Half Bitten


I dragged Nathan to his car and convinced him to drive me home, still arguing that what we witnessed was inhumane. It wasn’t fair to have a person you loved be whisked away by someone else.
“Well,” Nathan laughed to himself. “We’re not all human, now are we?”
I glowered as the car pulled into my backyard, “you’re right. Some of you are pigs.”
He laughed harder, “and some of you are cows!”
I rolled my calm hand into a fist with intentions of hitting him in the gut but I feared that he would tell Kindle.
“Good bye Nathan.” I pushed the car door open and shifted myself out.
“Wait!” he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled, “I need to know if you’re coming tomorrow.”
My mouth pursed into a fine line as I came to the conclusion that tomorrow was going to be my last chance. My last chance to shake Amber out of her false eternal happiness and make her face reality.
“Fine. I’m coming.”
Nathan smiled lightly, letting go of my wrist. “Good. Don’t forget the Mountain Dew you owe me.”
I scoffed, pulling myself into the back entrance of the house. My dad sat at the kitchen table as his chair was turned towards the door.
“Where have you been?” my dad sat up with a stern eye directed towards me.
“I went to the mall.”
He failed to find the truth in my statement. “Have you stayed out all night?”
I shook my head, speaking honestly. “No. Amber picked me up around 3. We met Nathan and Chase at the mall. She left with Chase and Nathan drove me home.”
He threw his hands up in the air dramatically, “oh! So now it’s Nathan! What ever happened to Lowlii!?”
I glared at him in confusion, “he—he’s just around.”
My dad scoffed impatiently, “just how many guys are you going to see until this rebellion state subsides?”
I ripped off my jacket and threw it to the ground. “Dad! I was in my bedroom all night!”
He shook his head, “go to your room. You’re grounded.”
My eyebrows bent down in anger. “What are you talking about, dad? I’m telling the truth.”
“You heard me.” he stood up sternly, “go to your room. There’s no way you’re going to that bonfire tomorrow.”
I stomped up the stairs, “whatever episode you’re having, dad—it’s going to have to stop! I’m the teenager here, not you!”
“Just for that, little missy, you can’t see Lowlii for the rest of winter break!” he added onto the unfair punishment.
I crashed down onto my bed, trying to muffle my frustrated screams. What was happening to Port Angeles? Werewolves parade around town, carelessly imprinting on each other as if it was their last day alive, while vampires pestered me in the middle of my Algebra class.
Whatever happened to being normal? Whatever happened to the days where life was just a pain in the crapper, instead of the neck and the heart?
“Don’t even bother coming down the stairs for something to eat!” my dad moronically yelled. “You can’t see the fridge either!”
I groaned in irritation. If he was fixed on the fact that I stayed out all night, then that’s exactly what I was going to do.

My dad’s droning snore trailed up the kitchen stairway. Slowly, I landed my feet on each step with a pause.
Nothing but snoring.
I took the last step down onto the kitchen floor. It was the night of the bonfire and I needed to hurry. I needed to shake Amber out of whatever state she was in. I traced the kitchen wooded floor panels with my eyes, mentally noting which ones squeaked.
“No—no,” my dad muttered sleepily. “Stop it. Honey! There’s a monkey that wants to eat my sandwich. Kassie!”
I wanted to stop and hear the rest of his blabber but something told me to run to the door as if the chance I had was fleeting away from me rapidly.

The truck revved noisily as I swerved into a parking spot by the beach. I could hear the chatter and happy tones twist around in the air while glow of the fire bounced off the dark sky above. I trudged through the cold sand.
“Only the whites would be stupid enough to throw a bonfire at the beach in the dead of winter.” I remarked bitterly to myself.
As the playful sound of overlapping conversations grew louder, I inhaled slowly. I was going to march to Amber and tell her that she shouldn’t make any rash decision without talking to Steph first. She owed her that much anyway. I took a few more steps, eliminating the distance between the lively group people and I.
There was happiness everywhere.
Laughter erupted from several groups that had formed around the fire. Boys and girls, of both teenage years and childhood years, intertwined paths, glancing to each other with happy smiles.
