my dad had pulled out for us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad staring intently at Lowlii. So intently; in fact, that his eyes were coated with a feeling of dominance, a feeling of self-fulfillment. Like the devilish smirk of an elementary school bully. Why had my dad and Lowlii gotten along so well? It seemed as if, in a matter of seconds a contract of respect had been made between them. The question was, who was being affected more by the scam in that contract?
Lowlii passed the popcorn bowl over to my dad. In return, my dad lowered his hand, grabbed a big scoop and grunted. After hearing the grunt, Lowlii lowered the bowl and focused his eyes to the T.V.
It became clear to me.
My dad was the bully, while Lowlii was the bullied. My dad was the contract writer; Lowlii was the unsuspecting signer.
I rested my head on one of my hands and stared blankly at the T.V as the opening credits began to dance around the screen.
Why are you watching the TV while Lowlii is sitting right next to you? Do you have any idea how much of an idiotic wuss you’re being! The intriguing voice hissed at me.
Just be calm, you can’t do anything while your father’s here anyway. The angelic voice chimed back.

My eyes slowly opened, gradually taking in the purple coloring of the walls. I had realized why I finally fell asleep so fast, so calmly. Lowlii unconsciously shifted his body closer to mine, breathing rhythmically. Through the cracked door I could hear my dad’s snores emerge from his bedroom, accompanied by the low grumbling of the T.V. downstairs.
My eyes turned to Lowlii, he was, once again, shirtless. The scent of vanilla coming off of him was stronger which only meant that he had already changed for the night.
I shifted my body slowly in hopes of not waking him up. My eyes longed for his returning warm stare as I looked into his flawless face. Even when Lowlii was sleeping, I wanted to know what was going on in his mind. As his body lay there, breathing slowly, unaware of the world around him it suddenly made him more human than I ever would be. My fingers twitched with intentions of touching his skin, yet something stopped me.
I was confident that he wouldn’t approve of the action, due to his behavior the last couple of days. But the same question had been running through my mind endlessly.
My daring hand rose itself up, grazing the hills of his muscular arm.
It had been so long since I was in them. It had been so long since his protecting arms held me. My eyes ran back to his face. Maybe there was a reason on why everyone had told us to stay away from each other. Maybe, and as much as it pained me admit, they were right. Somehow, Alec was just trying to protect me, instead of brainwashing my mind. I cringed at the thought of Lowlii being out of my life.
Shifting his body once more, Lowlii faintly moaned as if he was in the middle of a deep dream. I inched closer, leaving him no choice but to wrap his arms around my frail body. Being against his bare chest only made me want to hug him more. I buried my face in, breathing his scent consciously.
Just kiss him. Get it over with! The intriguing voice hissed.
I closed my eyes and puckered my lips, setting them onto his skin. Lowlii’s body alertly regained consciousness.
“I fall asleep for two minutes and you’re already making a move?”
I smiled happily, “I just wanted to thank you for tucking me in.”
He nodded his head sleepily, “you’re welcome.”
My hand resumed its job caressing his arm gently. “What were you dreaming about?”
At first, I thought his lips would remain motionless. His body continued the same rhythmic pattern, breathing effortlessly.
“Just stuff.”
I bit my lip, “What kinda-stuff?”
He hummed a chuckle, “seems like we’re starting this game early today. I think you should go to sleep.”
I groaned, “I think you should tell me about your dream.”
Lowlii’s body stayed still.
“I need answers.” I groaned in response to the silence.
“Okay, fine.” He breathed in sharply, “ you know the dog in that song?”
I blinked back in confusion.
“His name is Bingo.”
I whined, but instead of lying helplessly in his arms I forced myself on top of him, holding his hands back to the mattress. After feeling my action, his eyes darted open. Letting the warmth in my stomach burn vividly, I stared back into his silver eyes.
“Tell me.”
He raised a brow, breathing heavily. “You should sleep.”
I scrunched my face, “I’ll sleep when you tell me.”
Lowlii didn’t let a word slip through his lips, but instead kept his eyes in full lock with mine. Although he said nothing, I could hear his voice clearly.
“You should sleep, you’re tired. You don’t know what’s going on and you need time for things to set in. now, close your eyes before I close them for you.”
“You will tell me.” I urged.
He smirked, “we’ll see about that.”
A gust of wind blew past me as Lowlii disappeared from underneath. I looked around the room and saw him standing on a chair, tipping it far enough that it only touched the ground with one leg.
I glowered, “ am I supposed to chase you? Is this just a game?”
He let his silver gaze meet my eyes, catching a spark in the process. I darted my body forward towards the chair. Within a blink, he was on my bed, humming childishly.
“You gotta move faster then that if you want to catch me.”
I started to run back to the bed and missed his body, crashing onto the ground while the open window let the cool morning breeze in.
He stood near it, swaying back and forth, “you’ll never catch me.”
I darted my body back up one more time and lost balance, falling through the air. I screamed, as my feet couldn’t find the ground. My arms swung, grasping for something—for anything that would save me. My eyes shut as I caught a glimpse of the pavement below. I wished I was back in my room, I wished I was still asleep, that this was also another dream. As I felt my body stop, I prepared myself for the pain, the anguish.
“Are you okay?” I felt cold arms set me down on the ground steadily. I whipped my head up, still panting from my screams.
Alec allowed his golden brown eyes to stare patiently, “Do I need to call an ambulance?”
“Jackie!” Lowlii called, running down the stairs, he swung the door open. “I’m so sorry Jackie. One minute you were there, the next minute you were gone. I was halfway across the room before I realized you fell out of the window.”
My mouth remained motionless. I shook my head in confusion. I must’ve died; my body was lying lifeless on the pavement, my soul long gone. Lowlii’s warm voice called out to me once again.
No, this couldn’t be death. Death wouldn’t be so confusing, wouldn’t feel so real.
Alec knelt onto the ground next to me, “Are you okay?” he repeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
YOU: (gasps) can't believe Lowlii didn't catch her!!! What a jerkface!!!!
ME: (Sighs) it's just a story.......

lol...please comment.....i added more stuff to it.