I could see Nathan run around with Quinn and Coco, intriguing them with the chance of an entertaining game. Kindle sat herself on a log, talking with other girls who seemed to share the same skin tone. She moderately looked to Nathan and remarked on how much she loved him. My eyes strained to find Amber and Chase, but their absence was overwhelming. Steph had been wedged between two teenage boys. From the look on her face, I could tell she wanted to give them a fistful each.
“Hello, Shotgun.” Unwelcomed arms wrapped themselves around me as unfamiliar lips kissed my cheek. “What’d you think ‘bout your new in-laws?” the foreign voice questioned in a humored tone.
“Stop it!” a feminine voice, sharing the same accent, urged. “Get away from ‘er. It hasn’t happened yet!”
The arms around me soon let go.
“Hi!” the female voice grew closer. The body belonging to the voice danced wistfully towards me. “I’m Jessica. You must be Jackie.”
I stuttered back, unwilling to take my eyes off of the girl that had just introduced herself. Jessica was about 3 inches taller then me, with legs that went on for miles. Her long black hair swayed with the wind as she let her blue eyes glance happily towards me. Her skin was completely flawless, except for the perfect freckles that seemed to dot her cheeks gently.
“The guy that just madeout with your cheek?” She jutted her jaw to the figure behind me. “His name’s Slane, and he’s also my twin brother.” She spoke so eloquently; it made me want to cry.
It was clear on why Lowlii wanted to spend the rest of his life with her instead of me.
“Sorry ‘bout that.” Slane smiled nervously, “just thought I’d get the chance before Lowlii whisked you away.”
“To do what?” I asked.
Before Slane could answer, Jessica linked her arm around mine and started to drag me. Skipping merrily she let the smile on her face grow.
“The blonde right there,” she pointed to the boy as he scooted himself to Steph. “His name’s Zander.”
Within a second his head popped up, “Hey Shotgun!” His blue eyes and British accent matched Jessica’s perfectly.
“And you see the other Blonde?” she didn’t bother to see my head nod. “His name’s Stallon. They’re also related to me. But I’m older, of course.”
I laughed nervously; looking at all the extra people she hadn’t introduced me to. Within seconds, she took me around to meet everyone. Conner was the 15 year old with green eyes and a shy smile, while his brother, Abel, had brown eyes and a witty smile. They both were related to Carlie, Kindle’s best friend of five years. Down the Family tree, Carlie had imprinted on James. From what I could tell, James was the life of the party. He cracked jokes as Billie, Randy, Lennie, and Victoria listened along. Victoria was his younger sister who had brought along her best friends Sallea and Alexandra.
“Lily,” Jessica pointed to a little girl with blond pigtails. She sat in the sand, carving drawings in with her small finger, while Coco seemed to watch along. “Is my niece. She’s only five but way beyond her years.”
I nodded along, “I haven’t met so many people since my dad’s barbeque party.”
Jessica laughed in response, “Your dad always loves to grill.”
“Why don’t we just kiss?” Zander asked Steph hopefully.
She glowered, pulling her headphones out of her ears. “Because, I’m with Chase.”
“Come on, Stephie!” Zander whined, “You know I’m the one you love!” although he was an inch taller, she was stronger. With one quick push, he fell off the log and onto the sand.
“That’s how we do it in America.” Steph remarked as she smirked childishly.
“Hey!” Nathan called out with a smile. “You made it!”
I nodded and waved back, “thanks for inviting me!”
Jessica sighed, “Well, I guess you know everyone. I have to go save Zander before Steph bites him.”
James threw his hands in the air, “We need music! Where’s Lowlii?”
Nathan laughed as he took a seat next to Kindle. “He’s coming soon. He just left to get the Stereo out of Kindle’s pickup!”
I inhaled sharply, “I guess that’s my cue to go.”
“Don’t go!” Quinn yelled back to me. From the corner of my eye I saw him skip away, from a male teenager wearing red, with a white rose.
“Lowlii said to give you this!”
Before I could step back, Quinn’s hand caught mine and set the rose down in between my fingers.
Coco, who had placed himself behind me, pushed forward. “Come on!” he said in a hurried tone. “We don’ got all night!” before I could protest, I was wedged in between Nathan and Kindle on the log.
I glared at Coco, “how are you so strong?”
Kindle laughed, “werewolf, remember?”
Steph trailed through the sand and took a spot next to Nathan. “Leave me alone, Zander!”
Crashing down next to her, Zander didn’t let a second go to waste. “Oh come on, Love! You know you want me!”
James, walking away from the group that was listening to his joking banter, let his hand reach out for Carlie. “May I have this dance?”
After hearing his voice, she looked up happily. “How can I ever say no to you?”
A familiar melodic tune played through the speakers of the stereo as the crowd around us started to quiet down.
Nathan teased James. “You’re such a hopeless romantic, James!”
“Actually,” Kindle sighed hopelessly, “dancing under the stars seems pretty romantic to me.”
Within a second, Nathan stood on his feet reaching for her hand. “That was exactly what I was thinking, Kindle.”
She laughed as he picked her up, walking her a couple of yards away from the crowd.
Zander let his blue eyes stare intently at Steph. After feeling his glare she sulked down in passive anger. “If I say yes, will you leave me alone for the rest of the night?”
Zander disregarded her question as he let his arms curl around her body and lift, so she had no chance to run away.
Looking back to the rest of the group I had to groan inwardly. Couples dancing happily under the moonlight scattered around the bonfire area. I squinted my eyes, fighting the image of Lowlii’s warm smile. My nose fought off the scent of vanilla, as it grew stronger.
“Do you like the rose?” a warm voice whispered in my ear.
I knew more then to jump up in fright or even gasp in happiness. “Go away, Lowlii.”
He chuckled to himself lightly as he shifted his body half an inch closer.
In response to his action, I shifted an inch away.
Lowlii bobbed his head to the side, letting his eyes gaze to the stars. “You know, you’re a pretty stubborn person.”
I bit my lip, fighting off angry words.
The warm laugh he had let out once more made my angry feelings grow soft. “I’ll take that as an okay. So, how was your ‘date’ with Alec?”
I dug my feet into the sand underneath me, “fine. It was awesome.”
Lowlii smiled once again, scooting his body closer.
I glowered, “I’m going to go take a walk.” I darted my body up, stumbling three steps forward.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Lowlii advised calmly, “Jackie Auburne Brown.”
Just the way he said my name made the warmth in my stomach explode in ravenous bursts. Regardless of his words I took a few more steps forward, distancing myself away from everyone else.
“Stop moving.” Lowlii demanded in a humored tone as he quickly shortened the space between us.
I started to pick up my feet more rapidly.
“Stop playing with my heart!” I yelled, turning my body towards his voice. After finding nothing but the cold air rushing past me I tried not to let the disappointment take over my body. Although I told him to stay away, my mind counted on the fact that he wasn’t going to do so. That he was going to chase me until I fell back into his arms.
“You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” his voice questioned happily. I turned with intentions of staring into his lovely blue eyes but fell into the action of collapsing against his body. The warmth was so comforting compared to the cold air that surrounded us in the night.
“So, how do you like the new shirt?” he smirked, letting his arms wrap around me once more.
I opened my eyes slightly, seeing the red that engulfed him. “It’s your favorite color, right?”
I bit my lip trying to remember the time I had told him about my favorite color then realized that there was no time. I told Nathan that type of information.
Dangling my gaze to his, I glowered. “You sent Nathan to drive me to school two days ago so he could squeeze information out of me!”
Lowlii’s warm expression dropped. “Well—what was I supposed to do? Every time I asked you a question you’d lie so you could get a chance to ask me one.”
I huffed throwing the rose, Quinn had handed to me, to Lowlii’s face. He flinched his head, allowing me a chance to duck beneath his arms and run a few dozen steps away.
“Jackie! Would you just listen to me?” he pleaded, maneuvering his body around mine. I stopped short and took a few steps left, hoping that it would confuse him.
“You’re really ruining the moment, here!” he mentioned.
I scoffed, throwing my hands up in the air. “Oh my god! Another thing that’s my fault! Well, I’m sorry I have such bad timing!”
He let his eyebrows arch down with concern as he groaned outwardly. “I didn’t mean it that way!”
I shook my head, flailing a couple of steps forward. “Just leave me alone. You’ve caused me too much pain anyway!”
Warm hands reached my hips within a matter of seconds, “I didn’t mean to cause you any of that. I just needed to know if you were ready. I needed to be sure.”
I tried to wiggle out of his grip. “About what? About my love for you? Is it not enough that every time I see you my heart stops? Is it not enough that my eyes are blind before seeing yours!”
I elbowed him in the gut. He caved in automatically as his fingers grew limp.
“Go away, Lowlii!”
He grabbed onto my hips again and picked me up. I kicked my legs in the air making him lose balance. We both fell to the sand, wrestling.
“Why won’t you leave me alone!” I yelled, flailing my hands towards his face, as he rolled on top of me.
Trying to catch my hands delicately, he growled out of frustration. “I will if you really want me to. Say you don’t love me and I’ll be out of your life.”
I bit my lip as the tears in my eyes started to roll down. “How could you ask such a thing?” My arms finally admitted defeat as they were pinned against the sand.
“Say you don’t love me, and I’ll go.” Lowlii let his eyes stare with concern. The silence between us made me want to scream. There was no way I could live without him. As much as I wanted to try, there would always be something that pulled me back to Lowlii.
I breathed in once more, smelling his scent. It was one that I would grow to miss if he had left. It was one I knew I would crave, even if our lives hadn’t intertwined. In his arms was the only place I felt happy, the only place I felt as if I belonged. When Lowlii wasn’t around, my body couldn’t bear to function. It was as if I had lost a leg and forced to hop on one foot unsteadily. I knew that at any moment I could fall. Fall so fast that my body wouldn’t dare to struggle, feeling confident in the fact that he would catch me.
“I’m still mad.” My mouth whispered sheepishly.
Lowlii’s warm smile spread across his face once more as he lowered his head down. Digging his nose into my hair he sniffed heartily.
I let the side of my face touch the sand as my bitter voice went on. “You are so lucky I shower daily!”
“Don’t worry.” He chuckled quietly. “I’m sure you’ll like the next part.”
There was a next? Oh! Was there no end to this agonizing torture? Wasn’t it enough that my heart had been racing 100 miles per hour!
Lowlii puckered his lips and exhaled slowly. As his warm breath glided over my lips I turned my hands into fists, trying to resist the urge to move my head. Every time I thought the moment had come, he would run away.
“Look at me Jackie.” He hummed softly.
My head remained motionless.
“Look at me,” he stated again, moving his lips closer to my ear.
“Humph!” I grumbled in disagreement.
Slowly, he let one hand shift under my body as the other glided my fingers to the back of his neck. I closed my eyes as my lungs started to convulse. He exhaled once more, sending a shiver down my spine. My body was powerless against him.
This is just another dream. I reminded myself. This is just another game he wanted to play.
Turning over on his side, he pulled me on top. Raising half his body, he lowered me down onto his lap. Breathing heavily, Lowlii let his forehead touch mine. My toes curled as I tried to hold my breath. My body was completely free of his clutch yet I was still pinned. Before I could remember how to breathe, he tilted his head, permitting our noses to graze each other. I groaned, waiting for the torture to cease. His warm breath grew extremely hot against my lips. I closed my eyes anticipating disappointment. Anticipating the pain. Slowly, his puckered lips touched my cheek, and lowered themselves down. As he got to the corner of my mouth, his pace slowed.
The tears gushed down like streaming rivers after a hurricane. Although my body was aching, I didn’t want it to end.
He kissed at the same spot once more. I moaned with burning desire, begging him to stop. He chuckled once again, allowing onto his warm lips onto mine. At first, my body concentrated on stopping the tears that flowed excessively. After feeling no action from my lips he pressed with more compassion. Allowing his mouth to crush around mine with pure innocence. My body regained partial consciousness as I puckered my lips to match his. Lowlii let his warm arms wrap around me with happiness as he finished the kiss.
“Happy Birthday.” He whispered breathlessly.
I shook my head in confusion. “What—er—who—”
He rested his warm palm onto my cheek. “You know, for a girl you’re pretty clueless.”
I chuckled happily, “you know, for a werewolf you’re pretty hairless.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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tell me if ya like the ending =]